Melissa Anderson: I pledge to lead by example, committing to be kind to my female friends, embrace our differences, avoid gossip (middle aged women gossip also) and criticism. Thank you for creating this and empowering girls so that they can grow to be kind, assertive, and strong women. - Green Bay
Chloe: I pledge to be a girl's girl and support those around me in every way I can. - Spanaway
Kayla: I pledge to treat each person I meet with kindness. - Tacoma
Madison Kriegel: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Cashmere
Jaelynn : By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Yakima
Sarah S: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Seattle
Litzy Carrillo: I pledge to be kind, sharing my kindness with my future students and uniting my community. I will stand up for others and be the voice they don't have. I pledge to help unite girls to become strong and independent women. - Yakima
Roseli Santos: I pledge to always try and make any women I come across feel good about themselves and never let them or myself talk down on themselves or any other girl. - Moxee
Rosey S: I've been affected by girl against girl crime mostly in highs cool and middle school unfortunately. It's the worst feeling and that trauma of being made fun of or someone embarrassing you is terrifying. -
Sara Rodriguez: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I also pledge to instill these ideas in my future classroom. - Selah
Taylor Hitchcock: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying and am making the commitment to be truthful and respect the pledges intended purpose. - yakima
jessica: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end bullying. To stop people from spreading rumors and gossip. - tacoma
Alexis Doan : I, Alexis Doan, pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying by making a commitment to be truthful and to respect others always the way I want to be treated - Puyallup
By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Lakewood
emma mcdaniel : kindness should be the first thing u should be talking about with ur friends. -
emma mcdaniel: i think all of us should have some type of truth not only it’s good but also it’s also very helpful for our communities. -
emma mcdaniel : my story is that all of us should be nice to each other i know it’s not easy but all we have to do is try. -
Spades: I pledge to be kind towards other women no matter what.
And help out others in need if they need it. - Sunland
Liz Storm: I pledge to spread kindness, to unite, and to stop female bullying. - Ellensburg
Jessica: I pledge to always be kind, help others in need, and treat everyone equally. - Ellensburg
Kayla Maison: I pledge to spread kindness in my community and always believe in the good of people. No one should ever be left out, so a simple invite is all it takes to change someone's life! - Yakima
Taylor Files: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Ellensburg
Daniela Milanes: I pledge to stand up for bullying and advocate for those who have been bullied. I am pledging to show and promote kindness as well as informing students of what bullying is, the resources available as well as how important it is for them to speak up. I pledge my students voices heard. - Yakima
Gabriela Rodríguez : I pledge to to always spread positivity, show kindness and respect towards anyone. - Wenatchee
Liz Storm: I pledge to unite, be kind and put an end to female bullying and make girls feel safe. - Ellensburg
liz: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Port Hadlock
Grace Leatham: I pledge to unite with other girls in promoting kindness and ending female bullying. - Black Diamond
Abby: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - wenatchee
Emma Bremerman: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Komal Ghumman: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Auburn
Madison Rodriguez: By taking the kind pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Julianna: I pledge to be kind to others even in times of disagreement. - Ellensburg
Noel Trujillo-Garcia: By taking the Kind Pledge, I, Noel, pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying.
- Auburn
Lexy: I pledge to always be kind and uplifting to others no matter what. - auburn
Jeyda Thomson: I pledge to always be kind, and to spread kindness where and when I can. - Ellensburg
jillian: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - ellensburg
Emily: I pledge to be kind to others, and as a teacher, encourage others to be kind even when it may be difficult. - Ellensburg
Emily Williams : I pledge to commit to being truthful and respect the be kind commitment purposes, and to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Julianna Cordi: I am pledging to be kind and do my part in preventing bullying. - Ellensburg
gabby: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - ellensburg
Yasleni: I pledge to promote kindness everywhere I go and help our world become a better place by making an effort to end female bullying. - Wenatchee
Morgan: I pledge to be more forgiving and kind to those who have hurt me and treat them how I would want to be. - Ellensburg
kassjaggard: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - ellensburg
Kiley Hanson : I want to live in a world where people are kind to each other, and I know that if I want to help spread the joy of kindness and God's love I need to start by being kind first. I pledge to always try my best to be kind in every situation and circumstance. - Buckley
PaigeThompson: I pledge that if I see something I will say something. I will create a safe and welcoming environment for all. I commit to being respectful and kind to all. I will make my best effort to put an end to not only female bullying but all bullying. - Benton City
PaigeThompson: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Benton City
April Dawn Sago: I have never apologized to myself for not always loving myself the way I deserve. Growing up I was bullied and allowed my classmates and others to determine my value and self worth I cried alot and was sad and miserable. Once I grew up I realized those opinions if me we not relevant to my life ot who I am. I am beautiful, smart. Kind, successful and have so much purpose and noone else has ever or will ever be able to place the value of my life. I determine my worth. I truly wish all the victims of bullying could see into the future for just a moment during a moment of weakness so that they could see I really mean it. All you can do is wake up and be the best version of yourself you can be and promise to be better the next day always learning, listening and growing as long as you wake up doing your best its all you can really do. Focus on being young because being an adult is so very hard and exhausting. Youll see the world is a much carefree place when you learn to look at the cup half full instead of half empty. Remember girls other peoples opinions of you are not your business. The judgement of others is a reflection of that person it is not a reflection of you. Hold those pretty heads up high and be confident. Straighten your crown and show the world how a queens do. Never allow anyone to dulk your shine baby girls. I apologize for allowing it myself alot of the time. No more of that. I PROMISE TO
Always be patient and kind.
I owe myself mire understanding as well I deserve to be selfish at times that is ok. Noone is perfect how boring would perfect be. - Myself and any girl questioning her self worth and value who may be suffering in some way. Sending lots of hugs. Love and support. From Nevada
Andrea: Dear Maya,
I'm so sorry for being mean to you and I apologize for any boundaries I have crossed with our friendship. I'm also sorry for mocking you because it's actually really rude. - Maya
Daniel: I pledge to be kind in the future and promise to be kind to others. - santa ana
Julia: I pledge to not ignore people if I'm mad at them. - Santa Ana
Myah C: I pledge to try and be kind to others by not talking about others and not laughing if people do something they think is embarrassing. I don't want to talk about others anymore because it doesn't do me any good - Santa Ana
micaela: I never going to be mean to some one ever again -
maya: Andrea, im sorry for being mean to you - andrea
Lisa: I pledge to be nicer to by doing favors that I owe. - Santa ana
Bella Sorenson: I pledge to try my best to spread kindness and not leave others out. I will do this by thinking of others and thinking about their emotions. - Santa Ana
Daniela Pivaral : I pledge to stop engaging in gossip by not talking about others behind their backs. - Santa Ana
Izzie Guillen: I pledge to always remember to include everyone. - Santa Ana
sophia beas: I pledge to react understandingly under circumstances that may need more communication. - santa ana
Cali : I Pledge to be nicer to people and my family because I need to learn to be a better person. - Santa Ana
Isabella: I pledge to be nice by thinking of others emotions and feelings before I do something I could regret. - Santa Ana
Andrea Gonzalez: I want to stop gossiping about others because no matter how much I do it, it won't make my life any better. - Santa Ana
maya: I want to stop gossiping and be kinder to Andrea - santa ana
Flor Garcia: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying.
Kind Commitment: By participating within this forum, I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect its intended purposes. - Othello
Ashlynn : I pledge to unite kindness. - Ellensburg
Kelsey : I pledge to always be kind all people even at times when they are rude. That is when they probably need it the most - Ellensburg
Lily Potter: I've gone through many situations where I have been hurt or backstabbed by different girls. Knowing the amount of trust issues I have with friendships shows so much about girl-against-girl crime. I pledge to not ever put girls into upsetting situations and to make sure I help however I can. -
Jessica O: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Ashley: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. To be there to support women and bring them up, not drag them down. - Seattle
Ashley: I think the hardest truth is that everybody has fallen on both sides. And the thing is, most of the time we don't mean to, or we don't realize it because it has become almost second nature. We know that it doesn't feel good to be on the receiving side, so why do we still do it? No girl can easily say they have never been the inflicting side either. It has happened. -
Camille Rost: I pledge as a teacher, to never let any of my female students be rude to each other or not include someone. I have experienced that many times and I do not want any of my students to go through the same thing that I experienced in elementary school. We need more kindness in this world. - Ellensburg
Camille: To my best friend,
I am sorry for all the times I have screwed up. I never had any best friends until I met you. You changed my life for the better. While I may still screw up and be a pain, I know you have and will always care about me. You will continue to show me what a best friend is. I am sorry for all the times I have annoyed you and not been there for you. I am excited to see where our friendship takes us. I am forever thankful for thankful for you. Thank you for letting me apologize for all the stupid shit I have done
Camille - Jocelyn
Camille Rost: I have been personally affected by "mean girls" that would not include me in activities or their friend because I was not good enough for them. I was always considered the teachers pet. I have always tried to see the good in people and I never had any friends until I moved to the biggest school in the state I live in. It was not until then I found my best friend and it has been some of the most rewarding 3 years of my life. -
Aria : I pledge to spread kindness through my daily actions. I will strive to understand, support, and uplift others. Through empathy and compassion, I commit to creating a positive impact on the world. - Poulsbo
Aria: I pledge to spread kindness in my daily actions. I will strive to understand, support, and uplift others through empathy and compassion. I commit to creating a positive impact on the world. Together, both inside and outside of my classroom, I want to build a community where kindness is the language we all speak. - Poulsbo
Alyssa LaCoursiere: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Rebecca Smith: I have always been a "heavy" girl. It is something that has followed me around like the plague, being labeled as the "fat" girl at school, through my young adulthood, and even now. In elementary school, a group of girls always followed me around, making oinking noises behind me everywhere I went. I was 8 years old! But the one thing that makes me look back and put all that out of my mind is now knowing I am very happy with the person I am now! I have done so much with my life and continue to adventure on... always and forever! I know those girls back then may have been "mean" girls but I also think about the troubles that they may have had and forgive them. I wouldn't change anything in my life at this point for it may have impacted the "amazing", "gorgeous", girl that I am today. -
Danielle : I pledge to advocate for anyone being gossiped about behind their back. No one deserves to be hated on in secret. Nor do they deserve to have someone recruiting others to join in on hate. - DMV
Dimi Terry: I have unfortunately been affected by girl on girl crime since childhood throughout adulthood. As, I raise my 17 year old daughter to always be kind, yet speak up for herself, keep her hands clean and a pure heart, I follow the same guidelines. I have learned that no matter how kind I am, how many times I turn the other cheek, I am still met with jealousy, accusatory remarks, women conspiring against me, prying into my personal business, googling me, trying to find my address, trying to make me quit my job, texting in group chats behind my back, mocking me, holding me back from promotion at work. I've experienced this more in life since adulthood. I am a woman that believes in God, however it has shaken my faith. The amount of hate I've experienced has been beyond hurtful. I hope being able to take the focus from my pain and encourage others to build them up. -
Sara Carter: I honestly feel constantly attacked by other women. Growing up, I was the weird, ugly kid. Puberty hit, and then my life kind of flipped upside down. I remember how mean girls were to me, but once i grew into my features, those same girls wanted to be my “friend.” I would prefer them to just be mean versus playing diabolical mind games. I have never understood the saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I’m still trying to comprehend why women do this. If someone makes me uncomfortable, I don’t like them, just don’t vibe; I stay away from that person. I have had many girlfriends that have bamboozled me because i thought we had a genuine friendship. At the end, find out they hated me the entire time. It’s saddening, heartbreaking honestly. I don’t know why girls are so mean. -
Sruthika : I'm sorry Oscar I shared our secret. I know I was wrong to do that. I know I told you sorry and you forgave me but I still need you to know how sorry I am. I'm thankful we are friends. I'm sorry. - Oscar
Ann Lea: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Melissa Espinoza: I pledge to keep the Kind Campaign moving forward in my personal life and try to start Kind Club(s) and just maybe become an Ambassador one day! - Moxee
Melissa Espinoza: I pledge to continue expressing kindness to everyone and keep teaching my daughters about kindness and emphasize how important it is to be kind. I will also continue to make sure the importance of friendship and what that should look like and kindness with other girls specifically. - Moxee
Riley Johnson: I pledge to find a way to spread kindness every day in every way to anyone I can. I pledge to encourage people to do the same and act with kindness every day. - Cashmere
Sophia : I pledge to be kind to all and to encourage kindness in the classroom. I pledge that I will make my influence on others is one of kindness. - Breithaupt
Braelyn Carter: I pledge to spread about female bullying by taking a stand to stop it. I will start a kindness group with my students to promote kindness with female bullying and come up with different ways to stop it in schools such as creating notes, friendship bracelets, and stickers to pass around to everyone! - Selah
Hannah: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying.
Kind Commitment: By participating within this forum, I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect its intended purposes. - Ellensburg
Hannah: I, Hannah pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying.
Kind Commitment: By participating within this forum, I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect its intended purposes. - Ellensburg
Cindy: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to spread the world that us female should listen to our co female if they our going thru difficulties without judging them but just listen. - TACOMA
CAM: My apology is to the two girls over 40 years ago that I fought with and harmed in fights. I also bullied a family of people along with some kids who I ran with. I did make amends to all of them but I still am very sorry for the things I've done. My life is blessed and I vow to come against all bullying and violence girl against girl in life. - Anonymous girls
CAM: I was not only bullied for years in school, I too 'beat up' two girls. I want to sincerely apologize to those 2 girls that I brought harm and suffering to in life. I would honestly never do that again. I was subject to peer pressure but it's no excuse!! I hurt you and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I pray for you both and hope you have beautiful, loving, safe homes with lots of love and happy times nowadays. This was over 40 yrs ago. But, to me it's like yesterday, the guilt and embarrassment I feel for being a person who would bring harm to someone. -
Susan Murphy: I pledge to end all bullying and unite in acts of kindness. - Chatham
Susan Murphy: It's not just girls against girls. My son was bullied on Facebook by his HS peers, then he was targeted in the gaming community as he had a lot of tokens and valuable avatars. People are cruel, especially when they use social media platforms, AI and other IT tools to hide behind and attack others. When he went to college he had a great group of friends and roommates; however, now that school is over and when COVID hit, it made it difficult to fins, make and keep friends. He is 25 now, and tries to make friends thru work; however, I believe because he is shy and because of ht past bullying experience, it is hard for him to out himself out there. Bullying should not be tolerated by anyone. Everyone needs a little kindness at any age- boy, girl, man or woman. I try to spread kindness. -
Cassie: I pledge to make sure that I empower the females in my classroom to help build each other up and spread kindness. - Wenatchee
Diana: I pledge to model and promote kindness within the classroom and outside the classroom. In class, I will promote kindness by verbally thanking and pointing students out for being kind to others. I will model kindness by being kind to my students, their families, my colleauges, and others. Every morning that students walk into the classroom, I will have us gather and say something kind about someone else in the class. - Tacoma
Hector Solorio: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Wenatchee
Aaliyah : I pledge to be kind even when someone is not kind to me. - Yakima
Tiffany F. : I pledge to be kind to everyone around me, especially my fellow ladies. We need to lift each other up inside of pick each other apart. I pledge to reflect on my past choices in order to make kinder choices in life and to teach kindness to my students in my future classroom. - Spanaway
Monica Meza: I pledge to spread and promote kindness to all those around me, especially females. We live in a world that has so much hatred and a sprinkle of kindness can make a great impact. Treat people with kindness! - Royal City, Wa
Maggie Morales: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - puyallup
Meridith: I pledge to always make an effort to be kind. I will never be a bully to females, or anyone for that matter. - Dupont
Meridith: I grew up in a small town where you had to have the right clothes and last name to be considered part of a group. My family did not have a lot of money and we were a blended family. My high school years were agonizing because the constant rumors, bullying, and physical threats weighed me down. I finally got tired of it and physically defended myself and I ended up getting suspended. I felt like everyone, including the adults in the school were entirely against me. Thankfully, I graduated and have not been hardened by this experience allowing me to stay kind in the best way I know how. I want to be a positive light for people, and I can do that by always remembering to start with kindness. -
Julie Vela : I am making a commitment to unite in kindness by signing this forum and respecting its intended purposes. I pledge to be kind to everyone I come across and appreciate their individuality. I pledge to stand up for those who are being bullied. I pledge to always take pride in being a kind human being. - Ephrata
Julie Vela : I am making a commitment to unite in kindness by signing this forum and respecting its intended purposes. - Ephrata
Skyler: I pledge to be kind to all my classmates and professors because I respect them! - Ewing
Skyler: I kindly apologize to my sister for comparing us to one another in a bad way - Summer
Skyler: I had a bullying story in the freshman and first semester of sophomore year of college.
Frankly, I had never experienced this in my years before college. Bullying is just an all-encompassing word for the suffering you've endured and healed from (from a girl who's a peer.)
Although Kind Magazine seems good, I think it order to not get consumed by the girl against girl "crime", I will just do the truth, pledge and apology.
My mom who has always been my protector protected me always. My friends from home, and other girls from college supported me and one of them became my best friend (at school) to this day
I was in a lot of turmoil that consumed me day by day. But I'm happy to say the healing effects of many different supports have helped me be happy and calm on the daily.
A couple days after what had been said I felt it. The haunting.
There were a couple players in the story.
But the basic gist is that I was in a slew of drama for a room change made from my room, for a posting on the internet I had made when it was ill-judgement but just me not thinking before I posted, falsely accused of verbally harassing someone through a door when that just wasn't the whole truth to the story, and a text exchange that started my room change.
Since this is the truth, the truth is you can't made someone respect you, you can simply love yourself and know that the damage is done and over and we got to have the best summer ever when you're young
The damage no longer controls my life and I'm ready for next adventure of junior year (but first soak up the sun in California and Hawaii!)
Jeab: I used to want to apologize for the many mistakes I made to my mother. I want my mother to forgive me. -
Mel: There was a girl in my high school who was Indian and probably due to her diet (plus teenage hormones) smelled quite intensely. Some of my friends used to make fun of her and say mean things, and even know I knew it was unkind and had been bullied myself in 3rd-5th grade, I was afraid of being cast out so I joined in. I'm truly sorry I did this, because she did nothing to deserve it. Today R. is now a kick ass woman working in Psychiatry and while we have a friendly relationship, I'm sure her time in school was really tough and I wish I would have gotten to know her better back then. -
Susan Martin : I was extremely bullied in high school back in the mid 80’s. It altered my life dramatically. It caused an enormous amount of suffering. My life would have turned out completely different if I had of not gone through what I did .
I am opened to discussing this further. I am opened to telling my story to others to help. I never have really talked about it. And those that I did tell couldn’t understand and still don’t . I’ve dealt with this alone . -
Seana: I was bullied like crazy in middle school. In hallways, chased into bathrooms, even on the school bus. I just never understood why girls, especially popular or pretty girls had to be so mean. Thank god it stopped before high school. -
Mary Lavin: In Grade 7, I was bullied (including physical violence) by 2 of my female good friends, one of whom was the daughter of friends of my parents. I told my mother after weeks of bullying, and she contacted her friend, who was the mother of one of my tormentors. The bullying immediately stopped. When I asked the girl why she had treated me this way, she did not want to talk about it and said only that it was a mistake. She would say nothing more. I never had closure on this event in my life, and it troubled me for some time afterwards. I have since been bullied by other females as adults, including neighbours, including right now, and I can say that I have learned that for females, the reasons have always been a combination of jealousy different moral values. Our world societies need much more formal education in basic moral truths and instructions in proper behaviour toward others. Not all parents provide good examples or proper training for their children. This needs to be done through schools and community centres. -
Terri Styer : Every girl needs to hear this, age is not a factor.
I dealt with it and I have a daughter and grd-daughter's. -
Sam: I apologize for being mean or rude to anyone ive hurt. I wish i never had even if i dont relize it. I have hurt my friends bu dont know how. If i do know or dont I want them o know hat im sorry and love hem so much. - everyone
Michy: I pledge to be a kind and respectful person to those who surround me and share the love of God with them. - Yakima
Michy: I apologize to to all the people that I have hurt with my words and hope to see them smile one day and become friends again. - To (the persons name)
Michy: I was once bullied in Middle School but I was able to forgive my bullies because I used to be a bully myself and I feel bad for that. -
Kaytlyn Sommers: by taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Yakima
Chris: I pledge to be honest, respectful, and kind in my words and actions. As a human being, I pledge to think before I act or speak. I pledge to reflect and listen, whether I believe that was my intention or not because someone's story, someone's thoughts, someone's feelings may interpret something that I do or say in a way that I did not intend and I have no right to devalue that, so I pledge to listen. - Yakima
Chris: I pledge, as a human being and future teacher to be honest, respectful, and kind in my words and actions. I pledge to think before I say or do something. I pledge to reflect as a human being and stand up against the face of hate to spread more positivity in a cruel world without knowing the full story. - Yakima
Shardae Vasquez-Frueh: I pledge to stand up to the bullying of any kind between women and girls. - yakima
Michelle B: I pledge to not only be kind to myself but as well as others. I plan to be respectful towards everyone and everything. Treating others how I would love to be treated. - Yakima
Jennifer : I pledge to be kind and show love to everyone around me, regardless of their differences. - Tacoma
Phillip An: I pledge to bring awareness to this topic and promote kindness every day - Tacoma, WA
Chloe Monita: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Puyallup
Cammi: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Centralia
Cassidy McCloud: I pledge to unite in kindness by being truthful and respectful to stop female bullying. - Tacoma
Cassidy Jensen: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Puyallup
Janelle McCormick: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I strongly believe in treating others the way you want to be treated and apply that to my everyday interactions. Kindness is key! - Tacoma
Judith Ambriz: I am making a commitment to be truthful and to be respectful to others. -
Jennifer : I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Yakima,Wa
Katelin: I pledge to be kind to everyone and to remind others that you can ALWAYS be kind. - Selah
Hanae Ben Aissa: I pledge to be supportive to any woman and to remind her that she is worth it. - Tacoma
Hanae Ben Aissa: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to always defend anyone that is in a weak situation or suffering from exploitation. - Tacoma
Elizabeth: I pledge to untie in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - tacoma
Alisha : I pledge to be kind to my fellow beautiful women and support one another. I will stand up against bullies and I will spread love not hate. - Bradenton
B: I’ve been bullied since middle school through high school and it was honestly really traumatizing and affected me emotionally to the point where I felt really stressed and was anxious due to being bullied. I was bullied a lot by a girl and it got to the point where I was scared of even going to classes in hs and at the time it didn’t help when I had all of my classes with the bully. And the staff seemed like they didn’t care or they probably just didn’t use the right tactics at the time to handle the bullying situation in a way where the victim of the bullying (me) would feel safer. I remember feeling anxious, sad and just scared to go to school in hs because of the bully and it was just so messed up and emotionally draining at times. But throughout that time and despite feeling scared , sad and anxious sometimes I also just kept reminding myself that everything is a phase and nothing lasts forever so I think that just reminding myself about that is what pushed me to get through hs. So I share my story of bullying to remind others that although it may seem hard at times , to just keep pushing forward and that you are NOT alone. -
Kel: I am sorry for calling you a whore. - Rebecca
Kel: When I was 21, someone online called me a pedophile just because I collect dolls and watch cartoons meant for younger people. Since I have Aspergers, I find comfort in these things, and it was really rude of her to spread those horrible lies about me. It’s been 4 years and I’m still traumatized. -
Maizie Doenges: When I was in second grade i was confidante with myself and my body . But once and awhile i would get called fat. Sometimes i would get called a fat hippo and it really hurt.Now since that happens to me i am not confident and say that to myself and it hurts and i have tried talking about it with consulerer and i feel the same. It hurts to know that people judge you by how you look and they dont relize they hurt people not phisicaly but mentlly. -
Madison Peck: I pledge to be kind to all women, girls, and people of all kind. I vow to never leave anyone helpless, or scared. I will always help them up, and not push them down. I pledge to never leave a hurting soul left to die. - Simi Valley
Polly: I pledge to be kind to everyone I encounter, and to remind people that kindness goes a long way. - San Luis Obispo
Kai: I want to apologize to all those I have hurt. Be it intentionally or unintentionally, I want you to know that I am sorry, - Those I have hurt
Makaila: I Pledge to try my best to not get Mad at my siblings. - Phelan
Sopheia: My pledge is to try to be nice to my siblings. - Phelan
Elizabeth Stait-Gardner: I pledge not to be a jerk - Phelan
Vanessa freyre: I promise never to bully anyone and to always be kind. -
Archer: I pledge to never invalidate or disrespect anyone's beliefs, pronouns, gender identity, or sexuality. - Phelan
Blaize: I promise to foster kindness and compassion in my girl scout troop. - Pinon HIlls
Cara Moore: I pledge to pass on kindness, to help stop the negativity between women and to help put an end to female bullying. - Vancouver
Cara Moore: I pledge to treat people with kindness, to not spread negativity about other women and help put an end to female bullying. - Vancouver
Korteney: I pledge to be kind to anyone and everyone in all circumstances. I will choose not to provoke or encourage negativity but instead meet it with the kindness I have inside me. I will live by the golden rule and treat people the way I want to be treated. - Ellensburg
Jamie Connally: I pledge to find kindness anywhere I go and with anybody I meet. Kindness matters!! - Ellensburg
Paige Folkers: I pledge to unite in this kindness that must end female bullying. We are one and we need to support and uplift each others feelings, goals, and accomplishments . - Ellensburg
Paige Folkers: I need to begin to see myself as an individual and not as someone who is defined by how I feel other girls see me. I will be kind, and gracious, and live without fear in my own skin. -
Mikayla: I am sorry for all of the girls that I have hurt, inadvertently and purposefully. We've all done it. And I want to apologize for it. No one ever really deserves to be called out, to have their reputation destroyed, or to loose trust. These things have all happened to me. And I hope that if I have done it to another girl, she will forgive me. - To (the persons name)
Mikayla Black: In moving all across the country with my family I have met thousands of girls, been friends with many of them, and been hurt by many of them. In more than once case, the girls were so mean to me I decided to pull out of school and do homeschooling. The first time this happened was in kindergarten. This battle between trying to stand up for myself and trying to stay in school and get a good education is something that started at the very beginning and has continued all the way up into my college career, with girls at my university bullying me and spreading gossip about me behind my back. -
Liliana Geier: I pledge to try to include those who are left out, refuse to bully others. I refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being bullied. I will tell an adult or at least stand up to the bully for that person. I will help those who are being bullied. - Mandeville
Li: I pledge to be a friend to all women. To be kind and supportive in my words and actions. -
annalise: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - frostproof
Savannh: I pledge to be friendly to others and to show girls all around the world that they matter and to not listen to other people. - Brock
Ky : I pledge to be nicer to others on social media and to be a friend to everyone! - Salt Lake City
Brittney : Love others and be kind -
Meagan: I pledge to be kind to everyone I meet even if they are not that nice to others. - McHenry
Kelsey S: Be kind to everybody around me no matter what age, gender, or skin color. I pledge to not bully. - Chicago
Brooklyn: Be kind to everyone because I love them. - Johnsburg
Sophie: I kindly pledge to help women out when they are feeling down and I pledge to stand up to bullies who are ruining a woman's day. - Johnsburg
Devynn M: I kindly pledge to be kind to all people and stick up for everyone. I pledge to stop bullying. - Johnsburg
Lexie D: I kindly pledge to always include others and be kind to people who need it. I promise to never bully again - Johnsburg
Julia: I pledge to end female bullying!! - Minneapolis
Mimi Oh: I pledge to help change the world and to put an end to bullying. - Sacramento
Penelope: I pledge to help anybody that I see is being bullied or ignored in any way. I pledge to always be an Upstander and never leave anyone alone. Finally, I pledge to be kind to everyone no matter their race, gender, nationality, etc. - Dix Hills
Desire H.: I pledge to stand against bullying and hate and make a difference - Tucson
Deborah Willette: I always stand against bullying, - Greencastle
Cristal Lupercio: I pledge to be kind to everyone. - Wapato
Elizabeth K: I Elizabeth K, pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Puyallup
Jessica Munguia : Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. I pledge to be supportive and helpful to those around me. I pledge to be respectful to everyone I come across and make a difference wherever I can; to always be kind. - Toppenish, WA
Justine: I pledge to always do my best to treat others kindly because I know that at the very least I have my kindness. I also pledge to encourage other people, girls specifically, to act with kindness as well. - Franklin
Maria: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I can't just stand around and watch females be mean to each other, I take the Kind Pledge. - Sunnyside
Dominique Villela: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Rock Island
Hailey Doherty: I pledge to try my best everyday to promote and exemplify kindness. I will reflect often to learn from my missteps and lead other women to the pledge of kindness. I pledge to accept others as whole people, to forgive and show empathy, in all situations. - Wenatchee
Erin Del Arca: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Puyallup
Sovyda: I pledge to make a difference and be kind to everyone around me. I will spread positivity. - Tacoma
Michela: I pledge to keep kindness in mind all the time. Especially when it comes to my students. I will try my best to create a classroom environment that promotes thoughtfulness and acceptance. I want my students to feel welcome and know that in my classroom, everyone is kind to one another. - Tacoma
Emily Cybulski: I pledge to be kind to all females. After all, you don't know what someone else could be going through, sometimes all they need is respect and a friend. - Lakewood
Alexis: I pledge to start up for being unkind to others and be careful of my word choice. - Walla Walla
Leslie Fernandez: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Yakima
Andrew : I pledge to teach my daughters the importance of being kind to everyone and to know the impact of their words. I pledge to be a good example to them of compassion and love that they can follow in their lives. - Parkland
Kristi Lloyd: I pledge to be kind. I will refrain from gossip and bullying. I pledge to spread kindness. - WA
JKL: I take the Kind Pledge by pledging to choose kindness. I will refrain from bullying and gossip while spreading the idea to just be kind. - WA
Gianna : I pledge to be kind, understanding and uplifting to other females. As well as pass this message on to the next generation. - yelm
Maria Jacobus: I pledge to never speak ill about another and to spread kindness with my words and actions. - East Wenatchee
Jazmiri Sanchez: I pledge to do everything that is in my hands to educate and help those around me when it comes to kindness and acceptance within my community. By doing so, I will be taking action to decrease the amount of bullying that is being seen in the community. - Chelan WA
Amanda Stoothoff: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unit in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. Kindness matters. - Yakima
Claira : I pledge to help put a stop to female bullying - Tacoma
Beth Glover: I promise to always be kind, be empathic, be caring, and be supportive of everyone at all times. - Selah
LUISA : I pledge to choose kindness over judgement. I will do my best to stand against bullying. I will look for the best of others regardless the situation. - Wenatchee
Katelyn Holden: I pledge to refrain from bullying, gossiping, & being unkind to people in any way. I pledge to treat others how God would want me to treat them & be an example of His word. - Athol
P: I want to apologize for making you feel like you do not belong in our school community. You make our school a stronger, happier place and I never wanted to hurt you. What was written on the note I gave you was disgusting, I do not believe what the note said and I can't imagine how those disturbing words made you feel. You have always been such an amazing friend to me and I hate that I treated you this way. Words cannot explain the regret and remorse I feel about this whole situation. I am so sorry, and I know sorry will never be enough for what I did. I wish I could change things to how they used to be but I want you to know that I love you and you mean so much to me. - A
Jonah: Hi Abby,
I want to sincerely and deeply apologize for continuing to remind you about the UMBC - Virginia game from last year's March Madness. I want you to know that I lashed out because of the pain I feel due to the decline of UCLA's basketball performance in the last two years. I'm suffering, and I should not take that out on you. I promise to be more considerate in the future.
Jonah - Abby
Skylar Morgan Jones: I pledge to never bully ANYONE. I pledge to treat people with kindness, never discriminate, bully, exclude, EVER.
-Skylar Morgan Jones, age 11. - Dacula
Heid: I pledge to choose kindness and patience towards others and to teach my girls to respond the same way! - AShville
Patrick: I pledge to never be a bystander to bullying and to spread kindness in all of my classrooms. - Burien
Hunter Thomas: I pledge to be more assertive to the females around me. The ones who tear myself and other women down based on their intellect, appearance, or behavior. We are all insecure in our own ways, so do not make the crime worse because you never know what someone is going through. I vow to have a voice. - Ellensburg
Grace Stiles: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I also pledge to instill the importance of kindness in my future students. - Ellensburg
Cassidi: I pledge to stop analyzing every woman that I meet in hopes to make myself feel better. We can all be beautiful, smart, and courageous and not discredit one another in the process. Another woman's success is not my failure. - Ellensburg
Honest: I apologise if I ever hurt anyone in any type of way. Also I apologise if i come off as a rude or as a mean person.? - Anyone in general
halli silberman : My pledge is to be kind to others and try and say nice things to others. - New York
Avery : My pledge is to say mostly kind things about other people - New York
Anna Friedman: I, Anna Friedman, pledge to be kind, to not make people feel bad, to not write mean things to other girls. When I get mad, I will stop and think about what I'm doing before I act. - Wilmette
Anna: I am sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry if I made you feel sad. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. - Audrey
clare: i pledge to teach my daughters to be kinder than necessary. - templeton
Johnsburg Elementary School: I kindly pledge to try my best to help everyone who is being bullied or is ignored. If I see someone who is alone, I will include them. I will be the bigger person, in all situations. I will always treat others with respect. I will help others who are struggling or are mad. I will stand up for those that don't have many friends. - Johnsburg
Leigha M: I kindly pledge to defend all who are being bullied no matter what position, friend or of. - Johnsburg
Lauren M: I kindly pledge to try my best! To be kind to the rest! Be kind by including others and making differences! Do anything to make someone smile. - Johnsburg
Carlie M: I kindly pledge to try not to bully people, not talk about people, and be kind. I will try to talk to new people - Johnsburg, IL
Desire H. : I apologize to my sister Danny. I should of been stronger and braver to fight alongside you. You shouldn't of had to go through it alone. And to Cherish, the sweet girl I met in grade school, I should of never cowered away. I should of stuck up for you and been a true friend. - Danny, Cherish
Phoebe : I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Philadelphia
I pledge to assume the best of everyone’s intentions, and to change the subject if someone Im with starts to talk bad about someone.
- Peagram
April Lawson: I pledge to help others when I see bullying and to use my words wisely remembering everyone has feelings. I pledge to be humble, be kind, never tell a lie and never break a promise. - Colquitt
chloe: stand up to bullying. - uk
Chloe : my pledge is to stand up to bullying - UK
manta: i pledge to stop bullying
- westbromwich
Rhian: to be kind to other people and be kind myself... - Walsall
Jessica Sherratt: I pledge to help people through bullying and to make everyone aware of the affects it has on other people and to stop bullying. - Birmingham
Vicki: to help people to be kind and to be kind myself - Lichfield
Dee : I pledge to stand up against bullying of any kind and I pledge to teach my kids to be kind to everyone! - Middletown
Elizabeth: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - WRENTHAM
Thamara: By taking the Kind Pledge I ,Thamara Almanzar, pledge to always choose kind. I promise to help end all kinds of bullying no matter who its happening too. It doesn't only happen to girls, it also happens to boys. Bullying needs to end. It takes too many lives each year. I promise to lend a shoulder to cry on to who needs it. I promise to spread positivity everywhere I go. - Edinburg
Macy: I pledge to be kind, helpful and listen to what others are saying. - River Falls
Terri : I pledge that I will not bully anyone, ending the cycle of bullying. - Fort Worth
Ally Cicitta : I pledge to join the efforts in ending girl-on-girl bullying & ALL other forms of bullying. I pledge to be kind to all & look for the good in everyone. I pledge to never judge & become completely understanding. I pledge to show nothing but love & lend a shoulder & a hug to anyone in my path that may need one.? - EXTON
Marcella Valencia: I pledge to be encouraging, supportive, respectful, honest, a friend and unite in kindness. - Selah
David Bluher: I pledge as a future teacher to always promote kindness in my classroom and to take the time to talk to students about being kind to each other. - Ellensburg
Allyson: I pledge to always unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying. I will work to uphold this in my all of my future classrooms. - Selah
Tanner K : I pledge that I will be kind to all people no matter their background or ethnicity. I believe this because as a future educator it is important to understand the experience students will face being in a school. My role is to support, protect and educate students on their actions and words towards other students whether it is face to face or on the internet. I plan to be a positive example of this to all students. - Yakima
Jenna : I pledge to always speak the truth, promote generosity, and show compassion always. - Prosser
Jessica Willard: By taking the kind pledge, I, Jessica Willard, pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Ellensburg
Amanda : I pledge to create a safe and positive environment for my students and athletes, and always show them how to respect and be kind to one another. I pledge to be and example and an advocate for all females in my community. - Royal City
Kylee : I pledge to be kind to everyone that I meet, for I do not know their story. - Yakima
Caroline: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I pledge to promote this movement and kindness in my future classrooms and around my school. - Puyallup
Madeline Wallace: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I pledge to bring others up instead of bringing them down, I pledge to stand up for myself and others, I pledge to be there for others, but most of all I pledge to find kindness in every single day. - Ellensburg, WA
Tiffany Nelson: I pledge to be kind no matter the circumstances. I pledge to teach my future students the value and power behind being kind to others. - Mukilteo
Meredith Lanthorn: I pledge to unite against all bullying! - Ellensburg
Traisa: I pledge to practice kindness and teach kindness wherever I go, and I pledge to stand up for others when kindness is not being seen to them or if they are in need. I pledge to be truthful, caring, and always make someone feel as though someone cares for them more than they can imagine. - Washington
Maggie: I pledge to never make someone feel as though they are worthless or not deserving of love. I pledge to treat all people the way in which I want to be treated. I pledge to be kind to everyone who comes into my life, no matter what. - Fircrest
Mariah : I pledge to always be kind to people. Also, instill in my future students to be kind to all no matter who they are. - Arlington
Traisa: I pledge to be apart of the movement to end girl-on-girl bullying, and pledge to teach others actions of kindness and agape - Sumner
Shay: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female, AND ALL, bullying. I will, in my best efforts, bring more happiness to the world around me. - Marysville
Christine: I pledge to be considerate and fair from here on out. I will never say never and I will always do my best for me, my family and for my Creator. - Oak Park
Vero: I pledge to be kind. I pledge to be mindful of my words and how they affect others. I pledge to only spread and talk about positive things about people. I pledge to lead others and bring the kind campaign to my school. - Miami
trinity: I pledge not to be wrap you up and throw you up, or idolize you - lorton
trinity: Im sorry for being so hard on you, ,not valuing you for who you naturally are...no achievements necessary
sorry for misjudging your competency - her
katelynn: i am sorry for saying to go away and that your annoying and that she doesn't have any friends and so i'm very sorry - lily
Jorda: I pledge to always make people feel welcome when they are with me. I will always stick up for people getting bullied and not be a bystander. - Hopkinton, MA
Christina : I pledge to be mindful of how my actions impact others. I pledge to never make someone feel they are not good enough or different then everyone else. I pledge to stop bullying and to help others stop this vicious cycle. - Shelby Township.
Cici: Cat, I'm so sorry for what I did. We were BEST friends and the moment you got distant, I got mad. I was so focused on the thought of "Oh my God, she left me!" I didn't realize I was the one becoming meaner. I spread horrible rumors about you and told people the secrets you trusted me with. At this point, I don't even have a full explanation. I'm sorry. - Catherine
Eliza: Dear My Friends,
For the past few years I've been a shadow. I took you for granted, whispered untruths, and left you alone when you needed me most. There are no excuses and two wrongs don't make a right. But, because of you I am finally smiling again. I choose to do the right thing even if it means carrying the brunt of judgement from others. You. You are the most important people in my life, and I am sorry that I failed you. I want to tell you that it is not a sin to be happy. In fact, you deserve it. When your strength fails, I'll support you. I am no longer a shadow. - everyone
Lynsey: I pledge to be kind to everyone I meet. I pledge to understand that everyone has their stories and that I shouldn't judge them. And I pledge to leave people better than I find them. - Wenatchee
Ava: I pledge to end all the drama. I pledge to stop hanging out with girls who hurt girls. I pledge to speak out and help out. I want to end the rumors and the pain. It is finally time to. - Philadelphia
Jasmaine Wright: I pledge to stand up for people that haven't found there voice's yet - Oakville
Temmy: I pledge to be nice to everyone no matter how they look like - indiana
Victoria: I pledge to not only better myself by advocating for the Kind Campaign, but to also better my community through my kindness and understanding of others. - Nutley
Victoria: I am so sorry for every mean thing I have ever said to all my friends. I am truly sorry. - LSTF
Lexi: I am sorry I am so mean to you and I want to be a better sister - Anna Leah
Bella: Dear emma and dasiy i am very for saying all the mean names to you i just git mad at you when you say mean things to me and i git very upset ans very mad and you tell other people and then they come to me say is that true is what true i say what then it just make me very sad that you make stuff up like that pleas stop. - emma and dasiy
Lexi: I pledge to be nice not mean and help others - Redding CA
Isabella.R: I kindly pledge I will be kind to all i will not be mean to other people - Redding.CA
Angelina: Im sorry for calling you a bad water polo player. youre actually just as good as me - Rebecca
Emma: I'm so sorry that we're always so mean to you and never supportive. I know how hard it could be if your friends are always rude an callung you names and never listen to your feelings. Even if it isn 100 percent serious it hurts. You deserve better friends. I love you - Anna
Lion Girl: Sorry, my sis:( I was just mean to ya, I just love computers!I'm sorry. - Queen of the world
SUZY HALE: i apologize hurting you. That was never my intention. Please forgive me. I love you, sister - LISA STEVENSON
Nicola: I apologise for saying mean things about my friend -
L: Dear Lea, I'm so sorry if I ever contributed to the suffering of your heart. While the boys called you bad names, I did nothing because I was too afraid. I should have raised my voice and help you with the courage of a young and strong woman. You are not what the others see in you. You are what you see in yourself. - Lea
melanie figueroa: there was this girl who picked on me in 3rd-4th grade and i fired backed.It didnt make anything better.Then i relized that i not worthless and music did the rest. -
Past Self: Dear Future Self,
I'm so sorry for all that I have been putting you through. I hope you are doing better and can grow from this chapter in your life. I'm sorry for all the times I cried myself to sleep. And the times where you were on the verge of tears but just smiled to cover it up. I hope you have learned how to express your feelings and forgive those who hurt you. Even though life feels like its worthless right now, I hope one day you realize that there might be hope. I hope that no other girl is in the situation that you are in and I hope we make it through.
Past Self - Future Self
Lauren: I pledge to try my hardest to stop talking about other girls behind their backs. And I pledge to pick them up when they are down and try to make their day brighter with compliments and a smile. - Philadelphia
Alexa: By taking the Pledge to unite in Kindness, I will always treat everybody with kindness. - Miami
lisa: My granddaughter is bullied almost daily and she still has the heart to smile and be kind to them as if nothing happened.
I bought her "You Are..." t-shirt to empower her of her uniqueness.
She signed and pledged to be Kind. #KIND
Jen: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - White Plains
Chloe Harr: I pledge to always be kind to everyone, whether I know them or not, because they could be going through a storm and maybe all they need to stay strong is someone showing them there is actually a rainbow - Chicago
CMC: To watch with my children. - Liverpool
Nicole: My 10 year old daughter is being bullied and she comes home crying a few times a week
Henna Nayyar : I pledge to spread this message to end bullying as much as possible.
To bring more awareness. - London
Amelia: I want to apologize to my old friend, I used call u names to my other friends behind ur back and on the internet I'd text u saying u did stuff, that u didn't really do, I'm sorry, I was just jealous and I'll NEVER do it again! - Melissa
CD: I pledge to be kind with my words and try to avoid gossips - Belfast
Melanie: I pledge to rule out bullying in the scout group - Armagh
Tina: By taking the King Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Escondido
Tina: I want to apologize to an old friend of mine whom I made fun of once and I know that it affected her greatly. I'm sorry. - Haydee
Tina: I have been bullied and ousted by people who I thought were my "friends". This led to my depression, but I learned to overcome it and I know how awesome friends. -
Jennifer: I will CHOOSE to be kind! - Boise
Serena JImenez: I pledge to never bully anyone or judge someone about their beliefs. - Abilene,Texas
Sage: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying! The burn book is going to be burned! - austin
sage: i am truly sorry Olivia. The whole thing was really a misunderstanding and everybody started spreading completly different rumors. I will make sure that the "burn book" will never happen again - olivia
Alex: I pledge to laugh with others and not at, to accept others for who they are, to be myself and allow others to be themselves - Marshall
Cece: I'm sorry I'm an idiot for being a bully and talking behind your back ILYSM - Alexis
Cece Szyman: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying I want to make my community better by being kind. - Sheboygan Falls
Madison Arnold: My friend is not talking to me I feel like I did something wrong when I did nothing I feel like my friends who I though were my friends are behind it, they just want my friend to them selves. -
Caris: I am in 6th grade and one of my "friends" started bullying someone who wasn't as "popular". I didn't know about this until the girl who was being bullied came up to me and said, "I need your help, please stay by my side, please". At this point, I knew it was serious. I sat with her in every class and at lunch so my "friends" couldn't come over and bully her. She was so greatful! I don't regret a single thing, and now I have a very good group of friends who are really nice! -
Meredith: Being bullied hurts. In fourth grade my "friends" talked behind my back and the whole grade decided to make fun of me, which lead to depression that I still deal with today. When I was in sixth grade my "friends" would send me mean emails and I still deal with depression from bullying: but just know in the end everything will be okay.
- Meredith- -
Natalie: Dear Sydney,
I know I probably should have written this a little bit ago, but then I didn't realize how great, awesome and cool of a person you are. And you are on of the nicest people on earth. You should never EVER change your clothes, personality and especially yourself! I was just a big jerk, and when you felt disrespected and hurt, I was hurt more because I was missing out on how great of a person you are and stay exactly the same because you're a wonderful person and I am just asking for one favor: be yourself because you are an amazing beautiful talented and funny person.
Natalie - Sydney
Miriam Janette Rodriguez : Someone once told me "You catch more flies with honey!" Not exactly sure why I would want to catch flies. This sentence did stick and I remind myself of it every day because we all need some support from time to time. Support each other. #Unity - Lynwood
Madison: In 5th Grade, there was this girl who claimed to be my friend, but she would always talk about me behind my back, and always put me down, and exclude me from things. I tried to stop associating with her, but that always made it worse because she would talk about me more, and when I wasn't around her, she would try to nice to me so I would hang with her. And she would always love talking about others, but when they talk about her she becomes the devil. She's sat at my lunch table and always made the other girls be mean to me too, so I moved lunch tables. -
Katherine : This girl manipulated me and stepped all over me just to get the guy she wanted. I liked the guy and the guy liked me so she was so jealous. I suffered from depression and it was bad -
sherleen: I said a few things about a girl in my class. But some of my classmates started to does a rumor about the girl. Even though I didn't start the rumor I still still feel bad for her. But the truth is also that because of that girl everyone was against me. She also used to talk at my back. -
Ada Moy: I pledge, to help anyone who's getting bullied and stand up for someone and be there voice. Everyone, deserves to be happy and not be afraid to speak up. - Brooklyn
Ada: I'm sorry, for everything, I'm sorry for talking badly behind your back. - Jenny
Jeniffer: I pledge to help people being bullied to change the whole world - Davao
Adleen@ND: Ive talked about people behind their back for supporting racism -
Michaela @ND: In 3rd grade I had a girl who bullied me a lot and would convince everyone in my grade to join in. One day it was making everyone in my grade go to the other side of the playground than me and even my best friends joined in. Other days it would be stuff like nobody talking to me. Eventually I found a group of friends who were willing to ignore the rest of the grade and they really made school a much better experience for me. Before meeting my other friends I would go home crying every day. -
Heather@ND: I used to talk about this one girls back and called her bad names and once started a rumor about her. I still feel bad about it -
Ava @ND: I have experienced this when I was at my old school I wasn't the nicest because I was't friends with this one girl. I didn't bully her tho I just am not close with her but she said she was scared to talk to me. -
addison @ nd : At lunch people want to sit with certin people, so if that person sits at another table people will leave my table to sit with them and not care if they left someone sitting alone. If they weren't able to sit with them the whole lunch they complain about it. -
Paige ND : When I first came here in 6th grade I didn't really have any friends and no one would really talk to me. I would go home and cry because I thought there was something wrong with me. I would go on social media and see the pictures people posted of them and their friends and it really got to me. Over the summers I would get really depressed because no one every texted me and I didn't hang out with anyone -
lizzie@nda: I had a close group of friends but then someone new came in and I feel the new person bumped me out and I am not that close with the people anymore. They have group chats and snap chat groups without me so I felt excluded. The new person and I have history but I thought it was resolved but it actually isn't, so I can't really be friends with them. I have new friends but not really a group, but I'm kind of fine with it. -
chloe at ND: Nothing targeting me but I witnessed it and never did anything about it. I used to be in this group of girls who would put their lunchbox down on the table to kind of reserve a spot. Other girls would kind of push the girls who reserved their spots lunch boxes off the table. Today I try my best to not exclude anyone
Izzy : I've been affected by female bullying. Its made me insecure and has made me act not myself. -
Jade: i have been affected by drama and rumors being spread, for instance people have said rude things to me and spread rumors about how i reacted to the mean things said. It was very hurtful and immature -
nope: I've had difficulty trying to respect the Trump supporters. -
Shannon : I have been mean to people, but it didn't last too long, it was just me being mean, and I did end up apologizing.Except for 1 girl, I was mean to her because she bullied me for a real long time. I have also ben bullied and bullied and bullied so many times because of who I am, How I look, and it was mostly because of how I look, people don't care about what's on the inside, they think it's all about how good you look. -
Bryn @ND: In 6th grade, I was not included in many things. This made me sad, but then I found a new group of friends that are very nice. Also their was someone who I did not like because my friends did not like, so I purposely tried to exclude them. -
Meghan at ND: I do not have many problems with people. I was raised and taught that what others think of me doesn't matter and that if you react they gain power. I have a great group of friends and am thankful for them and my family everyday. -
Catherine @nd: A girl at my old school from first grade to seventh grade used to pick on me. She would tell me I was too tall or something else was wrong with me everyday. She would delete me from class group chats and spread rumors about me and I never did anything to her that I can remember. She used to make fun of me because I was "too smart."
Isabella@ND: I honestly don't have any really long stories about being bullied. I guess sometimes I am a bystander to others being rude, which I feel really bad about, but generally its pretty chill for me. -
Christine: I have been affected by people talking behind my back. The other week I told one of my best friends a secret, something I did by accident and I didn't want anyone else knowing. She went behind my back and told another girl the secret. That girl was effected by my secret, I didn't want he to know because it was personal. She texted me the next day asking me about it. It really hurt that a really good friend of mine betrayed me and I would have never known that she told another girl if that girl didn't text me. -
glen: I was in 3rd grade and a girl would kik me mean and rude things that were not needed to be said, considering the fact that I did nothing to her. If you do not have something nice to say then do not say it at all -
dani@ND: In 5th grade at my old school 2 girls were mean to me throughout the entire year. That had taught me to always be bold and to not let things effect me. Also, to choose my words carefully -
Julia: Dear Anna. Sorry for being annoying all the time. Thanks -
Taylor: I pledge to be a part of anything that relates to the Kind Campaign. Right now, I'm in a Kind Club, and I am very proud to be a part of it. :) - IN
Genesis: I pledge to not judge a girl by what they look if they are different because everybody is a person. I never want to hurt anyone feelings because a single word could change a life.
I pledge to help bring kind and stand up for others and to make them feel that they are no alone in this world. - Lamar,CO
Alana: I'm sorry if I ever made you feel down. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I would like to become friends again, like we used to be. - Renaye
Reagan: I love all as much as my own -
Kim: I pledge to always see the good in everything and everyone. Everyone deserves a chance to be heard and seen. We have all made mistakes in our lives. There is always something beautiful in someone/something. - Middletown
Kim: I am sorry for anything I have done to hurt you in any sort of way. I am sorry for talking behind your back and for assuming your story when in reality I have no idea what you are going through. I am sorry for anything hurtful that has come in your life. I am sorry for not giving you a chance. - Anyone
Kim: I pledge to leave a glitter trail of kindess wherever I go - Middletown
camille: I pledge to always stand up in any situation I feel is wrong. To never let anyone treat me or my friends poorly. To disallow people to impact others negatively. - westlake
Camille: I'm sorry I wasn't always there for you. Not just while we were together, but behind your back. I witnessed all of those people talking about you, and I just recently stopped allowing it. I should have realized the truth much sooner. - Liz
camille: I did not always stick up for you. Sometimes, I'd even join in while they were talking about you. Now, that is one of my biggest regrets. I have changed so much. I became a person who stands up to all forms of bullying. Looking back at the weeks I spent allowing people to talk about you negatively is so shameful for me. -
Taylor: I'm sorry for having me and my friend run away when you get near. I did it because I was worried you'd steal my friend. But I realized that I can have more than 1 BFF and made friends with you. P.S you're cute. :) - Rebecka
Taylor: Though I have never been bullied, I know that I will, someday. And I don't mean for just one day, I mean EVERY day. To those who are reading this, LISTEN TO ME. If you are bullied by someone, don't NOT tell on them. You need to do it otherwise that just makes the situation WORSE. I always tell on people who are mean to me or others. You do it too. -
Brittney Lindstrom: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I pledge to be self-aware, non-judgmental, and kind to other girls and women. I pledge to help raise awareness! - Carpentersville
Tonje: I pledge to have courage and act with kindness. - San Francisco
Cherry: I move around a lot and have trouble finding friends. I'm not very out-going and I wish people would have been a little more kind to me. I was called names, made fun of, and bossed around. Sometimes I still feel different and lonely. Being the new kid is hard. I have flash-backs of those unkind memories. -
shelbie: When I was in first grade, my "friends" started being very mean to me. They would always say hurtful things to me and leave me out. These thing happened daily. The summer that I was going into fourth grade, I was told that I will be moving. After hearing this news, my sister was heart broken, but for me, I was looking at it as a great chance to make new friends. On my first day at the new ( and much bigger ) school, I remember walking into the huge classroom and being so scared. That day, at recess, a girl came up to me and asked if I wanted to play with her.I was so happy! Since then, I have met my best friends! -
Adelynn: I pledge to be kind, loving, and caring to all. I will never again intentionally hurt a girl, or let myself be hurt. I will end bullying, so that everybody can live a happy life!!!! - Pocatello
mac: sorry for talking behind your back - S.S
Yzabella: I pledge to be kind to those I meet and to not judge them. I will get to know there story before deciding if I like them or not. Even if I do not like them I still Pledge to be kind and not rude to them. - Anonomus
Kaylee: im sorry to my best freinds emma and aspen for not always being there for you - Emma and Aspen
Alora hansen: I pledge to always be kind to others. I will never commit a girl to girl crime because they can be hurtful and I do not want to be someone that bullies anther girl. - pocatello
Yzabella: I apologize for sometimes choosing to hang out or avoid certain people. I am sorry for not talking and ignoring those I am mad at. - Zz, Sky
Unknown : Have you ever been left out, because that is my life. Look for another story under Unknown -
kaylee: hello my name is kaylee and ill will be sharing i was 10 years old when i was bullied and girls disliked me i asked if i could play they said no and all that some called me names some said i even picked my which i don't another said i spit on the floor just a reminder never let someone pick on you -
Yzabella: I have been excluded from friends and groups many, many times starting since I was 3 and up to today it happens from now and then. I do not get why I am always the one to be left out of a group but I guess ti does. Today I have been included in games and other activities. -
Unknown: I have had a friend since the 1st grade, and we are 6th graders now. In 4th grade, this new girl came. MY friend met her, and we all became friends, and now they leave me out all of the time and I never feel included, and it's like we aren't even friends anymore. It hurts, it really does. -
Rena Blanchard: I pledge to consider other people's feelings no matter what I am thinking about them. I will always remember the Kind Campaign. - Virginia
alora hansen: One day at elementary school i asked to play tag with the other kids but when other kids got tagged they kept on getting other people they never tagged me and i was left out and when i would walk away they didn't even notice. -
Gabby : I am sorry for not including you - Lucie
Reagan Madison and Ellie: To teach people at or school to be kind. -
Anonymous: I pledge to raise my daughter to be kind, tolerant, respectful of herself and others, and to help her navigate the challenges she may face in the coming years. Thank you for starting a wonderful organization! - Agoura Hills
Mac: In first grade I was bullied by a girl. She said if I go play with somebody else she will go tell the teacher. She also sat by me so nobody could sit by me. One time I got an award for student of the month, and with it it came with a mini candy bar. The girl that was bullying me stole the candy out of my cubbie. The teachers asked if she took it she said she didn't take it. They asked again she still said no. So the Principle got involved. He asked the girl if she took it. She still said no. Then he asked one more time. She finally confessed, that she took it. There is my story now what is yours. -
Annonomous: Well, there was this one girl in third grade who claimed that we were "best friends". For a while we WERE good friends, but then she just started being really mean to me! I still don't really know why, all I know is that she bullied me everyday and she told me that I was an idiot for wanting to be friends with other people! Anyways, after 5th grade, she moved, and I was really happy. Now I feel guilty feeling that way. I came home everyday crying for something she did or said. She would glare at me or tell me to stop being an idiot. I wish that she would come back so that I could make things right with her! -
xaviery : all i can say is i feel like im all alone and everybody hates me and treaten me like a maiden.i guess they are trying to don"t look at myself and i think everybody wants to let me down -
Tracy Ford: My daughter, when we moved to a new city and a new high school, came home in tears almost every day because all the girls told her she was fat and ugly and wore the wrong clothes (evidently most of them were willowy thin and shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch). It was only in the second year that she found a small group of friends. -
Lily Maroney: I pledge to always stay positive no matter what comes my way - Baltimore
Lily: I got bullied and made fun of a lot because of my appearance. I remember hating my facial appearance. Since then I've learned not to. I've learned so much since then. Don't pay attention to whar they say it's stupid and irrelevant. You are beautiful as you are and if some people just can't see it then that's just too bad for them. ?? -
Riana Scalia: I pledge to ask people questions if they seem to be going through hard times. I pledge to take a stand against female bullying. I pledge to speak the truth and to act on kindness. - Coral Springs
Aly: I pledge to not only do good for others, but myself too - LA
Paige: I pledge to always show kindness and compassion. -
breanna barragan: I still miss this girl i used to be friends with -
Anaisa Lora: I pledge to always be nice to others and be a true leader to them. I pledge to always forgive so i can be forgiven in the future. I pledge to stop bullying if i see it. I pledge to make sure other girls will help stop the bullying! - Cape Coral
Emily Romano: I pledge to be kind, spread awareness, and step in to end bulling if needed. -
Jodie Morman: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Marlton, NJ
Jodie Morman: I have been very lucky in my life to not have experienced this type of girl on girl crime, but I want to make sure my daughter has a great experience through her young life. She is an easygoing, fun loving child that had a situation a few months back with another girl calling her names including "fat" which made her feel horrible and brought her to tears. I addressed the mother and the situation was rectified, but I don't want to have future altercations. -
Cynthia Schultz: I pledge to have at least one random act of kindness each day. With doing this, I am encouraging others to do the same and spread the kindness.
Jessica Kirschner: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Blackwood
Olivia: I pledge to have grace towards people who have hurt me. I forgive them and will continue to forgive them and show them kindness. - Parker
Amaya Stowers: I pledge to always be me. To stand up to anyone who tells me I am not good enough. I pledge to never make any girl feel the way I made Maddie feel. Also I pledge to help out a fellow girl through her troubles and always we the steady shoulder to cry on. I pledge to be Kind. - Tipton IN
Amaya Stowers: I am sorry to everyone I have ever wronged. I am sorry for not being me, for letting peer pressure get the best of me. But most of all I am sorry Maddie, I put my relationship with him over our relationship and for that I am forever sorry to you. I am sorry I said all of those hurtful things and did everything that I did. - Madison Powell
Amaya Stowers: As a female we all fall into the trap of girl drama. Sometimes as we seldom realize that even though you may think you are the victim but in my 13 years of being a girl I have realized what comes around goes around. If someone's mean to you it's probably because you were mean to them. Which is why I have devoted my Eighth Grade year to making a change, I want to become the nicest person can be. -
Lizz Barry: I pledge to be honest, kind, respectful, and to unite in an act of kindness to be part of the effort to end female bullying. - Kingston
Claire O'Hearn: By taking the KIND pledge, I pledge to unite in KINDNESS. In an effort to end female bullying, I kindly pledge to always support those who dream BIG (even when I think it's impossible)! - Yardley
susan lewis: who was nicky taylor apolizeing about bullying her wife in pueblo colo -
Maggie: I pledge to have courage and to be kind and help others as long as I remember this pledge - Farmersville tx
Maggie kelso: I am sorry for what I said to you even though you bully me I hope one day we can be friends - Ashlynn Williams
Maggie: Hi I am maggie and I am bullied by my sister a girl and boy at school and most of all myself I won't lie to you I have been mean I don't bully people but when I am mean I feel bad I don't know why but it's like there are two different parts of me who I really am and the monster of me when I am mad I am so sorry for all I have done that I didn't want to do I hope I will one day be forgiven for what I have done I pledge to be the best person I know am inside and for as long as remember this pledge I will have courage and be kind I will try and start a kind club at my school -
Ignacia: i´m so sorry for how i treatened you for the last time... I know I can't change what I did to you but I know that you can forgive me and try to be friends again.
with love, ignacia - Antonia
Emmy: I pledge to be kind and spread kindness. -
Kenzie: I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying. i pledge to be kind to others even when they are not kind to me. I promise to encourage girls everywhere to treat each other with kindness and respect and end bullying for females all over the world - pickerington
Anna: Chloe, from the beginning we've never gotten along. We're nice to each other as people, but not as friends. I'd overreact when you'd say something by mistake. Then I'd talk out loud your face about why I was angry. I'm very sorry. I'm sorry that I make things worse when I try to help. I'm sorry for being selfish and always talking about what I want to talk about. I'm sorry for everything. I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes. - Chloe
Olivia : I pledge to think about how my words and actions effect other people, because they always do. I want that effect to be a positive one. - Chicago
Ashley Jackson: I work for a residential treatment program in Allegan County, Michigan. Over the years it has become so obvious that these teenage girls' experience with other female peers and adults has been painful. In turn, this is how they treat others. I would love to be able to incorporate some material from this campaign! -
mahsa: I love you mom...thanks for everything -
mahsa: Dear Fatemeh,
Thanks for being so perfect..
I want to tell you how much I love you that you cant even imagine. You should know how lovely you are..
You are kind and honest ..not only about your friends youre good with your enemies too
Love you
Best wishes -
viktorija: I've been bullied from my friends and i just didn't thrust them becaus the just don't like me and i just don't like them animory -
Emily Vadeboncoeur: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Raymond
megan: I kindly pledge to think what i say to someone if i don't know there story and to not hurt my friends feelings and push them out i also pledge to unite in ending female bullying - exeter
Megan : Dear Jess,
i am sorry for being mean to you when you where sticking up for my friends, you have been the kindest person anyone could wish for and i probaly really hurt your feelings i regret everything i did or said to you x
yours sincerely
megan rutherford - Jessica ladd
Lauren: I KINDly pledge that i will promote Kind Campaign to all over my school and country. I will help stop girl on girl crime all around the world! - England
?????: I'm sorry that I wasted so many tears and depressing thoughts on you. I'm sorry that I thought that we would be best friends forever. I'm sorry that I believed you when you said "I'd stand up for you no matter what". I'm sorry for whatever I could have done to you for you to make me feel this way. I'm sorry I still believe those things you said now. I'm sorry your not the person I thought you were. - ?????
Uliana: I am 30 now but I still remember that one time when my friend and I called a girl in our class fat. I don't even remember why (not that there can be a good reason for doing this) but we insisted on it, repeated a few times and made her cry.. I never apologized for this. I regretted it ever since though.. Tanya, I'm so sorry! - Tanya
Melody: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying! I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect women both young and old and empower them! - Simi Valley
Jill: My 2 best friends in grade 7 and 8 turned on me as soon as we started highschool, they stopped speaking to me one day and spread lies about me to all the other girls. I am currently 19 in my second year of college and I am still unaware of what I did to deserve such cruelty. Thankfully I only had to deal with having no friends for grade 9, because I met amazing friends that I still have to this day the following year, but that still does not make up for the fact that I spent all of grade 9 alone. I did not want to go to school, I cried every night and I honestly thought it would never get better. It still hurts me to think about it, and it saddens me that they never gave me an apology, but thankfully I stayed strong throughout it all and it helped me to become the person that I am today. Bullying is not a joke, and seeing your campaign and all that you do makes me so happy. Thank you for all you do!!! -
Bailey Helms: When I was in fifth grade I was bullied. I was called freckle juice and many other terrible names. I had also spread a rumor about this girl named, Jordan Hopkins. I'm not really even sure why. I think I just wanted the negative attention on someone else instead of me. I am sorry for what I did and I pledge to never let anyone pass me by without smiling and telling them,"Hi". Today in the halls I saw a girl named Leah that I haven't talked to since sixth grade. She was struggling to carry her books so I helped her carry them to her next class and talked with her along the way. It made me feel really good after and that's how I wanna feel for the rest of my life. I pledge to always be kind and never let anyone else go through what I did. -
Dasia: Who is your best friend? -
Elizabeth Rich: I kindly pledge to refrain from using hurtful words. I pledge to be kinder to people, and smile at the people who are lonely and hurting. I pledge to befriend those who have are always alone. I pledge to be a kinder person in general. - Madison, ME
Elizabeth Rich: I apologize for sharing your secret after you told me not to share it in the first place. I'm sorry I broke your trust, and hurt you in doing so. I'm sorry I didn't trust you or Rosie enough and made a mistake that cost us our friendship. I'm sorry I let my jealousy get in the way of our friendship. I miss being your friend, and I miss everything we did together. I miss the plans we made. - Kassidee Pollis
alice: i apologise for making your friends turn away from you. i apologise to my own friends for not sharing your enthusiasm and not letting you in. i apologise for not telling you what was going on. i apologise for not asking for your help, or trusting you with my problems. i'm sorry I didn't say this sooner - my past friends
Fiona: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because it's not what you do in a community. - Somerville, MA
Maya: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because bullying doesn't only hurt on the outside, it hurts on the inside as well. - Somerville, MA
Nora: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because it doesn't feel good to be bullied and anyone can be bullied or be a bully. - Somerville, MA
Jane: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because it really makes people feel discouraged and it might negatively affect them in the future. - Somerville, MA
Katja: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because I know how it feels to be bullied and it feels terrible and I don't want anyone else to feel that way! - Somerville, MA
Whitney: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because I believe in the equality of all! - Toronto
Sabrina Wolf: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end bullying because I want everyone to feel a part of a team! - Somerville, MA
Amy: In junior high, some girls were really mean to me and just said nasty things. I took it all very personally and I felt like there was something really wrong with me. I'm in my 30's now and never fully recovered from these early incidents. -
Serenity: I apologys for calling you names - Mrayea
serenity: that I will not get in fights - texas
Serenity: I have started mess and ended mess -
Lexi Jorgenson: I pledge to be kind. I pledge to stay in the kind club at my school. I pledge to spread kindness everywhere I go. I pledge to be true and thoughtful in all my actions.
- Pocatello
Denea Golden: I was bullied throughout middle and high school for multiple reasons. One, I was tall and lanky. Two, I was taught to annunciate my words and due to moving around a lot I didn't have a typical southern accent and according to others I didn't sound how I was supposed to. Third, I was taught to walk with my head held high and for some reason that translated into me being stuck up. I was the new girl who acted "differently" and because of it I received a lot of hate notes in my locker, on social media and can remember plenty of mean words that were spoken to me. There were plenty of days I ate lunch alone in the bathroom. I think one of issues with bullying, is the fact that people don't realize there are different forms of bullying. The more we educate others and talk about our stories, the better. I love this campaign because it brings awareness to this subject. We all have the power to spread kindness. -
Katie: I am not always the best person. I tend to sometimes share my friends secrets around. of course, I don't just do it randomly, but if I hear that they have told one of my secrets, I'll tell one of theirs right back. No these secrets are never big that they tell about me, nor are the ones I tell, but it makes no sense. If they are telling my secrets, why am I friends with them, and if I'm telling theirs, why are they friends with me. -
Holly: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Brentwood
Aisha Daher: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying and be kind to others. - Avondale
Alex: I know middle school and high school were tough for you and I'm sorry that at times, I was contributing to the problem. For awhile, I told myself that "at least I didn't do it as much as other people" but that's no excuse. If I could take back the attitude that I had towards you back then, I would in a heartbeat. I wish you the best of luck in life and I sincerely hope that you are happy. - Shalene
lamika jackson: stand up speak up -
Ellis Parker: I pledge to make sure I share kindness everyday. I will tell others to smile and to be happy. I will try to be kind to all I meet. I will help stop female bullying. I will tell others that they are free to be kind! - EL Dorado, Arkansas
Kris M.: I would love to tell my entire story to offer hope, but am finding it difficult to type it out. Even after all these years it's still a bit of a tender spot for me, one that I can sometimes talk about but sometimes can't. All I can really say is to those suffering, it does get better. These years are only a small part of your life that will seem insignificant in the future. To those instigating, I ask you to seek out your own help instead of unleashing your anger on others. -
miaa bennett: one day i was in my old school and alot of girls was jealous of me i guess and they planned to jump me and then i had to stay up stairs during lunch and i used to go home and cry because those girls was really my friends but they just turned on my so just was bullying me -
danna : i pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - bronx
dayjalee: of course i have had girls talk about me or say something about and i have said somethings to some girls that might have hurt there feelings -
Melissa: I've been bullied by girls all my life. I have also been a bully to girls. Now it take this pledge to spread KINDness in all wakes of life with anyone i encounter. Bullying has taken the lives of too many. Lets just respect and show compassion towards others. - Miami
Jessica-Lyn Saunders: I am taking the Kid Pledge. I pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end female bullying, which means the following:
If I see a female being bullied, I will stand up for her.
I will set an example for young females everywhere by spreading kindness and bullying awareness.
I will take the time to reach out to others to make sure they're okay.
I will never take bullying as an answer. - Toronto
mischa kate : i pledge that she'll find kind - cebu city mandaue
mischa kate: she just say that we're not friend and she wish that she connot recive my gift. -
mischa kate: nag pa luoy louy daw ko mao to start na to nga ni ingon na siya og di na mi friend
Janelle: I pledge to encourage girls supporting other girls. I pledge to help us find joy in our similarities, and to encourage each other to appreciate the differences. I pledge to stop bullying when I see it, and to work to lift girls up so every one of them I come into contact with feels good about herself. - Savannah
Janelle: I apologize to every single girl I've judged because of my issues- behind my hand laughing with my friends, or to their face. I'm certainly not perfect. I've reacted out of jealousy and spite, and there is no excuse that will justify what I've said because I was bullied for so long and I know exactly how it feels to be ostracized. I'm so sorry. - All of them.
Janelle: When I was in elementary school, the "popular" girl told people not to hang out with me and started to ostracize me. It continued into elementary school. When I went through puberty in seventh grade, I distinctly remember walking back to the girl's locker room after PE and hearing "Hey, thunder thighs!" from some of the boys. She told them to say that to me. It's stuck with me for over a decade. I never knew anything was wrong with me, and I never understood why she disliked me so much. Because of her, I have massive self esteem issues. It's affected my relationships and how I see myself every day. I still don't know if I'll ever be able to be completely free of those demons. -
Opal: I was bullied. Several times. Because I was bullied. That made me mad. I had a girl come up to me and say 'Hi'. I was so mad at my bully. I responded in a mean tone.
To this day I still see her, walking down the hallways. For years I've wanted to say, "sorry." So I'm sorry. - D
Opal: In 6th grade I had a friend. We were besties that whole year. It was a great year. Then came 7th grade there was a new girl. My bestie and I became friends with the new girl. The girl new pushed me away because she didn't like me. I would talk to the new girl and she would not answer. This made me mad. I knew she had heard me. But she didn't respond. Acted like I was a ghost. I was alone with no friends. I was really sad. I didn't want to go to school the next day and the next day. This went on for a long time. Me walking in the hall by myself. Until I opened my eyes and became friends with another group. -
marlie: I want to apologize to this girl that I talked about I told her she was ugly but I knew how she felt inside that pain she felt and I won't forget what I said . -
Coeashia Harriett Villafuerte: i have this friend Juliana she always want to be a leader in our singing group and i began to hate her but i realized that i'm gonna let her experience for being a leader so she could be happy, and the time that she would realize that being a leader is hard :) -
Eliza Paton: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to continue to search and admire the beauty in the world and those who live in it, with kindness and gratitude. I pledge to do my part to stop hatred, violence, and ignorance in this world, specifically, but not limited, to women. I pledge to release positive and good vibes to help create a more unified, equal, and happier mankind. - Santa Clara, California
Arama: i? sorry for letting you do all the work. i dont like leadership. - Eyak
Mac: I pledge to not say negative things about any woman or even person anymore. And I also pledge to try & stop bullying when I see it. - Atlanta
sMc: I am sorry i was being selfish - taylor
lexi: i have been affected cause this girl in high school is cyber bullying me and has affected me very badly by saying rude and horrible hings to me -
Sarah: I pledge to never purposely make someone feel bad about themselves. I pledge to be more careful about what I say and do towards others. I also pledge to never be a bystander but an up stander and never let anyone hurt anyone else. - New York
maralyne : i pledge to be kind to all my friends - stamford
Caitlin: I pledge to no longer feel the need to get back at girls who are mean to me ! I will give up my feeling for revenge forever ! - Clermont-Ferrand
Caitlin: By moving every 2 years of my life to a different country every time has made me different ! I was bullied and accused of stealing friends ! i have been bullied for being a "Biloser" a bilingual person who isn't from anywhere in particular and has a weird accent ! I have been "taken in" by 2 girls but they don't treat me like they treat each other, I am the but of their jokes and their sarcasm ! I wish I could have at least one friend who could help me stand up to them :( -
Devon: I pledge to stop being so judgmental. I think many girls learn to put up masks to hide their true selves, and instead of trying to get to know someone, I saw her mask and dismissed her. I pledge to look beyond the mask and find out who someone really is. -
Kiana C. Rouchon: I pledge to lead by example by inspiring girls to empower their sisterhood! IG: @PrizedAndPurposed - Miami
Keegen : I pledge to never not be there for my BFFNMWHEs.
I can Find Kind. - Durham
Keegen : I am so sorry jasmine, u r one of my favorite students at sms. - Jasmine
Keegen Aubrey Allardyce : I want to say to my friend Jasmine D. Scot that I am so sorry for not being able to help you out with Kristen Sparrow from getting u in to trouble while I moved to Durham or that I could not have been able to talk to that boy u had a crush on.
-Keegen Aubrey Allardyce. :'( -
Payton: I have been called shorty, midget,short stack. just because of my height. -
airel: i pledge to stop making fun of other people - sampson
airel: my apology to my mom i am sorry for everything i did i love u - mom
Lisa P: I pledge to separate myself from "friends" and relationships that do not genuinely support & uplift me. I refuse to condone the mean girl behavior, and I wan't no part in it. -
Anonymous : I'm sorry for bullying myself and never thinking that I was good enough - Me
Anonymous : In 5th grade this girl spent the whole recess with me and we had so much fun, then after recess she said that she wanted to be friends with me but I was too weird. Later she came up to me when I was playing with my friends and asked me to play, she knew I loved dogs and she asked to play puppies, then she started crawling around and barking, it was so embarrassing. -
Laura: I'm sorry for being mean - jessica
laura: I pledge to be nicer and take a stand - vancouver
Laura: I must apologize because I know it's wrong and I might hurt them. -
Laura: Sometimes I gossip about others. -
I: I pledge to make sure everyone knows they are beautiful, and that they're worth it. I pledge to smile each and everyday to make everyone feel wanted. Every girl out there reading this, YOU are worth it, no matter what they say. - Medford
shadaiah: i was alway bulled in school -
shadaiah: i have been builyed so bad i almolest harte somone -
Madeleine: When i was in 4th grade, i was bullied by my ex-bff Skyla. she was mean to me, called me fat, stupid, ugly and a skank. -
Bre: I pledge to warn younger girls about the dangers they will face as they get older, I wish someone would have warned me - Agawam
Kristy: My experiences with bullying is something I will never forget. I was mostly bullied while I was in elementary school, a bit of high school as well. I will admit that when I got bullied, it damaged me. I had my stuff tipped out of my hands. I was called every name in the book. I would go to the girls washroom and cry because it was too much for me to handle that I could not deal with it. My self-esteem was so bad that I would bring myself down all the time. I would call myself a loser, a nobody, etc. I would always ask myself, if I am a good enough of a friend to have, I had a hard time overcoming it. I was really scared to go to school because I did not want to face my bullies. I was used by my so called "friends" they were pretending to be my friend, just so I would embarrass myself and look like an idiot. Everyone was even scared to go near me, it was like they thought I had germs or something. I hardly had any friends. I was basically a loner at my elementary school and to be honest, I did feel alone. It was the worst experience I have ever gone through. In high school, I had people make up lies about me that I said something to another person, and most people believed it, when I did not say anything at all. This happened when I first started grade 9, and I couldn't take it anymore that I made a decision that I regret and that is I dropped out of high school. Yes, I am a high school drop out, but in 2011, I did go back to school and got my diploma :) I really never knew and I still will never know why I got treated badly. I never did anything wrong. I will never know why bullying exists, I wish it never did. Bullying damages a lot of people and it is not cool or awesome to bully others. I would never ever bully anyone and I hope no one goes through what I went through. -
Lauren : One of my friends said that I was weird so I called her a bitch behind her back. I still feel bad since last year..... -
Taylor: I pledge to make a stronger effort be less judgemental of other girls and be a woman uplifter rather than a woman hater - Dallas
K.I.M.: I apologize for anyone I have ever hurt with UNKIND words. Please forgive me. - Sandy
Katherine: I am sorry for excluding my college roommate and making her feel BAD...regret it til this day, I am 55. -
Katie B. : I pledge to be an example for my daughter... and to teach her to treat all people with kindness and respect. - Pittsburgh
Mya Smith: I Pledge Not To NEVER Bully a Strudent Nor Say Negative Things To Them - Chicago
Amira Shehadeh: As a member of my school's Kind Campaign Club and a female student, I pledge to show kindness to everyone I see, whether it's inviting someone who is alone to sit with me at lunch, to helping new students find their classes, and even just saying a friendly hello to students in between classes. No matter young or old, short or tall, everyone deserves to be treated equally. - Delray Beach
Gaby: I had friends back in the 5th grade that always told secrets and rumors to people about me. I didn't like that they told that about me because they were all lies. -
Lauren: I pledge to be as sweet as possible to people and the girls I talk to. I will pledge to watch the words that come out of my mouth - Miami
Lauren: I apologize to anyone that I have said mean things to and to other people that I called mean names to. I just wasn't feeling myself at the time - all girls
Lauren: when I was smaller girls would always make fun of my teeth and of how I looked -
Sophia : I pledge to say nice things to people and to make sure I don't hurt anyones feelings. - Miami
Sophia : I'm so sorry to anyone I ever hurt sometimes I don't realize that I say these things - All girls that go to my school
Sophia: I haven't really ever gotten bullied by someone but sometimes people are mean to me and say things begind my back -
Blanca Barrios: by taking the pledge. i pledge to stop bullying cause its hurting other peoples feelings but not only that but to stop cause its not right to bully other people. - miami fl
blanca barrios: sorry charleny for being mean to you because i was saying that you were really bossy and that you walked funny and i do regret it so i hope you except my apology - charleny
blanca barrios: how i have been affected by someone is because there was a girl in my other school in elementary who was being been to me and hurting my feelings because my name is blanca and it means white in spanish so she was making fun of my name and that hurt my feelings -
Jasmine: I pledge to be more wise about my words and actions - Miami
Bernice: I apologize if I ever made someone doubt the person they are or want to be. The only person you need to truthful with is yourself. You need to believe in you. If I ever took away your self love or made you feel insecure i'm sorry. That's not a nice feeling and no one should ever have to feel that. Everyone should be happy with who they are and taking that away from someone is truly disgusting. - Few who've been hurt by me
Bernice: The truth is that I am the outsider. I am not the average girl and I prefer staying at home and reading a book then going out and being immature. So I was never the first choice. I was always left in the sidelines and my light didn't shine as bright as the others. I always tried to fit in and hangout with the "cool kids". I lied about who I truly was for the sake of someone else's attention that I didn't need. I never had a real friend until recently and even then it's still hard to get used to not being left to the side. -
Nicole : I pledge to be kind and thoughtful of my words and actions. - Miami
Valerie R: I pledge to be nice to everyone and to treat people the way they want to be treated. - Miami
Nicole: i would like to apology to anyone that i said something that might have hurt their feelings even though i never mean to hurt someone on purpose. i probably said something because i was having a bad day and i took it out on you but my intentions were never to hurt someone feelings - Anyone I Hurt
Nicole: There have been many times in my life where girls have made rumors or talked bad things behind my back that weren't truth which at times the ones that would say those thing were my "friends" or "teammates". They have also offended myself and my family before. Girls can be mean and very hurtful. We must realize that your words can mean something and can affect someone. -
Valerie R: I'm sorry to anyone I have hurt or offended in any way. - Everyone
Genevieve R.: I apologize to anyone that I have ever been rude to or if I've ever said something rude to you i hope you will except my sincere apology. - To who I've ever hurt
Valerie R: My friends have gone through that and it really hurts seeing them suffer for no reason at all, I helped them through a lot and I felt good for doing that. -
Lauren: Sorry, if i ever made you feel worth nothing we are our own beautiful in each and every different way. -
Daniela: I pledge to try never to say negative things about other girls again. - ...
Daniela: I am sorry if I have ever been mean or said something hurtful to you. - Anyone
Daniela: Sometimes I can say hurtful things without realizing. -
Adriana M: I pledge to when ever I see or am close to causing a serious bullying situation to act quick and prevent major effects such as depression and possibly sucide which Ive seen reports about on local news. - Miami
Adriana M: I am sorry I was mean and rude to you. Although it was Kindergarten I was a bit tempered. Im sorry I made a mistake but you also provocted me because you dug your nail into my wrist for a crayon and made me bleed. - Maya R.
Adriana M: One of the biggest girl-against-girl crime I have been invoulved in. Is once in 3rd grade a girl who used to be my bestfriends friend began bullying me and calling me names because I "stole" her friend.In result she turned my bestfriend against me at the end we made up and to thiss day Im we are like to peas in a pod. -
Anaise: I pledge to not be mean to any girl again and to be kind. - Miami
Ana C: I give an apology to any girl I hurt. Iv'e should have not said anything because I wouldn't want anyone to call me bad things. - Any girl
Anaise Canas: I have been affected by girls telling me how I need to fix my hair or that my hair was ugly. Other girls telling me that I need to be like this or Im not good enough. And girls telling me that Im weird and then they said why do I even hang out with you. -
tiffany: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - miami
tiffany : Im sorry I hurt your feelings and was mean to you I really am. I regret it every day and I promise I wont do it again because I know how it feels. - brianna
Tiffany Bustamante: I have been cyber bullied. A girl that was my best friend started cyber bullying me after we went to different schools. She found me on every social media and put really mean stuff like your so ugly , why do even post pictures, stop trying to be like everyone else. She wrote worst things and then I blocked her so she told her friends and then they started commenting and she never stops. It really affects me because sometimes I think its true. -
Ashley Borges: I pledge to try my best in being kind to other girls in school trying to survive like I did, and try to defend other girls getting bullied. - Miami
Jennifer: I pledge to never hurt anyone or treat them the way that I've been treated. - Miami
Lia S.: The truth is I have never really meant to be mean to anyone and I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way. -
Lia S.: I pledge to end female bullying. - Miami
Ashley Borges: I have always been a good friend, but then at the end of elementary my bestfriend tells me that we are not friends and we were never actual friends. This hurt me inside and expecailly with the weight of startinf off in a new school and it was middle school, a tough year. -
Lia S: If I have ever hurt anyone whether on purpose or by mistake I'm really sorry. I will never do it again - -
Lia: If I have ever hurt anyone eIther I did it on purpose or by mistake I'm really sorry. -
Jennifer: One year ago, i had to change schools and leave all of my friends, i had a hard time making new friends mostly because all of the girls in my new school had their own group of friends and they would all exclude you and would make you feel really alone and left out. -
Francisca Perez: I pledge to be kind to everyone and be quick to judge just by the surface. Also, to help someone who may be a victim of bullying and lend out a hand. Finally, I pledge to be someone who will offer aid in a time of need and grow as a person from the uncomfortable experiences I hope to prevent. - Miami
valentina: I pledge to be kind to other giros and help those who are being victims by other girls - miami
valentina: The truth is giros are mean and i still remember the time a girl un elementry told me a needed a face surgry girls are cruel to each other and it needs to stop -
Isabella: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I also pledge to be, not only kind, but also respectful, honest, and loyal to all the females around me. - Miami
Isabella: I want to say I'm very sorry to those that I have been mean to or have competed with in school. It's not healthy for us to always be fighting and I hope we can all get along. We've all been mean, rude, and judgmental to either each other's faces or behind our backs and I think it's time we put an end to it. We are not better or worse than each other in any aspect; we're all equal. I'm sorry. - Gabi, Jessica, and Caroline
danielle nogueira: I pledge to not hurt anyone on purpose and to be nice to everyone - miami
Danielle Noguera: I apologize to anyone I have hurt in the past. I never understood how much words can hurt. I will try my hardest to be kind to everyone ! - everyone i have hurt
Danielle Nogueira: Thankfully , I have never been bullied. I will stand up against anyone being bullied or anyone being a bully. -
Lauren: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - MIami
Lauren: My story is that when I was in second grade I had a friend, who was one year older that me. Then, one day it was recess and I went to go talk to her (my friend) and I heard her say "This is the Loser Lauren club..." I was so sad, and even though this was a small story it still hurt a lot to hear one of my friends say that about me. -
Sophia: I pledge to no longer talk about mean things about other girls and to respect them all the time. - Miami
Andrea A.: I pledge to be nice to other girls, treat them how I want to be treated, tell an adult whenever I see someone else being bullied, and to not become the bully myself. - Miami
Andrea A.: If I have ever hurt anyone whether on purpose or by mistake I'm really sorry because I know it hurts and I don't want you to feel the same way. - People I've hurt
Andrea A. : I always follow the treat people the way you want to be treated rule, yet I've seen girls still talk bad about me behind my back and it hurts a lot. -
Jennifer: I'm sorry to anyone I've ever hurt I'm sorry if I've ever said something to or about you or just done something mean I hope you can forgive me - Anyone I've ever hurt
Jennifer: Your Truth -
Emily Munoz: I pledge to be kind to people at my school and my friends. I pledge not to say mean things behind peoples backs and not to say hurtful words to them - Miami
Emily Munoz: I would like to apologize to a girl that I really didn't hurt a lot. I would think she hurt me more than I hurt her. I would like to say I'm sorry for calling her stupid and saying some mean things behind her back. I did call her a friend stealer because she did steal all my friends and left me with none. - Karla Chavarria
Emily Munoz: In the seventh grade, I was friends with four other girls and we were always together. We rarely argued and if we did it would be for something very ridiculous. At the end of seventh grade I had an issue with two of those girls because one of them was changing the other girl a lot and taking away my friendship with her. The girl that was changing the other and I have always had an issue after she stole my phone one day and never gave it back until the end of the day. I confronted them telling them they we ruining my friendship with the girls but didn't seem to care. All four girls started saying really hurtful words to me and I really didn't like it. I told them I never wanted to be friends with them ever again after what they had done to me. -
Valeria: I pledge to respect and treat others how I will like to be treated - miami
Angie : I pledge to help those who get bully - Miami
Angie : If I ever hurt somebody with my words and actions I would like to apologize - Lauren
Angie : I've been bully before and what I would like to say is that is really sad and it affects your life in many ways. -
Mackenzie : I pledge to continue to be a good person. - Miami
celeste pellon : I pledge to be kind to all females who been me to - Miami
brittany: Sorry for being rude and mean to you sometimes! - melanie
Celeste Pellon: I am so sorry that I was mean to you and thought that you were mean - Annette
brittany: Mostly in elementary, I was called names & other things -
Celeste pellon: I will always try to be kind to girls who are not so nice to me. -
Angelica: I am sorry to anyone that I was mean to or talked about behind their back - Miami
Angelica: I pledge to be nice to every girl and not make them feel bad about themselves. - Miami
eugenia rubido: I pelage I will never bully anyone I in the whole world - maimi
sophia lorenzo: I pledge I will never be mean or bully anyone because they are just being them - miami
sophia lorenzo: I have never bullyed anyone but if I have been mean I am sorry - no name
Natalie: In my school there was always this girl and her friends amd they were they were the crew and they would always talk bad about me and say mean things. They always called me stupid, dumb, ugly. She always took my friends away from me and told them rumors. When we were together she was making fun of what i liked and what i was wearing. I was always scared to talk back to her because she is really mean. -
eugenia rubido : I kinda have been bullied -
sophia lorenzo: no I have never been bullyed and I have never bullyed anyone -
nicole rubio: When i used to dance there was a group that everyone wanted to be part of but I never understood why they always judge everyone for not being exactly like them -
Mariam Gonzalez: I pledge never to make girl feel or any girl it is mean and selfish. - Miami
Mariam Gonzalez: I am sorry if I hurt your feeling my name is Mariam and in my old school I used to make fun of when a girl got hurt it was mean . also that wasn't nice and next time I won't do it. - Lissa
Valeria: I once made fun of this girl in my school because she told on me -
emily : to be nice and always respect the other person - miami fl
emily : we just said sorry - allie
Emily Martin: Your Truth -
Aliyah A. Abbott: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Miami
Lauren: I pledge to make other girls feel better about themselves and fight to stop bullying - Miami
Lauren: I am extremely sorry to any girl i've ever talk about in a negative light or left out unintentionally, - all girls
Lauren: I have been talked about behind my back by my "friends." I have also had friends turn against me and left for other groups. -
kaitlyn rodriguez: I pledge to never hurt anyone and be kind and never make a girl woman friend feel less about themselves.I promise i will never do it again. I would not like to do to someone what somone did to me.I pledge to stop any form of bullying i see happening any girl i need to stand up for i will without a second chance to think about it. We are all girls we should aways have eachothers backs.. - miami
gabriella: I pledge to not bully, make fun of, spread rumors , talk bad about someone, or do anything that could hurt anybody ever again. - miami
gabriella : I am sorry for laughing at you and talking about you behind your back . really I know that that was super bad of me to do. I know you are my best friend but we were in first grade. I am really sorry times infinity - ailette
Gabriela Loriga : I pledge to be nice and considerate of others, I pledge to speared kindness to others. I pledge to forgive but not forget and to put forth my effort to stop female bullying. - Miami
Gabriela Loriga : I have seen this types of aggression first hand on what girls do. My ex-best friend had known me since 5th grade (I am now in 9th grade) we had been as tight as a knot. we share stories and secrets as well as likes and dislikes. when suddenly a year ago she stop talking to me, she wouldn't even look at me; I had no idea what I had done to make her angry. When a friend saw that I was really confused asked her behind my back and she advised it was best to stay away because a best friend that thought you were being annoying wasn't a friend at all! I had been told a few years before that my best friend was one type of person in front of my face and another behind my back, as well as a big-mouth. since she was my best friend and had given me no reason for distrust I defended her, just to find out that she wasn't at all the person I thought knew.
This year on the first day of class she comes all friendly and asks for my schedule and pretends nothing happens. she was being hypocritical and thought that I was just going to forget how badly she treated me! but some scares especially those she created can't be healed in one day -
valeria: i pelage that most girls who are beening or were bullied. that don't care about other people only care about you because you are who you are and you are no one else but you. - miami
Kaitlyn Rodriguez: When my teacher assigned me this i did no think i had anything to tell, because i was scared of sharing my feelings and thoughts and experiences.But the truth is i do have a lot to tell and even though it hurts me going back to that time when i was unhappy sad and depressed, i feel like this is the right place to tell it.Back in fifth grade i was moved to a new school , everyone already had their group of friends so in the beggining i felt kind of excluted from everyone else. Then i met some of the 4 most amazing people in the world my best friends. Everyone always made me feel left out, they made fun of me they spread so so many rumors about me since i was the new girl i was the fresh meat to be attacked.These girls the (popular group) would hear me talking to my friends about something then they would go to another girl and say i was talking bad about them. When i would never dare firstable im not that type of person and why would i want to start more drama.I lost count of how manny times i came in to class crying ; and the teacher had to pull me outside and ask me what was wrong , I would never dare tell anyone what was going on because i felt scared of what the girls might say about me and anything else bad they could to to me.For all these months i kept my feelings locked up in a jar never told anyone what i was feeling or thinking. Sad to say a lot of bad thought ran through my heead for example why am i here? whats the point? am i ugly?..yes you are ugly , but the worst though was having thoughts about hurting myself.Thankgod that during these months my bestfriend Bri was always a shoulder to cry on and she kept my head above the water.She always made me fell so special and she told me that everything they were saying was not true.At some point they started talking bad about me to my friends. Then summer came , summer was like a mental therapy to me i had so much time to reflect and think .So now these were my thought I am beautiful i am worth something I am impotant . I started being happy again being my self for once. When 6th grade came around i was ready to face anything because i knew what ever they would say about me was not true that i should not pay attention to their rude words or mean comints.I had so much self confidence i cant change that fact that people are rude they are going to talk bad about me but what i can control is my wellbeing and happiness.Now i am so sos so much happier than i was two years ago.Girls be happy have confidence in yourself dont ever let anyone get you down . -
valeria: my apology is for girl that bullied me on a website that was instagram and she put me out in front of thousands of people so i posted a sercet about her online too. - dyana
valeria: I've been told that I'm not smart because of the way i looked.and that i was one of the most ugly persson in the world so i felt really bad so i moved schools.thinking that it will be a good school.and it was. -
Nicole: I pledge to no ever make any girl feels bad about her self or spread rumors or to be unkind in any way. - Miami
Elizabeth Palma-D'Souza: Not only will I promise to avoid gossip and girl on girl judgment, I will start standing up for it. I will simply voice that there's no need to speak about others, especially, if you don't even know them personally - Miami
Elizabeth Palma-D'Souza: It's so easy to judge others. I'll admit, I used to get involved in gossip but honestly I was never the type to be spreading rumors or constantly talking bad about people. I feel like people who do that just want to make themselves look better. Rumors play with people's egos and give the people spreading them a false sense of pride. In a way, I guess it's good that people talked negatively about me because that's what made me realize how fraudulent rumors are. I never believe what's told to me because I know lies are so easy to be fed too others. I'm just sorry for ever believing a rumor because that alone is supporting the person who spread it and bringing down the person it is about. - No one specifically
Nicole: I pledge to no ever make any girl feels bad about her self or spread rumors or to be unkind in any way. - Miami
Nicole: I'm sorry for spreading a rumor with the intentions for revenge. - Alexa
Melissa: I'm sorry when people were making fun of you I didn't stand up and say something. - katherine
tatiana rodriguez: my apology is to the girls i have been rude to to because i didnt like how they acted or stole my bestfriends. - girls that go to my school
tatiana rodriguez : i think the truth about the kind campaign is not only so the girls could feel better so that they could get along and not care about what other people have to say about them. its it also to spread kindness and respect to all the people. -
Melissa: The truth is girls have been talking and saying rumors that weren't true and laughing at me. -
Natalie Blanco: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Miami FL
natalie blanco: Once in second grade a girl kept calling me names like stupid,ugly,and dumb. This girl would do it every day , and sometimes make up rumors and tell her best friends. She would always laugh at me and make fun of what i liked or what i was wearing. I was always to scared to fight back. -
Claudia: I'm very sorry about saying mean things to you and about giving you attitude. I should've never said them. You are super pretty and nice and none of the things I said to you are true. Now we are super close friends. - Genevieve
Angelina Cuador: I apologize for if i hurt any of my friends feelings when I played around.around. I don't mean to hurt any of my friends feelings. - In general
lauren fernandez: the truth is i never been affected by girl against girl crime but i have seen a lot of girls hurting each other with word and i tell them not to because all words do is hurt each other... if you have been in a situation like girl against girl then all u have to do is say bye and walk away like if show you don't care care they will stop and if you fight all it does is make it worse if you show you don't care they will stop. -
tatiana rodriguez: my apology is to the girls i have been rude to to because i didnt like how they acted or stole my bestfriends. - girls that go to my school
tatiana rodriguez : i think the truth about the kind campaign is not only so the girls could feel better so that they could get along and not care about what other people have to say about them. its it also to spread kindness and respect to all the people. -
Eunice: Girls shouldn't fight we should just speak of our problems and be nice to each other either way being a girl privilege God gave you and girls aren't meant to fight we're meant to be nice and show the world what girls do and that we can be the number one's in the world and we can do anything -
Jordan: My pledge today is I will make sure that no one is getting bullied or criticized at my school just because they are different I feel that everyone is perfect the way you are. - Miami
Claudia: One day I was at school and this girl asked me if I had taken her book bag from her and hid it somewhere. I said no, but I actually had taken it. She started crying because she couldn't find it anywhere and I felt bad for her and thought that it was probably better if I told her the truth. So I went up to her and told her the truth, that I was the one who hid her book bag and I gave it back to her. -
tatiana rodriguez: my apology is to the girls i have been rude to to because i didnt like how they acted or stole my bestfriends. - girls that go to my school
tatiana rodriguez: my pledge is to be nicer to the people around me and also not to be rude to them my whole life just because they did something really stupid when they were younger. - miami
Jordan: My apology to you is that just because the boys make fun of you and girls make fun of you too that does not mean that you should change who you are. Never change the way you are because people make you feel that you are different. You are perfect the way you are and you do not have to change yourself for anyone. - Katherine
Jordan: I was bullied when I was smaller and I was very affected by it. It made me feel very insecure about myself. I do not feel that it is right for girls to hate on others just because they can be different. -
Jennifer Rivas: I pledge that all girls should be treated fairly and with respect and honest. This is to all you bully's out there. You should learn to take it easy and respect us girls. If you dont have anything nice to say or do keep it inside. Thank you for your time:) - Miami - Florida
Victora: I hope that one day girl don treat eachother so roughly it dosent matter how ugly a person is dont jude a book by its cover,and to all the girls, dont judge somebody you dont know anything about them . - Florida
gianna: I promise to be kind and treat people how I want to be treated - miami
Victoria: I would like to apoligize to a really great girl that once called me a liar but i didnt know why and i got angry but after the argument and we became friends she told me she had been bullied so much that she had to let it all out and i was he one right next to her so thats why it happend and also her mom was in the hospital and she said that everybody in my class saids that she was leing which in the end she did lie about some things but im sorry narriana that u had to go through all of that :( :) - Narriana
gianna: im sorry for taking behing your back - isabella
Jennifer Rivas: One day i was just sitting in the table in my school lunch room. All of a sudden a girl picks me up from my chair and pushes me to the wall and shoves me down to the ground. All of this just because i was asking her boyfriend a question.She thought i was trying to steel him away from her. :( -
VICTORIA: When i was 9 there was a girl named narriana that called me a liar and i hadnt done anything to her and that hurt me that she though i was a liar when she was just making that up.The day after we had a big argumen infront of my whole class and she said a bunch of times that she couldnt be friends with a liar. The day after she came to me and said that she was really sorry and it took timebut eventually i forgave her and she bacame my friend but it was still a little hard to trust her . -
Ana Basso: I pledge to be nicer to girls all around me. also, I pledge to tell the girls around to stop the hating, and to be kind! - Miami
Ana Basso: In my school I could I agree I hanged around some bad people. Those people where being mean and calling names to a girl. I usually laughed with them and didn't think much of it, but then the next year I thought about it and now I am really sorry. I am sorry for what I've done, Kathryn. - Kathryn
Ana Basso: The truth is that I hate the things that girls do to each other. I was in a girl-against-girl crime in Elementary, two times actually. First, in second grade this girl throughout the years kept on bothering me by saying mean words to me, and (which at that time was very shy and my face got red when a lot of people started looking at me.) Then, again in fifth grade a different girls started say rumors about me, like saying I have things in my hair and things like that. I love the idea of the kind campaign. I will sure be nicer to some girls in my school! -
Tiffany: i pledge to unite kindnes in ending female bullying by stopping it in the hallways,groupchats anywhere where its occuring. - Miami
Tiffany: i appoligize to Anais for calling a b*tch but she kept calling me anorexic and spreding rumors about me and i couldnt take it anymoe and i - Anais
Jessie.P.: I pledge that I will never be mean to anyother girl or in fact anyone.I promise to be kind from now on. I will treat everyone with the same respect i would like to be treated. I pledge to unite in kindness in effort to end female bullying - Miami
Tiffany Capellan: girls at chool call me anorexic."do you even eat?" " are you sure going to eat that? " "go eat some mcdonalds" i laugh when people tell me that but it makes me feel so insecure about myslef. sometimes i wear big clothes so i would get less of those comments -
Britney: I pledge to always be kind to other girls no matter what. - Miami
Jessie.P.: I'm sorry if I ever hurt someones feeling.I never intended too nor will I ever - Anyone I know
Britney: I am sorry if I ever hurt anyone's feeling even if it was by accident - Anyone who I ever made feel bad
jessie.P.: bulling is something that eveyone has been through.i have been bullied when i was younger because the way I look, and I was chubby.I was always shy to speak up, so I never fought back or told anyone. But now I know that I'm not alone, -
Britney : I have been bullied by another girl who I thought was my friend. It can be very scary for someone who has never experienced that that before. I never want tone treated like that again -
diana: i pledge i will prevent bulling and i will be united with the kind campaign - miami
diana: I have been bullied before and it is kind of mean that other people hurt girls to show them how they are feeling -
Andrea: My pledge is to help end female bullying and make sure no female is being left out of something or being called mean things. - Miami
Andrea: I applpgize if I have ever made anybody feel bad. I probably didn't mean to and I probably didn't even notice but if I have made you feel bad in anyway I just want to say I am really sorry. - Anybody
Andrea: I have never been bullied but I have heard of other people being bullied and their horrible story's and I hope I can stay away from all that drama and not have to deal with it -
esmeralda castro: I am so sorry that you people are hurt and you take that out with other people .. I am sorry that, that it is causing you pain , but your doing the same to us .Think before you take action, Cause one day you'll end up all alone and the people you think are cool and like you ,wont have your back anymore .. so good luck... kindness is the secret to life and if you don't have it you will never be successful .. even if you have nothing , u have something even greater .. Its what the world needs... KINDNESS - bullys
Angelina Cuador: My personal experience about girl against girl crime is that in camp there was this girl that we were friends and a little bit of frenemeys and we got in a fight.The fight was about that when she went down the water slide she hurt her shoulder,but i thought she was acting because i play around like that with my friends, pretending i got hurt ,but my friends know when I fake it.We got into an argument and she called me something that really hurt my feelings.I really didn't like the experience ,but it has helped me know a little more about what can or will happen in the future in most situations. -
blanca barrios: ok charleny i am sorry if i was mean to you saying that you were alittle bit bossy and annoying - charleny
blanca barrios: because there was a girl that was being mean to me saying that i was weird so then i started to get scared at school cause i didn't know if everybody thought that i was weird
esmeralda castro : I pledge to never give in to temptation or bad word that come out of my mouth or any other thing that are tempting to do. I pledge that I will help end my generation from bullying . - kendall lakes
esmeralda castro: I've been told when I was13 that I was too fat or they would just laugh or talk in my back. But to be honest I really don't care. Anyone can tell me I am ugly or any other comment they want to add . In the future this will not matter cause the beauty comes with in and not without ... You don't need anyone to tell you look beautiful , your BEAUTIFUL the way you are . We are not perfect ,don't expect us to be .. -
stella : i've never gotten hurt by a girl but i have hurt a girl feelings. and am deeply sorry and if i could go back in time i would fix that but my teacher made me think i dont want to be reambered the mean girl or look who it is her agine.so am deeply sorry~alyssa -
Sofia: I pledge to be more nice to people. - Maimi
Sofia: I am sorry for bothering you. - Sofia
Sofia: My truth is that i have been called names in elementary school. -
Natalie Dorado: Your Truth -
abby: i have never had a problem with anyone and i always make new friends -
Sadie : I some time give attitude and say things before thinking about it -
gianna: at summer camp there was a group of girls who were the popular group or the name of there group was called "The Crew" and since they were popular they took almost everything I liked like my favorite counselor and almost even one of my best friend but lucky for me at least one of my friends always was with me -
Angelina: my pledge today is that i think that girls should be treated like anyone,anywhere because there is nobody that is perfect every girl has a different attitude which is great because then you could be able to get to know more,and more girls and the more that you meet would be much easier to to stop this bullying that is happening in middle or even elementary schools - Miami,florida
Karen: I pledge to make no girl feel bad about anything, and to make an effort to end female bullying. - Miami
Karen: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making lies, for making you feel bad, for laughing at you when you get in trouble, for trying to pull a prank on you, for putting everything out of my way to make you feel bad. - Miryam
Karen D.: Have you ever heard of indirect girl against girl crime?
It's weird. You feel bullied by someone you've never talked to, nor have they ever talked to you. You think of all the things they haven't done, and blame on them, and it makes you feel sad. And they don't know. That person who you feel bullied by, that person who never talked to you. And you just feel bullied by nothing.
Just because they didn't talk to you. -
Brenda: I was always bullied through out my whole high school years, so I started hanging out with the bad crowed because I thought that they liked me but it was only so they can play a mean trick on me, they stole my binder and through my school work and my all round the school and it lead me to dropping out of school. Today I am a mom of three boys, I got my diploma, and I am a full time college student to become a DMS I was never one to judge anyone for who they are or how they looked like. so I want to pledge to be kind because I don't want any girl to be bullied - Murrieta, Ca
Ashley Garcia : I am participating in this forum I will respect others I want to treat others how they treat me not by bullying or criticizing. - Miami
Isabella Estrada: I promise to be kind from know on and to be curties to others. - Miami
Sabrina Fraguela: I pledge not to commit another girl-against-girl "crime" in my life. I want to stay honest and trust worthy. - miami
Sabrina Fraguela: I am sorry for committing a girl-against-girl "crime". I should not have done what I did and I regret it. Thank you for understanding. - Samantha
Sabrina Fraguela: I have been affected by a girl-against-girl "crime" and I have also committed a girl-against-girl "crime" at one point. When I was affected by this girl-against-girl "crime" I was depressed the entire time. I was sad and mad about everything. I was very down in life but, I just ignored all the bad energy in my life, at the moment, and appreciated the good energy. When I committed the girl-against-girl "crime" at first I just felt hated and then I felt bad. I really do not like being mean or rude to people. I apologized two days later and we are still friends now. -
Isabella Estrada: I am truly sorry Kathriene for saying that you were not pretty behind your back. I know I would not like it if someone did that to me. - Katherine Martinez
Kyra: I pledge to unite with KIND CAMPAIGN and help end female bullying. Just remember you are not alone. Be KIND.
- Miami
Kyra : I pledge to never tear another girl or woman down just to feel better for myself. I pledge to always take the opportunity to build another woman and young girls in every aspect by taking the kind pledge I pledge to unite and kindness in an effort to and female bullying - Miami
Kyra C.: I just what to apologize to anyone that I made feel terrible. I probably never even noticed. But just remember that I never meant to. I hope we can catch up. Just remember that you are not alone. Be KIND. - Anyone I made feel bad
sam: Your Truth -
Kyra C.: I just what to apologize to anyone that I made feel terrible. I probably never even noticed. But just remember that I never meant to. I hope we can catch up. Just remember that you are not alone. Be KIND. - Anyone I made feel bad
Kyra C.: It's true that everyone was been bullied at one point in their life. I remember when my group of friends turned against me and started calling me names threatening me, and just being plain mean.I just held on to one thing...knowing that I can make sure that this doesn't happen to other girls. If anyone ever reads this just remember that you are not alone and that you can make a difference. Be KIND. -
jessy: i apology for pulling her ear - jade
jessy: i have never but i hope i will never ether -
isabella rey: i am determined to put a hold on girls making other wonderful girls feel they do not belong in the world when they do maybe even more than that person. - miami
isabella rey: im sorry i may have been to personal with my questions and i wasnt the perfect person for u - isabella
isabella rey: i have been left behind by some girls before some said i was stupid and thats my truth -
Caro: I pledge to do anything I can to end bullying and to be a shoulder to cry on for any girl hat is going through a rough time. - Miami
Caro: I wanna say sorry to any girl that I may have said something or did something that made them feel bad. Not only bad but maybe as a bad friend or as if they had any less worth. - any girl I've ever hurt
Caro: When I was in the third grade I was often referred to as "rainbow girl" by the older girls. I don't know why they said it. They would do it and be laughing with their friends. -
kelly bello : I have never been fighting against a new girl her name is angelica now that the years past and im in a new school im promising u not to problem her cuz we are now friends she could not stop being rude to my bff -
Giselle: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. Also to not judge people by their looks, but by their personalities. - Miami
Giselle: I'm sorry, Isa. I've thought so many bad things about you just because you left me for another friend. I've had the best year in school with you, and then you just left me. Why did you think I was a follower? I was trying to just tag along and have fun, not be that one person in a corner who doesn't even have best friend. I'm sorry, but I wish you would say sorry to me back. - Isabella
jayden: I pledge to always treat other people with the same amount of kindness that they give me and more, regardless if they are kind to me or not. But I will still stand my ground without hurting anyone. - miami
jayden more: Im sorry for assuming things about you without truly getting to know you but now that i did talk to you we are good friends. And again I am SO sorry - carolina
Jayden More: I sometimes get mad, depressed, or have a loss of self confidence and I tend to blame it on myself or sometimes others. -
Blanca barrios: There was a girl being mean to me because she said that I was weird
And not smart -
abby: i have never had a problem with anyone i always make new friends -
leandra: i pledge never to bully anyone or put them down or judge a person because of the way they look i hope one day this cause will end and girls will be able to live a happpy life and not care wht people think of them - miami
Blanca barrios: Charleny I apoligazie because I was being mean to you saying that you are a little
Bossy but I apologize if u was being mean to you - Charleny
Blanca barrios: There was a girl that was being mean to me and saying stuff about me like that I was weird -
blanca barrios: i am sorry because i was being mean to her and pretending that i was her friend and not letting her borrow any of my stuff but at the end i apologised - charleny
Katherine chao.: i pledge that bullies stop doing what they are doing because that can lead into a bad situation in the future. i pledge that they talk about thier problems instead of taking it out on other people. - Miami
Katherine Chao: i really sorry to the person i did the mean things too. i really don't remember your name because it was in 1st grade. but i really sorry. if your reading this in really trueley sorry. - i don't remember.
Katherine Chao: My truth is that yes i have been bullied before by a girl. and i have beened named called. to get revenge i did the same thing but later on i realized that the people who are bullies were bullied before and they just want to take their anger on other people instead of talking about their problems. -
Ronnie Jay: I'm a guy.. I learned about this website via: Arielle vandenberg's snapchat.
I've witnessed girl/girl bullying and its not a kind thing, the things girls say to each other/ about each other are horrid and could really make a person feel less valuable and have low self esteem. But not only girls/women experience these harsh encounters, men do too. I, personally haven't experienced bullying from another person but I have compared myself to others in the past and if you've done the same you know that its not a great feeling. So my message to you ladies is that you ARE worth it and you are beautiful no matter what people say or even what your negative thoughts tell you. Don't forget to be KIND! -
Pan: I pledge to support everyone's des visions even though I might not agree with what they are saying and doing. - Australia
Pan: I am sorry for offending Mia about the jeans she wanted to buy -
Natalia: I pledge that I will always look for kindness instead of being mean and feeling bad later when it's too late because I already said what I said. And I am very sorry to anyone I have ever been mean or rude to. -
Arianne: Im sorry for being anoying - Gerxen
Landrie: I'm sorry if I ever made another girl feel inferior or not special. That stops today. -
Anh Tran: I pledge to find kindness, and spread kindness everywhere I go. - Midway City
Kelly: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - San Diego
Kelly : I apologize to every woman I have not supported and been kind to over the years. And from this moment I will make sure that it does not happen again. Because being kind is not only free it feels better always. - Even strangers
Kelly: I was bullied by a group of girls elementary through high school. I felt nervous all of the time. Worried that I would run into them, say something wrong, look wrong, displease them in some way. I navigated this by being defensive and strong willed. Sadly it wasn't just me. I saw it happen to others and then again and again through college, grad school and in work. I also noticed that even when men didn't like each other they didn't tear each other down. We as women, ladies, girls can change this by doing exactly what this campaign asks. Be Kind. We can be stronger and better and more wonderful with each others support. -
analala: been made fun of -
Sierra: I pledge to be a Nice Girl, and contribute to the fight against girl on girl bullying. - Oceanside
Sierra: I was bullied a lot growing up. As a result, my heart hardened and I became a bully myself. I've hurt more girls than I can even count. I don't want to be this person anymore. -
Cameren: I pledge to become a nicer person and stand up for what i believe in. I pledge to watch what i say and do to others. I pledge to put a stop to bullying and making people feel better about themselves everyday. - SugarLand
Cameren: I am sorry i lied and pinned blame on you on a situation that was not even true. However i am not sorry i did as much as i am guilty what you did to me was wrong. You bullied me when i was new and didnt know anyone. I did not do it because i hate you i did it because i was scared and acted on impulse and did the thing i thought at the time would help me. I am truly sorry for bringing you all that trouble in your life in the end i hope you realize why i did it and understand that. - Destiny
Cameren: Growing up in this society you are already under judging eyes. I am a high school senior and i am glad my journey is almost over. I went through high school with multiple bullies and i always wondered why people did not like me even when i did not know them ,as i have grown up i realized nothings wrong with me, there is always another underlying issue with that person or someone who is in their ear and as my mother always said if you have people who dislike you it means you are doing something right. I am against bullying as it is unacceptable in every form. After going through these experiences i am working on a path to becoming a better person and watching what i say and do as words and actions hurt a lot more than sticks and stones. Also music has helped me through my low points, a really good group who addresses lots of issues in their songs and have lots of self empowering/confident songs is Little Mix. I promise you will not be disappointed just listen to the lyrics in all their songs you will understand. -
Anh: I pledge that I will never hurt anybody feelings. I pledge that I will find kindness! - Midway
Anh: I am very sorry for the way I hurt you. I know is rude to do that but I can't stop. Deep down I know what I did was wrong, so please except my apology!
- Katie
Cadence: I've hurt my friends feelings a lot of time by calling her bad name or saying she is a fool but deep inside I really don't want to do that but I can't stop be mean to her. -
Nadine Jacob: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end all kinds of bullying :) - Ottawa
Jamie: I pledge to never bring down another girl for any reason. And when high school starts, i pledge to keep my head up and to never let those girls bring me down. - Norridge
Jamie: I am sorry to Olivia to for being a bad friend and for not being there for her. - Olivia
Tiffany Tripp: I pledge to be better today than i was yesterday. I will continue to treat those how i wish to be treated. I will continue to overcome the negative and find beauty in the ugly. I will continue to be the example even if I fail i will learn and grow. I will continue to stick up for those who can not do it for themselves just yet... I will try to inspire that we are all brothers and sisters no matter the difference. One Sun, One Love.. Kind Campaign, i am on your side... - Lehi
Tiffany Tripp: I am sorryto have given you such a hard time it pushed you away. I am sorry if i had caused any pain in in your life. Im sorry i wasnt there for you when you needed. Im sorry i couldnt be the friend you wanted me to be. - cory
Emily: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Knoxville
Rheanne: I pledge to never tear another girl or another woman down just to feel better for myself. I pledge to always take the opportunity to help build other woman and young girls in every aspect. I pledge all these in the name of this Kind Campaign and in the name of truth. - Ipoh
yulissa: i want to give an apology to my friend Stephanie because i left her out sometimes didn't talk to her because i was talking to my other friends i am really sorry Stephanie
- Stephanie
Sarah: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - West Long Branch, NJ
Yulissa: once my friends betrayed me but 2 were still nice the only who wasn't nice to me was my friend Samantha in my back she told my 2 friends not to talk to me to leave me behind she called me a nerd i'm ugly i'm anion and bossy she was so mean hat she told my 2 friends to tell me if i wanted to fight with me outside she will invite everybody i said no then at the end we became best friends everything bad could turn out to be good never change just because somebody tells you something bad just be yourself don't change yourself. -
Miranda: In college one of my roommates called me crazy for asking her to be quieter in our kitchen and the other roommate stopped talking to me. -
Jackie: I am honestly not a very nice person. I'm seen as negative to others and I kinda am. I can act mean and maybe even sassy, but I'm actually a decent person. I used to look at the world differently, it seemed brighter and I was carefree. I never treated anyone badly or looked at the world negatively until I was treated with negativity and I'm starting to feel really bad now. I haven't ever bullied someone to even a slight level of harshness, only teased people and I've just realized how bad I feel about this. I hope I can catch myself when I'm acting inappropriately next time and shape myself into a better person because this world doesn't need anymore bad people. -
Katie : I pledge to show girls that they are just as capable as boys. Confidence is key. - Myrtle Creek
Cora: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - Larkspur
Cora: I'm so sorry. I've been a horrible friend to you and I feel horrible for it every day. I hope you don't hate me... - Kaitlyn
Jiyuen: Forever I will always be kind - ga,berkeley lake
Moozhan: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. GIRL POWER! - McLean
Megan: I pledge to be the best self I can be and to spread KINDness amongst others in big and small ways. I pledge to be a good friend, loyal, KIND, truthful, and caring, as well as compassionate. I pledge to love whole heartily and to not judge others. - Virginia
Halle White: I pledge to never judge someone for how they live their life. It is not my place. I pledge to be uplifting, encouraging, and a good listener. - Atlanta
shawntavia: I will be an respectful and pay good attention - milwaukee
shawntavia : I will be nice and don't get my sister in trouble and tell the truth - neaveah
shawntavia: people are mean and I am mean back and make me go home and be bad and I tell lies and it make me get my baby sister get in trouble some time -
Kendal: As a teacher of 5th graders, I see the conflicts, drama, and pain that girls cause each other on a daily basis. I do my best to create a culture of kindness in my classroom. I just finished reading "Pay It Forward," and was so pleased with how much the kids LOVED the books, and begged for me to read more. I would love to start a movement in my school. That's why I'm on here. - Sarasota, FL
Laura: Sorry for saying that you are terrible at sing when every one was mean to you I joined in you are a very nice and talented girl and I hope you can forgive me - mia
Erin: I will never leave people out. - Libertyville
Erin: I'm sorry I never joined the bowling league with you. I felt like I always had to take care of you because of your disability and hated how others treated you and realized I did the same thing by not joining the league with you. I wish I took the time out to do this activity with you. I'm sorry if I made you feel alone. - Charlotte
emily abey: i have been mean to my friends I'm being honest I'm not going to blame it on anyone else
but to me,being mean is much more easier than being nice,and I'm so sorry if i have hurt anyone i do not wish to hate or bring negativity. -
Alexis Carfrae: Truthfully, I'm not always the kindest girl. But ever since I've seen mean girls and watch the "Kind Campaign" documentary, my life has changed for the better. I've been nicer, happier, and KINDer. Thank you, Kind Campaign for changing my life. -
Emily Griganavicius: I, Emily Griganavicius, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect its intended purposes. - Orange
Emily Sutherland: I Emily Sutherland, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. By participating within this forum, I am making a commitment to be truthful and to respect its intended purposes. - Orange
emily: i am so sorry that i ruined your life in 4th grade, i was new and i just went with what people did. I know we still aren't the best of friends but i think we can stitch that bond. - Lauren
Naomi : I was bullied at my dance class and bullied at school because I danced. I am not very skinny, but I am not fat either. I was once told that I was "too fat to dance." After that, I didn't think dance mattered. Yet today, I still dance almost 6 classes a week and I love it more than anything. Lauren and Molly, you came to our classroom today. Hearing your bullying stories make me realize that their are much more painful senarios than my own story, yet, everyone's matters. -
BNL: I'm sorry for making you believe your expectations for yourself are impossible, that everyone around you expects you to reach these expectations, that you cry really hard whenever you feel you've disappointed someone, that you're pushing yourself so hard to not disappoint everyone that you feel you've lost yourself. - BNL
me: I apologize that you may never have the courage to help yourself. I am sorry that you may never have the courage to come out of your shell and ask for you friends to support you. I am sorry that your expectations for yourself are too high. I'm sorry others with equally high expectations of you don't understand you. I am sorry no one around you see's your struggle. I am sorry for the fear that if they did see it, they still wouldn't understand it. I'm sorry I can't help you right now. But please try to stick it out. - me
L.: To all my friends,
I'm sorry for not always being there for you, even when you tried to be there for me. I would just be judgemental and critical of everyone and would distance myself from you all because I didn't see then that you would always stand by my side when others wouldn't. Forgive me and believe me when I say I will always stand by your side because I know you're by mine. - Friends
lynsey : i want to say sorry to my sister, i really love you with all my heart and hate to see you going through hard times please just forgive me -
Laisha: I been bullied when I was in 3rd grade I always got bullied of how I look and how I dressed.Now I'm in 5th grade and bulling got real hard for me.This girl did gossip that I was a bitch and a thot.Now people don't want to be my friends.Sometimes I feel that wanna cry.I only got one true friend.She stands for me when I'm getting bullied. -
Maddison Copeland: I will never say mean things again - Frisco
Maddison Copeland: ok so I said something mean back -
Maddison Copeland: people are always saying things mean about me -
Nayely : i'm so sorry for bullying you maleya in 2nd grade i feel so horrible for what i did and to jazmine i'm SO SORRY for saying horrible things to you on facebook I truly am sorry to both of you guys - maleya and jazmine pstino
;): I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying.
I Kindly pledge to:
try to not talk about my friends or other people behind their backs and to respect who they are no matter their race and to always smile. - :)
:(: We'll I have been bullied by my friend only a couple of times, but thanks for the help of the teachers and principal now she doesn't tell me horrifying stuff. She used to tell me fat and I remember once that she told me that; you see when a tire of a car is full of air she told me to desinflate: I tried to not show my anger or show that im sad or something like that. I know that she was joking around but im still not sure if it was a joke or not. I still talk to her but she doesn't know that what she was doing was bullying so she hasn't said sorry or anything like that because she doesn't know she was doing bullying to me. So I mwasn't really affected by it but it did hurt me (not a lot). But I still remember that day. -
Jenna: Sorry - Jolie
NE: You wanted to be my friend. I liked you. You were always kind and generous.
I wanted to be cool and accepted. To be cool and accepted I could not be associated with you. You were not cool enough.
The people I wanted to be cool for and accepted by turned out not to be cool and accepting.
15 years later I still think of you. You would have been a great friend to have.
I'm sorry I never gave us that opportunity. -
Sonia: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end the bullying. Then not judging people by how they look. People should know by know that they can't just judge people by how they look. They should end this bullying because the kids just don't want to be in this world anymore. - Chicago
Sonia: I feel bad for what I did about judging people by how they are. I should've never judge them by how they are at the first time when they are know to a school. I've started this because since 3rd grade I have been bullied by someone. Then all that was still in my mind about what the girl has done to me. Then I just wanted to apologize so I did. Then that day I felt better for apologizing, and not judging anyone else. Know I don't judge people by how they look, or by how they behave. Even though I don't know someone I just smile back instead of judging. I felt happy by not judging people anymore. -
Amani: I'm sorry for being mean to you I just stand being teased all the time and may be in the future we could forget it move on.
- Jacob
Amani: A lot of kids in class my think I'm stupid -
Amani zantoko : A girl in my school was being pick on by her race -
Hermine: I'm 26 years old and I have been betrayed & bullied by my best friend over the two last weeks. I feel heartbroken, humiliated and very sad. I'm already working on truly forgiving her. And I want to take action here in Paris to spread the kindness. Be strong everyone. -
Sara: I was mean to a girl in like 4th grade who was an amazing friend to me because I was obnoxiously defensive. - Vanessa
Aamina : I pledge to build others up, not break them down. I pledge to give constructive criticism, if needed, gently. I pledge to be kind. As much as I can be. - Port Elizabeth
Alyssa: I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you when the other girls were talking about you behind your back. - Haley
ryan deporter: hi -
elana : i'm sorry for thinking that everyone has to be perfect. because were not and it hurts so many people. - everyone
brooke p: I was in 4th grade win I spilled milk on the fround of my pants.this girl named alexie she saw and said I peed my pants and she told every one to call me pee pants -
Lacie: I pledge to think before I act, to ask myself how would I feel if I were on the recieving end of the actions I am projecting. To be kind to all, to remember we are all fighting battles. To extend a helping hand to those I see hurting or being hurt. I pledge to stop bullying and intervene when I do see it occurring. I pledge to teach my children to be Kind and pay it forward - Gibson CIty
brooke: i pledge to unit in kindness in an effort to end female bullying - tx weatherford
jiya: i pledge to never be mean ever again - calgary
jiya: so sorry for those mean things i did to you i just did not know you were getting your feelings hurt and i guess we should ben friends all along cause your always supporting me and your always so kind and nice
im really really really sorry - anmol
jiya: i bullied a girl and kept on doing that for a few weeks and i felt really bad for her -
Madison: I pledge to self-reflect before I speak. To often we're quick to make a comment or a joke for the sake of fitting in instead of standing next to one another and recognizing that each person brings something wonderful and unique to the world. We only get one shot at this life, so today, I pledge that I will use this life to remind myself and everyone around me to be KIND to one another! - Canada
Katie: This story is approximately 15 years old. When I was first starting elementary school I wasn't the most popular of girls, but it was OK because I had a loving, equally not cool best friend. She ended up moving, or for whatever reason changing schools. This was the late nineties, so before every tween had a cell, and my best friend and I completely lost touch. By the time 5th or 6th grade rolled around, I had climbed the social ladder and had grown into a cooler and judgmental social group. My lost friend returned to our elementary school, and approached me, excited to see me, and I blew her off. I wouldn't talk to her, I was so cold. I caused her to be embarrassed and hurt, many people saw this happen, and knew we had once been very close. I had made it into the popular group, and I didn't want to go back to hanging out with girls I now viewed as "lesser". I was truly a horrible, heartless, backstabbing little girl. This story still haunts and shames me, and I am so SO sorry. -
chloe : I have lots of friends but some of them are mean to me -
Cheridan Kelly: Dear Pamela,
I'm sorry about all the terrible things my "friends" and I said about you in 5th grade. We're in 8th grade now, almost in high school, and you are one of the coolest people I know. You may not be a model or Albert Einstein but you're an incredible trombone player. I'm glad we could get passed all of that and that we're friends now. Love you PJ.
- Pamela Jensen
Casey: I pledge to refrain from judging, criticizing, or hurting girls in any way, shape, or form in order to ensure the end of female bullying. - Monroe Township
Casey: I am sorry for unfairly judging any girl before getting the chance to get to know them. It's these judgments that contribute to the majority of insecurities among young girls.I am sorry for making any girl feel as if they are less beautiful than they truly are. -
Alena: I apologize for giving you false information about your new boyfriend. I was hurt that he left me so quickly for you. I was hurt and scared and I panicked. I knew I wanted to tell you he wasn't right for you but I didn't know how so I made stuff up. You didn't deserve that and he didn't either. I'm happy you guys are happy and I hope you can learn to forgive me. - Mandy
Autumn: I'm sorry for not treating you the way you deserved. I felt crummy about me and I lashed out at you... Yet all you ever did was love me. I'm sorry. - Shayla
Avah: I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone because of something I said or did - Anyone I know
Jill: I went to a pretty vicious high school, and I remember one day sitting at lunch with my friends and a random kid walked by who we didn't even know, and they all started making comments and laughing at the pants they were wearing on the non-uniform day. I remember in that moment just thinking 'why are you laughing at that person? You don't know her, she hasn't done anything to you'. After that day I decided to just put my time and effort in studies and pretty much stopped hanging around with that group of girls. I'd be nice to them if I saw them, but I realized that I spent so many years of listening to their negativity about other people and me sitting there and not defending the person made me as bad as them.
I'm 22 now, and I have the best group of girlfriends who are more like sisters. There isn't any drama, if we ever have an issue we discuss it calmly and rationally, apologize, hug it out and move on. We don't rag on each other, we don't gossip about each other, if we say something about one friend it's only ever out of concern or trying to clear something up, or it's to talk about how much we adore her. In high school I could have never imagined having such a trusting, diverse and wonderful group of girls in my life. I am so blessed and happy that I have found these sisters for life. -
Lacey: I pledge to be the kindest person I can be at all times. I will make everyone feel welcome and treat them as my best friend. - Alabaster
Grace: My best friend and I had gotten in an argument because she was leaving me out of our "group". I had tried just talking about it but it wasn't working...I felt like there was nobody left to be friends with. Everyone in my school has their own clique and I had just been kicked out of mine. I was left alone and felt like there was no place to fit in. I still feel this way but have learned to just be alone. I don't really have any true friends left and I am hopeless. -
viona: sorry milly, i said something that wasn't quite 100% sure about you. i said what i saw, and i just assume that you're not doing the math task. i'm sorry - milly
Julia: I'm sorry for bullying you the way that I was bullied - Sarah
Jordan: I PLEDGE to be confident and show everyone the real me until its too late! :) - Pemberton
Jordan: I sorry for being so quiet and pushing you away when we had the chance to be friends. - He: Brandon
Jordan: Back in 5th grade I, texted my friend some pretty harsh things when we were both going through a bad time. It was back in forth, texting the unthinkable words to my best friend, that I never thought I would say. After it was over, I just wanted to forget about it, but word spread to our friends and they kept telling me it was cyber bullying, and I knew it wasn't. It was just a very intense argument and we both said things we shouldn't have. Being me I let the whole "cyber bully " comment get to my head and I felt even deeper in the dark. Not having my best friend for a while was hard and I couldn't take it so I apologized and she apologized. Yes, I got my bestie back, but ever since then we have never been the same. We went our separate ways, found other amazing people and now we are just the people that wave and say, "HI" in the hallway. -
Jennifer: I pledge to spread kindness and to refrain from participating in spreading rumors. I will respect my school community and be truthful in all situations. - Holbrook
Joy: I pledge that I will try my hardest not to ever insult anyone or gossip about anyone because I know how it feels. I will raise others up not put them down - Exeter
Joy: I'm sorry for insulting you as a joke all the time through high school, I meant it light heartedly but insults should never be said and I wasn't aware that I was hurting you. - Danielle
Joy: I was bullied all though high school. I was unpopular and would always hear comments on my appearance, personality and gossip, usually untrue and negative. This forced me into being very uncomfortable in my own skin and suffer from social anxiety. It felt like everyone in my school hated me for no reason and I felt inferior to everyone else. -
Colleen Binney: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Hudson, FL
Jessica: I pledge that I will try to help others who are being bullied, or who are bullies. I have been on both sides of that stick, and I want to make it so others don't have to deal with the consequences like I have. - Idaho
jessica: I'm sorry I was such a bully in elementary school. I should have remembered how it felt and stopped. Please forgive me. - -
Jessica Klingler: Ever since kindergarten, I have been bullied by so many. First, I was bullied for a large scar on my forehead. Then, that I always hung out with boys, and then because I was shy and cried a lot. After a while, I became a bully. I didn't call it that, but it was what it was. In middle school, I mellowed out, but I am still suffering emotional deficiencies -like I have issues with trust, I don't share my emotions with anyone, no matter what, and I am afraid to cry in front of people because I am afraid of being laughed at and mocked- because of how I was treated, and others I had mistreated are bullies now, all because of me. I can never reverse what I did, but I can stop others from making the same mistake. -
Julie: I pledge to be kinder to everyone, including myself. At the end of the day, when I am not thinking kind thoughts about other girls and women, it is because I am not thinking and feeling kind thoughts towards myself. We are all imperfect; that is the beauty of being alive and being human! We all deserve to feel worthy of love, joy, and kindness, and I plan on spreading this love, joy, and kindness every day that I am lucky enough to be a part of this beautifully flawed world of ours. -
Kaitlyn: I am tired of talking shit about other people. This is not who I want to be. -
JaNise: Im sorry for all those bad things i did in said to you! i love you forever you will be my bestfriend..... - Madison
JaNIse: Im sorry ! -
Payton Lallemont: I pledge that I will be kind to all. Even the runt of the pack. - Prentice, Wisconsin
Beth Mendleton: I pledge to be kind to everyone around me and support all girls to end female bullying x - London, England
Anvit Saxena: I pledge to to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. With female starts the world :) - Hyderabad, India
Jessica: I pledge to always be kind and understanding and to accept everyone for who they are. - Nederland
Jessica: I'm sorry I took you for granted. I love you so much. - Madison
Jessica: I was influenced by the people who bullied me, i let myself think that just because they were rude, they were popular. i treated the only friend i had badly because i thought it was how you showed people you cared, but she still always stuck by me. She is my first friend and i will always love her. -
Ailani Toledo: I pledge to become a better person by being kinder to people. Just like at then assembly, if you don't having something to say, don't say it. - San Diego, California
Niquèlle: I pledge to try my hardest to live a life that I am 100% proud of, being sweet and kind to everyone I meet, to not gossip, to not . I pledge to give everyone a second chance, and to not judge people by what other people say about them, to give them a full shot. I pledge to do what Jesus would do. - San Luis Obispo
julia: im sorry for not taking your advice when you give it. - heather
Tyon : I'm sorry for starting petty fights with my friends and being prideful instead of just forgiving them or taking the initiative to apologize when I was in the wrong -
Mariangela Vogliotti: I'm truly sorry for saying never to be your friend, i'm sorry for spreading rumors about you, i'm sorry for me fighting over Samantha, I hope you at least consider looking at me for what I did was truly cruel. I never said a word about this to my family or friends for it crushed me. Lastly, i'm sorry for breaking you when you thought all was good. So many things happen in my life, yet i always recall that time and as I left Ventura for a new life, i started to consider it was mostly my fault. I'm sorry and i can't say it enough. - Natalie Ortiz
issbah khowaja: i want to encouge people to not be mean and stand up for themselves if being bullied -
issbah khowaja: when i was the new girl in forth grade and dressed up ddiffrent then everyone else later on people started to call me names once one girl called me ugly in a very rude way but all that changed when you visited my school today miraleste intermediate school thankyou for teaching me that you and everyone has a spark in them that makes them shine -
Meredith H.: I pledge to stop female bullying and to be kind because I can and because it feels better than hate. I will work on not talking about others behind their backs and saying mean comments. I unite with the rest of you to make a happier world of girls :) - Saratoga Springs, NY
Meredith: I want to apologize for doing things to you that I wouldn't want someone to do to me. For talking behind your back and for changing our schedule to avoid you. It is really hard with the influence of other people, but that does not mean that I should do anything unkind to you. I am really sorry. - Kayla
Meredith H.: Most of my friends that I have had up until now have been really great girls but also really mean at the same time. I let these girls turn me into something I wasn't, and I also let them walk all over me just so that we could stay friends. I have always been conflicted about standing up for myself and not giving in to the temptation of gossip and hate against other girls, it has been really hard since that is what some of my closest friends have always done. I am ready to do what is right and always be kind. -
lesley: im sorry for getting mad at you when you were trying to help me. - karla
Karla: Im sorry for watever I did to get you mad at me. -
celeste: By taking the kind pledge, i pledge to unite kindness in an effort to end bullying - laguna hills
Hannah Cornell: By taking the kind pledge, I unite in kindness to make everyone feel equal amd not differnet and not lovable. - Laguna hills
madison: I pledge to be kinder to my sister - laguna hills
Olivia : I pledge to be nicer to my brother - Laguna hills
Jessika: I said horrible things on Facebook about a girl I didn't even know personally, mostly I was mad I guess that I was reaching out in a friendly way and was ignored, my feelings were hurt and so I set out to hurt her back and was very cruel, kind of makes me a big awful looser, I have always wanted to tell her how sorry I am :( -
Anna: I pledge to always sincerely love the girls around me - Pittsburgh
Madison: I pledge to unite in an effort to end female bullying in my community & other community's! - Fort Mill, SC
Madison: I want to say sorry to a girl at my new school I've hurt & put down since I've started hanging out with the wrong group. (I don't hang with them anymore) - Kendell
Madison: Hi I'm Madison I'm in my 8th grade year at another new school.& let me tell you it's been hard! I always do anything to be accepted even if it comes with me being someone i'm not. This year i guess you could say i started out with the wrong group. I normally let people walk all over me & tell me how horrible of a person i am but this year i got with a group who helped me "fix myself" the wrong way! The group i hung out with was always in drama with other girls and were always treating girls in the worst ways , posting pictures on instagram to make them feel bad , calling them names & just making their life at school terrible then i realized i'm treating someone i hated being treated & i'm treating them the way i was treated. i just want to now help others become kind & i want to help make other happy! -
Mazzy: I pledge to be nice to everybody no matter what. - Seattle
Haley : How to help friends when they feel sad -
Taylor: I pledge to never talk bad about others and to never judge anyone. You never know what their situation may be. - St. Louis
Caitlin: I allowed girls to hurt me so bad that I felt worthless, hopeless.. and stopped living my life for almost two years. -
Kelly: As a teacher at Imagine North Manatee, a huge part of my teaching philosophy is educating the whole child. I believe that it is not only my job to teach these children the core standards, but to help facilitate them in understanding what it means to responsible member of our community. My students and I have pledged to raise money for the KIND CAMPAIGN and awareness to end girl-against-girl bullying at our school, as well as, bullying in general. - Palmetto
Elle: my friend (girl1) was making fun of my other friend (girl 2) on her private instagram, so i aksed girl1 to block me so i wouldnt be temped to show girl 2. now everyone is saying i showed girl 2 the videos but i didnt. no one trusts me and everyone did this behind my back and i dont want to go to school. i have a mask at school at school im the pretty smart and confident girl but at home i just sit and cry because i have so much stress and pressure and not one person to talk to. -
Kelsey R.: By taking the Kind Pledge, I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. And all bullying. It stops here. - Beckley
Kelsey: While I was made fun of and given a hard time in middle school and half of high school there were kids around me who had it worse than me and I would see the way they were being treated and wanted to say something to them to make them feel better or stick up for them but I was always too scared or felt like I wasn't "somebody" enough to help them. I want to apologize for being scared and not helping them when I know they needed it or a simple KIND word could have changed their day. I hope they have made it as far as I have. - The affected
aisha: I used to be bullied. -
farah qamilia bt azli farid: i love my family and matty braps
Maggie: I pledge to be a trustworthy person, and stand up for people who need help. Even if the person who needs help is me. I will try to be more outgoing (try), and I will always try to be a helpful and loving person - Maine
Emma : I pledge to be a faithful friend. I pledge to let someone know if I have a problem with them instead of talking behind their backs. I pledge to be honest. I pledge to be KIND. - Everyone
Emma : I apologize to any friend of mine that I've been mean to (or any girl in general). I'm sorry for talking about others and criticizing them behind their backs. I have been a victim of bullying and I feel awful for doing to others what I knew made me feel awful. And lastly, Irene, I am sorry for giving up on our friendship when you moved away and I am sorry for criticizing you without a serious reason. - Anyone I've been mean to
Emma: Since kindergarten (yes, even kindergarten) I have been made fun of because of my looks, my humor, my ideas and what not. However, growing up this whole thing started fading away.. (or so I thought). Kids tell you whatever they want in your face, straight up. Teenagers though, and of course mainly girls (including myself) tend to do something worse; they talk about you behind your back, they criticize you, they make fun of you if you don't look or dress a certain way, they spread rumors about you without a good reason. I admit that I have done most of these horrible things to others. I haven't realized until now how awful this is. -
Irina : Throughout my school career, I was always teased by other girls about my weight, looks, and ideas. I was never the pretty brunette with perfect teeth, eyes, skin, and hair. Mainly, this happened at my first high school. But then I moved, and had to transfer. A few months after transferring, I was sitting on a bench by the drama room and a girl came out and invited me inside. She said she had seen me around before but was too shy to talk to me because she felt I was too pretty to be her friend.
It was at the moment that I had realized that the girl who tortured me in my first school, were completely wrong. Sure, I was never thin, but I was always healthy. I may have never had perfect vision and teeth, but I loved wearing my glasses. These so-called imperfections are what make us girls who we are. Never do change yourself because someone else doesn't like a particular trait about you. If you EVER want to change, do it for yourself :) because at the end of the day, you're the one that has to live with these changes. -
Victoria : I want to say this to your face at some point, but I'm doing it here first to find the courage to do so and the right words. We were great friends, and I was going through a rough time friend wise, mostly because I caused my own drama, and I really leaned on your shoulder. I wanted a best friend and in a way we were, but you were already best friends with girls, who I instantly judged because I was jealous of them. Towards the end of our friendship, I was just so wrapped up in want I wanted that I didn't realize, you weren't interested in the same things or that we were growing apart, which is fine; things like that tend to happen when middle school ends. I tried to tell you who to be friends with and made you choose, them or me. It wasn't my place at all, and I'm so very sorry. I became clinging and annoying, and I can't apologize enough. I hope you're loving life and happy! - Lydia
Charlotte Mixon Lanier: I pledge to be a faithful friend. I want to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. I also pledge to try and mentor young women and teach them by example what it is like to be strong, loyal, and loving. - Boise, ID
Chloe: I pledge not to push girls away because I feel intimidated by them, I pledge to unite with girls, not against them. - Peterborough
Sarah Colagrossi: I transferred to 3 different high schools in order to try and fit in somewhere. It never worked. They all still called me big nose and ugly. But in the end I know myself better than those bullies ever will and I am in college studying non-profit organizations to contribute and stop violence and bullying like this absolutely phenomenal campaign. -
Louise: I'm sorry for all the things that I said to you. I am sorry for getting angry and defensive and not understanding what you were going through. - Carly
Emily : I pledge to try my best to stop saying hurtful things and not make jokes at other's expense. In order to grow stronger and increase our power as women we need to stick together and stop bringing each other down. - Philadelphia
Jazmin Ortiz: We should all just stop bullying. We shouldn't do it anymore. I hate so much! If you guys have problems deal with it at home or with a therapist or a counselor. Not with people you might not know at all or have been friends with since Elementary school.I actually would love to help girls to stop bullying everyone. I want to have an anti bullying school,neighborhood, city, community, state, continent, and around the whole world. So help stop I!
I pledge to be kind and Never Bully ever again!!! - Woodbridge, VA
Cam: I am making a commitment to stop bulking others and not judge a book by its cover:) - Estes park
Cam: I'm very sorry for all the mean thing I've said about you now I believe that you are a beautiful person and you deserve to live on this amazing world God made for You and Me! - Daffney sam and jen and all the other girls that are my best friends now
Cameron Rebekkah Ostrich: When I first came to my public school I was the popular one I would feel very confident about the way I looked and how girls thought about them selfs so I would try to make others fell bad about them selves and calling them ugly and all. And now those girls are very beautiful and I felt really bad. -
Alejandra : I've been called a lot of names and I tried to change myself but it is hard, then I was like why would I change me that will not be me? -
kaci: I've been a bully to people by judging them -
Sage: I said something mean to a girl because I was jealous because I felt like in PE I had done my push ups right and she had gotten more than me because she had done them the wrong way, so I said something mean about her. -
Rayan: Now every time I go to my friends they ignore each other only my wish is to help me! -
Raquel: Last year I went to camp and requested my best friend to be in my bunk. She was, but by the end of camp she was not my best friend anymore. I am not going to get into specifics but they called me names, took my stuff, spread rumors, discluded me, and more.. I tried telling an adult but they could not do anything then. But thankfully, now they are banned from that camp for breaking the rules and bullying me. The last thing I have to say is that the kind campaign recently came to my school and showed us the documentary. It changed my life and my relation ship with some others for the better. Now, my past foe is my greatest friend again(not the one from camp) and I am happy :) hank you Kind campaign for giving me the courage and a voice to stand up and say that I am not going to take this! -
your bff: I apologize for all the times I talked about you behind your back. I don't mean for it to hurt you, I only want the best for you. You are such a good friend to me and I want to be just the same to you. I pledge to be the best person I can be and to be more kind to everyone around me. I love you so much and hope we will be friends for a very long time. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. - Bryanna
Camila Kauer: I pledge to always offer a smile, to girls and boys who I may not even know because everybody wants to feel loved. I pledge to try my hardest to never upset someone intentionally but instead to make them feel valued and special. -
Laura : I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Canberra
Erin high: Sorry I called you a bad name you know who you are -
Stevie: I Pledge to be a better person, a kinder person and help stop bullying, where ever it may be. - Denman, NSW, Australia
Ellie Burk: Dear Mary Nolan,
Im sorry for calling you ugly and saying I didnt like you.
You truly are my best friend and I was just doing this due to peer pressure.
It wont happen again. - Mary Nolan Brown
Alicia: I pledge to be a kinder person, and not judge anyone anymore. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alicia: Dear Young Alicia,
I am so sorry for making you feel so insecure in your middle school years. It was a tough time changing schools and all you wanted was friends but by letting other girls tell you what's what and becoming someone you weren't and putting on a good face throughout the day but crying by night, it wasn't you.
I am so glad you got out of that horrible phase and now you are happy with yourself and everything but you and I both have to work on being less sensitive and not caring so much about what people say. Listen to your heart, listen to Mom and most importantly, listen to you.
You're a beautiful girl!! I love you!!
Alicia - Alicia
kerilynn: people are different and also not perfect we have our own causes and effections that are also dose'nt make us always perfect
sincerely Kerilynn Sombath -
marina: I pledge too be kind to others and stop bullying anytime I witness it and let peopple know that bullying is wrong. - des moines
Isabel: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - Pawtucket
Isabel Hernandez: I want to Apologize to my best friend Katherine for letting you take the bullets while being in the middle of the whole 7th 8th grade thing with Tiffany.
I also want to apologize to Tiffany for responding to your angry messages with more anger and negativity. It wasn't nice and if we talked about it we could have probably still have been friends. All of us. - Katherine and Tiffany
.: I was bullied in 5th grade, and still am in middle school. I was called anorexic, attention seeker,..etc. -
Chloe: Im in 5th grade and theres a lot of gossip that i did these two really horrible things, but didn't do them and that day some really bad things had happened. I cried so long and so hard my eyes were burning. Sometimes girls will do really mean things, and it hurts others VERY badly, and if your one of those girls i have been affected, and i wont let it hurt my friends and you should stop and help others. Some people are affected more than others and it can hurt, ALOT. So don't be mean, help others. Please, those girls need you. -
Jessica Wolf: Dear LiShan,
I am so sorry for calling you short. I mean, you used to say it all the time, so I thought you wouldn't mind. Now I know that that hurt your feelings and I vow never to say it again. -
Jacqueline: I'm so sorry for laughing and making fun of your jean size with the other girls in grade 8. i was so insecure and mean. i still think about it all the time. - Rosalind
Sandy: I pledge to be a positive role model for girls everywhere, reach out to others, and spread positivite vibes. - Madison
laney campbell: dear past me,
i am sorry for bringing yourself down, making you starve,saying you aren't pretty,making you cry yourself to sleep every night and letting bullies get to you i promise i will be more wiser,not care what other people think, but most of all i will never let you fall again i promise.
from older and wiser
self - younger laney campbell
B.: Im sorry for not taking your presentation as seriously as I should've, I wish I would have had the courage to participate and contribute - Lauren & Molly
Abby L: When I was in the 5th grade, two girls came up to me and asked me how often I washed my hair. I told them a couple times a month. So what? I don't need to wash my hair every other day. They looked shocked when I told them and walked away giggling. I told myself to forget about it, but later I wondered if it was a significant factor of being liked. I now wash my hair every couple of days because of what they said and am now paranoid about if my hair looks ok, if someone will look at it funny. It was one of the first times I was bullied and it made me so much more self conscience about how I looked. Now, even if I'm not going anywhere, I worry about how I look even though they asked e something trivial. -
Halee: I pledge to try to stand up for my friends if they are being bullied. - Denton
Angie: I want to apologize to myself. I want to say sorry for taking all the mistreatment to heart. I am sorry for getting depressed and crying myself to sleep. I am sorry about causing the pain that still remains. I am sorry for making you weak instead of holding you up. I am truly sorry but I have one more think to apologize about... I am sorry that I am still this way - Myself
{unknown}: I've been mistreated by students before. My parents have contacted the school but they didn't do anything. The hatred is now over but the scars remain and they hurt. I find myself crying a lot. I want to get over it but I know I can't. This is my story... -
becca: Dear Emily,
I am so sorry i lied to you about my identity.I knew it was wrong b ut i wanted you to like me and i was hurting im sooooo sorry please forgive me
Becca - Emily
Caroline: I wanted to apologize to myself for getting myself into girl drama. And I hope now that hearing Lauren and Molly I will be able to fix my mistakes and learn to be a kind hearted person. I am sorry for everything I have done to anyone. - Caroline
Ashley: I pledge to do what ever i can to not bully others and stop bullying if I see it. - Dallas
Ashley: I'm sorry to all those people that i was way too quick to judge. I may not have said anything to you but ignore you. And i am sorry for that. -
Alexis: I had been bullied. But I realized this girl is'nt a real bully. She follows directions, but she it a little too strict. So for now, she acts respectful to me, though she is respectful to everybody. According to her, I feel pretty weird when she talks to me. For example, I know her a lot, but i'm acting like she is a boy that likes me. I hope she will be my friend as soon as possible! -
Shandi Mccutcheon : My whole life I have been bullied, but recently it has gotten worse. I know longer have any friends do to a boy who does not even want me . My mom is my only friend and unfortunately she has cancer and is so sick I could lose her at anytime -
Irene M.: A lot of girls think I mean and bossy. Am I really? The sad thing is I'm not mean it's how I am. I was born with problems... Anger problems. I just hope one day I would stop. -
nicole : i have been bullied in my 3rd period then i take it out on my friends and i don,t tell anyone so my mom is thinking of taking me out of school now i am taliking to pepole -
alexandria:D: we need kindness and respect we know sometime we get mad and we need to control our temper and look to the other side ur good in inside some times u look bad or ugly in outside but the inside are special not outside and dont give up and thank u for letting me make magazine hope u really belive it. :) -
Annie: I was in a bad place in my life in High School and I took it out on you. I forever regret being like that, you are a woman, a human and you deserved better. - heather
Bella Geiwald: By taking the Kind Pledge,
I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. - San Diego
Lindsay: Im so sorry if i ever discluded you or made you feel left out - Annie
Alana S: Im sorry to my friend, who liked the same guy I did. Turns out, the guy liked me, and he asked me out, and I did ask for my friends permission to date him, but when she said yes, I know it still hurt her. When me and that guy broke up, she was there to comfort me and hold me when I cried, even though I "stole" her guy. That is truly a good friend, and I am sorry for letting the guy come before her. - Kati I
Alana Swaringen: I pledge to be a friend to whoever needs one. - Chicago
Iman: I pledge to always be myself and be much nicer to all the girls I meet! - Peterborough
Iman: I'm SO sorry to all the girls I've ever been mean to! - All The Girls
Iman: I got teased in elementary school as my hair wasn't like the rest of theirs. -
Courtney H.: I pledge to be kind! - WA
Caelie Desmond: I pledge to not judge people by their looks or how they act. I will smile at everyone. I will report and stop all bullying I see. - Kirkland
Jacqueline: I keep ignoring my little cusin that is 5 years old and i feel sad for her -
Rachel: I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most. - Ashley
Kyle: I pledge to stand up for others that are being bullied, so they realize that it is unacceptable and that as a society we need to change. Not only will I stand up for those who are being bullied, but I will stand up to the bullies to stop the hate. I will also work to ensure that I am not bullying and that I am in fact helping to make this place better. - Green Bay, WI
Hailey S: I've been bullied for 10 years and I don't ever want anyone to go to the measures and pain I turned to. Please be kind -
Jessica: I'm sorry for telling everyone you liked him. - Ashlynn
Jessica: One day I gossiped about this other girl saying that she liked one guy.The rumor spread to everyone. -
Meg: To try to be more confident. - Florida
aaliyah: sorry for not being there and turning on u hen everyones hated you -
Danna: My pledge is to keep positive thoughts and keep my opinions to myself. I pledge to be kind and respect others! - Dover, NH
Danna: I apology for all the mean things I have said. It isnt right to do that and I wouldnt want those things said about me. - Random
Danna: In high school I was never the popular girl or even someone people payed attention too. It really hurt to see people going out when I was never invited. To make myself feel better I made fun of and talked bad about those people. -
Tiffany: My name is Tiffany and I'm 21. When I was in 7th grade I moved to a new town and went to a new school. On my first day a girl named Marina was nice enough to show me around. We passed a boy in the hall and I told her I thought he was cute. It turned out he had a girlfriend who was pretty and popular and somehow by the end of the day she found out that I had said her boyfriend was cute. She had turned the whole school against me on my very first day. From then on I was getting dirty looks, pushed and shoved in the halls, threatening instant messages, it was awful. I hated school. I had never felt so alone and scared in my life. I tried to stay home or leave school early everyday. It was the worst year of my life. Luckily the next year was better but I'll never forget what those girls did to me. I wish the kind campaign was around back then but I'm so thankful to Lauren and Molly that girls today that are going through what I went through have people like you standing up for them. You two are angels and I appreciate what you are doing more than you know. -
McGill Carter: Dear anyone who has felt they don't matter,
You are worth it. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Tell everyone else they are worth it, too.
You are beautiful. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. If true beauty shines on the inside, it shines on the outside, too.
You are kind. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. A compliment can change everything, no matter how small.
You are smart. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Use your intelligence to help others, and to spread the message.
YOU are YOU. YOU are worth it, YOU are beautiful, YOU are kind, YOU are smart. Don't let the hate get to YOU, and don't change who YOU are for someone else. - YOU
McGill Carter: I pledge to keep a smile on my face, step in and stand up when someone is getting bullied, and to spread the wonderful message of the Kind Campaign wherever I go. - Greensboro
Aspen : I kindly pledge to not take part in female bullying or bullying of any kind. I kindly pledge to spread the word about kind campaign to anyone and everyone I can. I kindly pledge to keep the documentary(Finding Kind) in the back of my mind and how each person felt each time I witness bullying so I can take a stand. I kindly pledge to stand up for people whether they are my friend or not. I kindly pledge to not be a bully. I kindly pledge to be there for people who are being bullied, to give them compliment and tell them they have someone to talk to. - Wake Forest,NC
Aspen,NC: The truth is I have been bullied. But I have also been the bully. I sometimes think that I have it bad but then I hear about it on the news and see it in the documentary people dealing with bullying and I realize that I have no where close to the idea of some people's stories. What you consider to be a small joke can be taken to heart and hurt someone really bad. So with that being said a small compliment that you give to someone can make a huge difference. You don't have to know someone to hurt them and bully them. But you don't have to know someone to stand up for them either. So be a friend NOT A BULLY! You can change someone's life with just a couple of words. It's free to be kind! -
Kate: I wish I had friends -
Megan : In my school of 800+ people just 8-9th grade, its not uncommon to see people being bullied. But, since we have gotten older, its harder to see because girls have gotten sneakier. Whether it be making sure that girl knows shes not invited or posting and embarassing photo of another girl on facebook. Girls dont realize the impact of the things they do online or through other people. It hurts just as bad, and this way everybody knows about it too so it hurts even more. i wish somebody had told this to the girl who ruined freshman year for me. But, i forgive her. -
Maraena Black: I pledge to be kind to EVERYONE! I will compliment each girl I meet and will stick up for those who are being bullied - Johnston
Haley Blackford: I pledge to help stop the bullies at my school and stick up for those who are being picked on. Also to stay true to myself. - Johnston
Elle : promise to make a difference in my school and neighborhood because it hurts to be bullied and no one should ever go through it. -
Lisa: My older sister deals with depression and has been bullying me since I was a very young. I don't hate her because I know she's dealing with pain inside, but it's been the the source/cause of my insecurities. What do I do? -
kayla: i pledge to be more of a better person and not act like someone im not and help kids in stead of them feel bad about them evern tho i feel bad about my self everyday i cry so ik how u all feel when things happen i do and ik how getting bullied feels im the same as u and just know im always here for everyone :) - neenah , Wisconsin
kayla: well i apologize to my best friend courtney for sayin things i never should have said i never should have let a guy get in between us and a cuzin of mine i have goin thro a lot but with out u its like i have no one to really talk to u helped me thro everything i just want u to know i love u and ur my sister for life and never will i ever forget about everythign we have been thro sis i love u and ur my sunshine :) - Courtney
kayla : the truth is that i have been through no 15 year old girl should of went through in her whole life i have been through bulling all my life and even more then that theres to much to even say :) well thanks for comming to our school today kind campaign :) -
Aley: I pledge. To never let popularity get in the way of my friendships -
Aley: Brittney you are my best friend and i am so sorry that i stopprd being your friend because of what people thought of you. You were always there for me and I just threw our friend away because it wasnt cool to be uour friend and i guess i did it because it wasnt cool and you were so smart that you got into gt and then you got to go to a different school for smart kids and i didnt and i am so sorry that i let jealously and trying to be popular get in the way of our friendship. When they came to our school I couldnt stop thinking of you and what i did to you and I cried about. Whenever i think about you and our four years of being besties i cry because i spread ansty rumors about you whem you left and i a, so sorry and i hope you can forgive me. -
The Now Nicer Me: I pledge to be nicer to everyone and give people a chance instead of judging by a first glance. I've been judged like that and I know it hurts so I pledge to be the person who befriends them instead of judges them. Thank-you Lauren and Molly for inspiring me at your presentation today at Neenah High School! - Neenah
Olivia: Sorry for ignoring you when you needed me the most. - Mikenzie
Christel: I pledge to be kind first and foremost. - Singapore
Caroline: I pledge to always show love and compassion to any girl no matter who they are or where they are from. I pledge to spread kindness through acts of love and compassion and that whenever another girl is mean to me to turn my other cheek and show her even more kindness than before. - Carmel
Caroline: I just want to say i'm truly sorry for all the times I've talked behind your back. I know that no matter how you've treated me you have never deserved what I've said or done. If anything it means you deserve my love even more. Although we get on each others nerves you're still one of my best friends and I love you to death. I will always be praying for our friendship to blossom. - Ale
lyndina: im a bully in my school im trying to stop but i cant -
Grace : Dear,Collette
I know were in 7th grade now and the last time we spoke was in summer break when we were in 5th but I wanted you to know I'm so sorry I should have apologized sooner but I was too afraid to and once I saw you with your new friends I knew you wouldn't care anymore. I shouldn't have said the things I said I over reacted. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am that, that happened and were not friends anymore.
Best wishes, Grace - Collette
katlyn,md: i used to make fun of girls to make myself feel better -
Maddison Gates: I pledge to do to others what I want done to me, think before I do anything, and if I don't have anything nice to say don't say it or find something nice to say! - Enumclaw
amber reed: i pledge to do my best to stop female bullying at my school and all around my town - black diamond,wa
Maddison: Dani,
I am sorry I was ever mean to you at all and that I did what I did. I didn't know what to do. I thought I knew why I did what I did but I don't. You were a good friend that "told some of my friends my secrets" I don't even know if that is true but It hurt. I don't expect us to best friends now or ever. But acquaintances, friends or just being civil would be so much better than now. I am truly, deeply, honestly, sorry from the bottom of my heart.
Xoxo M - Dani
meghan: well i haven't anything really bad happen to me except i have yelled at some girls and they have yelled back. nothing to serious -
Cebrina: I have been bullied ever since the first day of kindergarten. I am now a senior in high school. A few times in my life I thought about taking my own life. Things you say or do can hurt so watch your every move. -
Kathren Garseage: i have bullied a girl because i was jealous of her and i cannot forgive myself, -
Katrina: i pledge to think positively in the effort that my positivity can overcome the negativity thus making me happier about myself. I pledge this so that I can overcome the glorified influences of society. Hopefully my positivity will not only help me, but others as well. - Orange County
Brigitte McColl: i pledge that i will not say something about a girl if i don't have nothing to say. - La Habra Heights
Brigitte McColl: Dear Brigitte,
i am sorry i did not think that i was good enough and that i was beautiful. i am sorry that i thought that what other people thinked mattered.
Brigitte - Brigitte McColl
Brigitte McColl: i am a freshman in highschool. when i was in 7th and 8th grade i always got stared at and it made me feel like i was doing something wrong. i was looked at by the girls and guys. i thought that they were thinking that i don't look good, or i am fat, or i did something wrong that they didn't want me to do. it made very self concious about what i did or how i looked when i went to school. i went to a private school and this is where this happened. -
Little One: I pledge to never bully someone like i have been bullied. - YL
Michelle: I pledge to think of reasons why I like someone instead of finding reasons to not like them. I pledge that I won't sit back and watch someone else be bullied. I pledge to take a stand for myself and those around me. - Cali
Anonymous: In junior high my best friend told me she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I was devistated and I cried just about everyday over the smallest things and even during class. Then this past year she became my best friend again. It still hurts a little to think about by I love her dearly. I just wish I could understand what went wrong with us. -
Michelle: I kindly plede to: stop gossiping in its tracks and to compliment people everyday. - Brea, CA
Madi: I pledge to unite in kindness in an effort to end female bullying. In this pledge I also will bring others to kindness and lead a positive example in my life. - Ladera Ranch, CA
Caroline: Yesterday I called a girl a lesbian and she started crying and shit her pants in front of the whole class. Then her mom came and picked her up and I felt bad. Sorry. -
Ryleigh: hi im ten and as and kids keep bulling me because im small what shoud i do -
Taylor: Truth is.... I used to be a bully in high school.
I just did it to make people laugh & that's not okay.
I know I've affected others lives by bullying them.
Now that I'm older I realize we are all different for good reasons. -
Katie: Im terribly sorry about throwing old Alfred ( he was such a great elephant!) out the front window. If i had thought just one more second i would have realized that you didnt want your neighbors too see and that the backyard would have been better, my sincerest apologies. - Bianca
Katie: I through my good friend's old elephant out the wrong window. I reslly should have known she didnt want her neighbors too see! -
selena: The girl that was mean to me in one of my old schools I forgive you. god bless you -
lizzy: monster high help me go on here.:) -
J <3: Shannon, If there is ever anything you need or anything you want to talk about, you can find me at lunch. I know it must be scary becoming a sophomore at a large school like RHS, just know I'm here :) Don't need to worry about talking about my illness or yours, just a friendly face and a convo about your day. `Stay strong and beautiful :) -
Jillian: Hey Nikki,
I know this may be a surprise, but I'm sorry about freshman year. I should have helped you out of the situation you were in because you didn't realize how bad it was for you and him. I hope that someday you see it was wrong too and I hope you forgive me even if you think I have done nothing wrong.
Wishing the best for you! - Nikki
Jillian: Jessica, I know you think that I'm a pushover and I live in a box, but I can't live any other way. I know you know and you are always there for me. It seems as though we might grow apart, but really? Who can break up the two best friends? Sometimes I feel left out and I know you do too. I hope that our futures intermingle. I know you think I'm not doing anything or maybe you think I am, but I'm surely not living life through you, and I wanted you to know that I only give you advice with love from the bottom of my heart. :) I also know that you still remember that year we had with N & T. It was one of the best years and you may not know it but for some reason I'm stuck beak in that year. I miss it so much because it seemed so perfect and we were all so in love. :) Forgive me for saying, but I know you miss those days too. Just wanted to tell you how amazing you are to me, even when I'm sick as a dog. I'm blessed to have you as a friend and someone I can share crazy hospital stories to! Stay beautiful! -
Jillian: Lindie, I'm so sorry I haven't been around to talk to. I know you thought things stayed the same with the square of friends, but it fell apart after you left and I'm still stuck in those days. It hurts to see your letters and texts some days!But no worries. :) I miss you so so SO much! I know there are phones and skype and facebook to help, but I still feel bad when you send me a text and I don't reply. Heck, maybe I'll visit you sooner than you think! :) Love you dear. XO - Lindie
cool girl12: I feel your pain aly robbins I feel your pain. -
Coolgirl: I'm sorry that happened to you Daisy. I hope your ok. P.s To all those girls out there don't sread rumors there bad. - Daisy
Liv: Lauren and Molly, you girls are awesome for starting this! I can't wait to see how this organization and its message flourishes! Keep up the good work. - TO
L: I'm sorry for not believing you, my reaction was wrong, and although you are now on a path different to mine, I'm ashamed of my behaviour and I've learnt from it. I will be a better person in the future. If I get a chance to apologise to you in person, I most certainly will. - H
Olivia: I did apologize over the summer to Alyssa. But today we planed to meet up at the open house how will i get Jasmine to let me hang out with her - Alyssa
Olivia: It all started when i met a girl named Alyssa. We were best friends until a girl named Jasmine was in my classes we hanged out so much i forgot about her (Alyssa). We (me and Alyssa) started back talking each other. I so want to be her friend again. -
Zena: I had a BFF named Jesse. She is being so mean to me every time we had a fight, and bug me by persuading my friends I did something bad and affects them, taking all my friends away from me. I feel so bad I cried at school. My another BFF Carmen helped me feel better, and told the teacher Jesse kept doing bad things to me. Jesse was so fake! She said sorry, but blamed the other girl, Andria, that she persuade her to bully me together. However, I knew the truth that it was Jesse who persuade Andria to bully me. I was heartbroken, but I kept being normal friends with her. I hope that she won't bully others any more and I have learnt that letting go of your friends makes you feel better. -
francesca: I am sorry about taking your pen - kaitny
maryam: my brother is mean -
Aaron: I am so sorry for the pain and ill-fate you have endured. I wish you a happy & healthy future, you're a good person and you should know that. Let's be forgiving. - Wanda Wilson
KAN: My truth is that I hurt. I hurt for the friends we use to be and the pain I have caused you, as well as the pain you have caused me. I was different and not everyone liked nor understood that. I floundered and you stood by and laughed. Shunned and made to feel like an idiot. I hurt for years. Tears, scars, feeling worthless and alone. My truth is that I hurt. I'm hurt that you hurt me more than realize and it hurts that you probably will never understand that. I've come through and learned to find women who support and love one another, but from time to time I think of you and I hurt. I hurt for what happened, what once was good turned sour and for the hurt. I hurt, but I continue to grow and move on. To anyone reading. Time does feel slow and it may take a long time for scars to heal, but know that loving yourself and owning your individuality is the most important thing you can do. It will allow you to move forward and realize there is a lot more love and kindness in the world. Sometime you just have to go looking for it. It's there and when you find it, which you WILL, you'll realize how great you are :) -
ninu: i feel so sad because i all alone if i had a best friend that is kind and nice to me and cre me help me and love i wold be so happy i so kind to everyone but no one is kind to me but i am a good singer and dancer i wish if i could be a popstar
love ninu from gulf -
marissa: to accepting of myself to be nice to myself , treat alll others nicely with kindness and patience - montreal,quebec
marissa: i am sorry fot taking out my anger or blame on ppl i love -
Daisy: A girl I used to be friends with is now spreading a rumour that I called a rely nice girl a bitch -
Cori Edwards: I pledge to create these values in my 6 year old daughter. I will promote this in her school and in my company, Secession Entertainment. I have been, and still am, a victim of women who do not want me to succeed or may not want people to like me, and it's tough to forget the hurt or the betrayal. I have learned to not give other women or men the power to hurt me. We all need to forgive if we want the cycle to be broken. I pledge to be a friend and supporter of all women and forgive those who don't understand this mission. - Austin, TX
bella: in my scool poeple just bother me like mario joyeln jennefer angel anthony but they dont stop -
Amethyst: I pledge to try my hardest to better myself and stop hurting everyone who gets close to me. I pledge to show kindness while still being completely honest. I pledge to stop taking every blessing I get for granted. - Lewisburg
Amethyst: I am very sorry for how I treated you. I always took your support and friendship for granted. I've never been the "best firend" I should've. I fear you are gone now, but I still want to say sorry because you are such a wonderful, beautiful person inside and out... So you deserve at least that. - Miranda
Clare: I am sorry to anyone that I have ever unententionally hurt, I always try my best to be as nice as possible, but I never know what anyone's thinking that I should've done. - Her Name
mary jade thompson: im going to be kind to everyone, including my self. -
Paula: I want to apologize to my friend Jojo for calling her fat - Jojo
Paula: I Pledge to be kind to others even though they are mean to me. - Miami
Natalie: i am sorry that i bullied you ryan, i was trying to be cool.... i fell really bad ):
(easy to type... i am still scared to tell him in person) - Ryan
Maggie: I pledge to be kind to everyone, even if they aren't kind to me. I know it is difficult sometimes, but nobody's perfect, so I will always try. I don't know everybody's stories but I pledge to be patient - Glen Ridge
Rebecca Harder: I pledge to do my best in talking out my fear and anxiety rather than getting flustered and blowing up at people I love. I pledge to deal with fights sooner rather than later. I pledge to try to be the better woman whenever I can. I pledge to give others encouraging words when they need them and to always give out free hugs. I pledge to try to listen without judgement, and to give advise that helps, not hurts. I pledge to follow the "Golden Rule". I understand that I am human and that I am allowed to make mistakes, but I pledge to try to be the best person that I can be. - Austin, TX
Rebecca Harder: Dear Mom,
I am sorry that we have had horrible fights. I am sorry that I have walked out on you. I am sorry that I don't always tell you when I am stuck. I am sorry that I am not as well adjusted as I should be. I just want to be your perfect little girl, to make you proud, to show you that I can meet all your expectations. I just get so bogged down in the pressure of life/school/etc. that I am afraid to show you any sign of weakness. I don't want you to think of me as a failure, even when I have made mistakes that I wish I could share with you. I am sorry that we have both said stuff that we didn't mean, but was very hurtful anyway. I am sorry if I every caused you panic, or shame, or pain. I know that we are both in a good spot right now with each other, but I would like to be at the point where we can both share our fears and faults with total confidence in being heard and accepted. I am sorry if I am still a little upset with you about the substance of some of our fights, but I want a clean slate. I want you to be able to truly trust me again, and I want to be able to feel like I can tell you everything, even if some of it might make you worry. I love you. - Nuria Lopez
Paige: Sorry for all the mean things I said. I am so sad I could sing the Dora the explorer theme song. - Kera hicks
Paige Cartwright : 1 day a girl kicked me out of her girls only club.
Just because i talked to a boy! I was too scard
2 tell her she was so mean it was scary! Really she never
Relished I never cared about her -
Arielle Cohen: I take this pledge quite seriously. Females through out the world need to realize there behavior. We have all done it either by choice or by accident. No matter why or how we need to change it. By taking this pledge, I promise to be conscience of my behavior and apologize immediately to any girl that I commit a girl-on-girl "crime". - Los Angeles
Mickey: I'm not sorry for what I did do, but for what I didn't. I didn't stand up for either of you when that group was making fun of you behind your back. From now on, I will. -
kaomi macphee: it all started when i came to school in grade 3 dare was 2 dere names were sopha and wiloi sopha. the girls wed talk a bata me and tell to most girls and boys at school. the next day most of the girls and boys wode cell me boney i nide so bad to live mi tone kap.
Chloe: I'm sorry that you felt the need to leave school. I know we disagreed and you felt really lonely, and to be honest, I still don't understand why you acted the way you did, but I forgive you for being mean to me. I know we're not going to be friends like that again, but I just want to be the better person and apologize. - Emily
Meagan: I'm sorry for everything I've said that hurt you. - The Ones I Know
Meagan: I am so sorry for turning on you. All the things I've said and done...I know it didn't help you. I sincerely apologize. - Kara
Meagan: I pledge to think before I speak and act. - Washington, DC
Jenny: I'm sorry for getting mad at you. It wasn't right. - Nia
Amy: Lanna, I'm sorry. I thought you saw that I was there for you. I'm sorry you feel mocked or belittled. Pain is real, and it's nothing to make fun of- that was never my intention, my intention was love. - Lanna
Sydney: i am really sorry for talking shit behind your back. ive been so jelous of you because you smart and pretty, and can get any guy you want. you can be really nice and mean too. i would like to be friends some time. - Torie
Sydney: I have been bullied by other girls on how i am fat, how i wear my shirts to low, how big my nose is, how ugly i am. i go home and try to stay strong, but it hurts a lot. i wish girls werent so mean to eachother, and i wanna be able to walk down the halls at school without people talking about me. -
Louisa: In 5th grade I was bullied. In my class, I had two of my best friends and we would do everything together, always. One day though, they went to the office to get something for our teacher and I decided to look through one of their desks because she had a big bag in it. I looked in the plastic bag and I saw tons and tons of sticky notes. I started to read them and i soon realized that they were all about me. How stupid I was, how ugly I looked one day, how my hair is always frizzy. I couldn't take it, I just started bawling in the middle of class and ran to the bathroom. These two girls were my best friends and I just felt so betrayed and alone. The rest of the year in that class they isolated me, I was never good enough for them. It made me feel like it was my fault too. They blamed me for the notes they wrote. Its been about 4 years since this incident and I am friends with the girls. We're not as close as we were but we are on speaking terms. They have apologized and it is better.. My message to girls who are being bullied is to stay strong because it all eventually comes to an end. -
Delaney: I pledge to do whatever it takes, to stop this crime. Yes thats what it is, it's a crime. A sad, sad crime. - Warren
Beth: When I was younger, I was bullied. I hated it. Most of kids bullied me because I was in Special Education or because I was a new kid at school. I never understood why they would pick on me, but it hurt. The best thing I had with me, was the truth. Those bullies may have been bullied themselves. -
cassie: im sorry that i ever called you names - Her Name
Aleksa: my frends be mean they changed abot 10 days my reall frend protects me now she moved school. -
amanda: i have had many friends and they all think of me differently but i dont know if i should be my self because im afraid of what they will think of me because i love vampires and wish i could be one but i have been made fun of for being me what should i do -
Ellie: There were a few of girls older than my friends and i. They would comment rude things on our pictures and say ew rude things like that. FInally I started blocking them, they would go on there other friends accounts and say things or if i was tagged in a picture, they didnt even know me. -
Isabella: I'm sorry I called you Fat. - Sue
Isabella: When I moved and had to go to a new school, I was bullied for being new and short. I had no friends because the Popular girl wasn't friends with me. -
Nankmary: I Havent Been Fully Bullied. But I Have Been Bullied And Cyber Bullied People Called me fat Ugly And a show Off. I Dont know What To Do And I Dont Want The Pressure To Get To me on The Talent Show Iv'e Been Bullied By 5 People! I Dont Know What To Do! i want Kind Campaign To Come to My school and Talk! :( -
omayris: i am sorry to all my friends i get jealous of or have arguments with oh and also i am sorry for threatning -
camica: i'll pledge to be a nicer friend and be kind. - leizhel
camica: i'm sorry that i you don't have a boyfriend in your family. - leizhel
Courtney: I pledge to not gossip about any girl and to remember to be kind to everyone no matter how different from me they may be. - Chicago, IL
Courtney: I apologize for not being the greatest friend. I know I did some not so kind things in high school, but I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. I hope one day you can forgive me because that person was not me. - Brittney
Cassidy Young: I am sooooooooooooo sorry for talking behind people's backs and spreading rumors - Seattle, WA
Cassidy Young: I pledge to try not to talk behind people's backs for the rest of the year - Seattle, WA
alana: I feel like nobody likes me -
Jackie Marshall: I pledge to be kinder to my family and friends. - Buffalo NY
Megan: In the 4th and 5th grade I was literally the biggest bitch to people because I finally became popular, if that makes sense. During the time, being popular was so important and it was everything a girl at my school would want to be. I started just being so mean to people I didn't even realize how bad things got. I just wish I could take back those years and say sorry to everyone whose feelings I hurt. -
Amanda DeVaul: I lie to all of my friends about my weight because i dont want them to laugh at me -
Katie M.: I am so so so so so sorry for calling you names and talking about you behind your back. I know your story and I should support you and not put you down. I will always be here for you and I love you with all of my heart. But sometimes I just get super jealous because you are really pretty and skinny and all the boys look at you even though you don't notice...and whenever you are hurting, I hurt. And that's how it has always been since the sixth grade. I LOVE YOU TAYLOR - Taylor W<3
Natalie Peterson: The truth is, I hang out with more guys than girls because girls CAN be catty and mean. I was the quiet and shy girl from Elementary school to High school. But I'm really not quiet. I love being kind to others, and I wish girls could see that I would love to be their friends and have girl talk and hang out. But I also wish that girls didn't feel like they have to be rude and catty to others. We are all trying to survive and we all need friends. -
Rie: I apologize to my BFF for not being as close to her as I should have sometimes. From now til forever I will be more truthful to you! - Nimie
Madeline: When I was in fourth grade, there were two different groups of girls and my best friend that bullied me. They wouldn't leave me alone, they just kept mocking me and telling me I was weird. My best friend ignored me, she wouldn't even talk to me. When I asked her why she said, "Cuz you are a nerd, and I don't want people to think I am a nerd, too. Plus you hang out with Abby." Abby was the other girl who was bullied more than anyone, but she stood up for me, and I still and very thankful she did that, even though it didn't help much, I still felt like I had at least one friend who still cared. -
Leslie: I am sorry for what I have done to, well, just anyone. I am sorry if I have talked behind your back, lied to you, or been just plain mean. I hope you all can forgive me. - Everyone
Leslie: I pledge not to talk about anyone behind their backs. No matter how mean they might be or what they've done. I will think about what I say before I say it. I will reflect on my day and apologize right away when I do something wrong or mean. -
Erin: There is a girl who dislikes me, and always has. She used to pretend to be my friend, but to tell my boyfriends or friends things about me that weren't true. I have slowly lessened my contact with her, and no longer talk to her at all. However, our school is doing a Kind Campaign fashion show with the help of Glamour and Glow, and I signed up. Today I realized that the girl who used to say nasty things to me and spread rumors about me is signed up. I really hope she learns something from this experience. But, I just don't see her taking anything from it. I just hope she doesn't hate anyone else as much as she hates me. -
alerynn: i wish everyone would stop being mean - cheboygan
Caro: i want to say srry to a boy who was being mean to my friend and i said fu to him and i really want to say srry to him but I'm scared 2 -
alerynn: i wish everyone would stop being mean - cheboygan
alerynn: i said sorry to my sister but it could not help she cept doeing it i could not stop - bray
alerynn: my sister is always mean its like shes controling me she makes me fight back to her i just cant stop -
grace: Kaitlin, I am sooooooooo sorry for in 3rd grade when i talked bad about you. I know it has been 5 years but i still regret it - kaitlin
Sarah: I am sorry if my actions as a teenager were hateful, disrespectful, and mean towards other females. Being a teenager can be difficult and having other females by your side is important. And yet, it's often when we push them away out of competition, fear, jealousy, comparison, boys, everything. To every girl I have ever hurt or acted in such a negative way, I am sorry. - Anyone
Sarah: I am sorry I took away the guy you liked when you told me you liked him. I was an awful friend. - Ashley
Sarah : I am sorry for telling your ex-boyfriend words and stories you confided in me, stories about you and him, feelings about you and him. I am sorry our friendship suffered because of my actions and I wish you the best in your life now and in the future. -
Brittney : I pledge to be a better friend to everyone, and not talk behind anybodys back. I pledge to be nicer to everyone, including myself. - Ca
Brittey: I am sorry for everything I've done to anyone, everything I said to anyone was not nice of me. and I apolgize for all my mistakes I have made. I love everyone - Everyone I know
Chasidy Ogden: i pledge to try hard and be nice and give chances because no onewants to be treated like trash from my own experiances - Loma Linda
frankie vargas: People should be nice .I want be part of the kind campaign -
dylan: im sorry to those that i have cussed at. i always hurt her and i dont want her life to be worse. - dakota
Anna: I pledge to be kind to everyone no matter what. And to include people everywhere, and to stick up for anyone being bullied. And even if my friends are talking about someone, I will stick up for them. - Baltimore
Vanessa: I'm sorry that i was lying about stuff that i ever told you.
Maria Eve Perez Jacalne: She's a good friend but somtimes she lies and i tell her not to but she says '' ok '' but i still feel mad at her. :( - Olivia Michale
Your Name: I pledge to try to not give girls this 'look' I sometimes give my friends and people I don't like when I think they are being annoying. I will truly try to stop. - City
Roxanna: I'm sorry for being mean to you last year, not letting you in. I'm sorry for all the times we fought. I'm sorry for all the times I was jealous of you. You're a true friend and I'm glad everything is good between us now. - Esther
Megan: I am sorry for ever gossiping about you or EVER hurting you. You are my bestie, my soul, and I would never be the same without you.
- Carley
Megan: I am in the 5th grade. I am constantly bullied about my full cheeks and lips and a thick nose. people call me ''Angelina Jolie Gone Wrong"," Onion Nose", and "Chipmunk cheeks". Its a constant everyday problem. I still haven't gotten control of it. To make matters worse I have trouble standing up for myself and respecting MY needs as opposed to other people's. I hope that one day (soon) I can fix this problem, with me and others. -
Neah: You probably didn't even know about this but I'm really sorry I talked about you behind your back and said some mean things about you - Deena
Neah: Nobody really ever bullied me but I always felt that I was wearing the wrong clothes or had the wrong friends and the popular girls always looked at me weird and I felt bad. -
akaylah: I am sorry for all the phiting in the middle of class. - emilee,lilly
akaylsh vazquez: I am sorry for the things that i said about other people. -
Sloane Zerda: I pledge to not talk negative about somenody's looks, traits or personality. - Renton-Issaquah, WA
luce carty: some friends of mine always gang up on me just cuz im different, im a lot weirder than most people as i belive in the supernatural... they make me feel like a outsider and i really do try to act normal but i cant help thinking that i shouldnt pretend to be something im not. they make me feel upset and lonely! i wish they would understand it isnt a crime to be different -
lucinda: sometimes i say things which my friends dont like and they go against me, i feel sometimes they gang up on me just because im.... weird. i know i embarass thme sometimes but i just wish they stopped making me feel like a outsider. ill try to fit in more and to make a apology to my friends for being a bit annoying sometimes and ill make a pledge to change somehow -
Elle: I am so sorry for calling you a biotch. The moment after I said it, I felt guilty and terrible. The reason I called you that was because I was jealous that you had much more friends than I have and probably will ever have.
You are kind and in our school, a kind person is very hard to find and I respect you for that. - Claire
Keila: Dear Leila
I,m sorry for leaving behind... I,m sorry for not being the best friend i can be. I'm sorry for all the things i ever said or thought about you...................... - Leila
Te'a : I pledge to always look at the inside of other girls and not judge who they are by what i see on the outside.. I am always going to treat people the way i want to me treated!! :) - Washingtion
Kathy: I pledge to be respectful to every person I meet, whether I like them or not. Thanks for that, Mrs. Popich (my 3rd and 4th grade teacher :) - Auburn
Your Name: I pledge to not judge people and gossip. - Sammamish
Annie: I pledge to stop myself and my friends from saying mean, hurtful things about other girls. I promise to just talk to my mom when I need to rant about another girl and to try my hardest to be kind to every girl, no matter how weird they seem to be, because everyone has their own story. - Seattle, WA
melissa felix: well hi ands u guys went to our skool and it waz cascade middle skool and wanted to say tat i am oin to ave a mavies well i am oin to tat movies and i want one of my best firends to o but se can not and i want to invite my oter bff ad i feel really bad wat shoudld i do ???? -
Serena Gonzalez: I pledge to be caring and nice to everyone no matter their apperance or size - Auburn WA
Laney: I pledge to not judge people by their cover, and to think before I say anything. I pledge to be someone people can respect, and look up to. I also want to have the KINDness to respect the people I don't really like. - Maple Valley, WA
Jhaydee Francisco: i pledge not to hate a person no matter what or how they hurt me - Auburn WA
Jhaydee Francisco : to:keila-shea Jones
im sorry that i couldn't help you when i needed you most
im sorry for ever calling you a name
im sorry for all the things that i've done wrong to you -
~ Mariah<33: Truth Is, I've Been Mean To A Lot Of People... I Stand Up For Friends, My Friends Are My World... Without Them.. No One WOuld Have My Back... So Please Be4 You Get To Know me, DOn't Judge Me, You DOn't Know My BAck ground, My World,Or WHat Has Happen To Me... -
Alexcia: I have talked behind my friends back to my other friends, and then talked behind their back to the other friend. I should have never done that. I have also secretly gone out with my best friends crush. I'm sorry. And I will never do that again. -
Jane: I am really sorry for continuing that fight. Can we please be friends again? We should have never said those things and I am so sorry that i kept that conversatioin going by saying mean things. - Alexcia
Alexcia: I am really sorry for starting that fight, throwing words around. I'm sorry that we both had started saying things that we hate about each other. That did nothing, it brought us nowhere but not friends. I hope you can forgive me? - Jane
Alexcia: I pledge to try to be nice to all of the girls at my school, even if they aren't my most favorite people. Just one nice comment can make someones day, or just one person standing up for you can change your look on things. I pledge to be nice and more helpful - Seattle
LIB: It's highly unlikely that you'll even read this, which is probably why I'm fine with writing it. I'm sorry for lying to you in first grade, or whatever that was, and getting defensive about it later, and I'm sorry for anything I have ever done to make you not like me. I don't know why we don't do stuff together much anymore, but can that please stop? - EDC
Kailey Owen: I am so sorry for scratching you in third grade. I am also sorry for hating you in third and fourth grade. I am SO glad we're best friends now! I love you! - Ella Evans
heidi: i have been bullied since 3rd grade. everyone always made me feel like i wasnt important to anyone and i felt alone. i had no friends until 5 grade when i moved to a different state. i was deeply depressed and felt like nothing, my friends tried to change that and almost got me going again. i finally started telling bullies "you know what? i am my own person and nothing will bring me down anymore. you've done it once and trust me, it wont happen again." -
Maisie Luis: I have made fun of people my entire life, im the type of girl to see someone and automatically start judge. Or i see some and right away hate them. I cal people names and bring them down. I watched the kind campaign movie to day. And will forever and always regret how mean i was. I wanna be deifferent. I wanna be kind. -
Olivia R.: I am soooo, soooooooo sorry. Lat year I stuck my nose in a place that I shouldn't have and I know that I really hurt you and I'm sorry for that. It wasn't my place to take a side in that fight and I'm glad that we're friends again. - Payton C.
Syndy: I'm 48 years old and still remember how much being bullied in 8th grade hurt. I was the new kid in school and made a great girlfriend, who was new also. We did everything together, then one day the cool girls started hanging out with her and she tried out for cheerleader. Instead of just making new friends and gracefully leaving me behind, she told them all sorts of things about me and the group of 4 of them tormented me for years. They never tired of it. I tried laughing it off and walking away. I didn't give them a reaction. They didn't give up. I had a new best friend who just stood by me and never mentioned it. She never talked back to them or stood up for me outwardly, but she did stay my friend. Our 30 year highschool reunion was this year and I didn't go because those same 4 girls were the organizers. Can't believe after all I have achieved and accomplished in my life that this still stings. -
Audrey: She would always be my friend when I was the only one there. But only when I was the only one there. Every time her popular friends would come she would just walk away from me and make fun of me. I loved her when she was alone with me, but not when her friends were. -
Lauren Couch: For reasons that I don't know, I never seem to be able to make friends, true friends. I really wish that would change as time passes. -
Allie A.: I pledge to be a nicer freind and to not gossip about my "friends". - Laguna Beach
Nikki G.: I am sorry for whenever I am jealous of you, or if i have ever spread rumors about you. - Allie A.
Allie A.: I am sorry for sending you those mean texts. I know that we already made up but I still want to say sorry. Thank you for being a great friend. - Nikki G.
Aly: I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. Sisters shouldn't treat sisters that way. I should treat you with respect and love. You are just such an amazing girl, and you don't deserve what I've done to you. I love you, Abbi!! - Abbi
Aly: I pledge to not put anyone down with my words or actions and to stand up for those who are being bullied. - Gig Harbor
Aly Robbins: Fifth grade was awful to me! I was the new girl in school, and I knew that everyone hated me from the start. There was one girl in particular though, who instilled such fear in me that I didn't even want to go to school some days. She lead her group of girls around, hating on me and giggling about me behind my back. I had just been silly one day... I didn't do anything too bad! I heard them. They knew it. I think they wanted me to hear them. Another girl, Steph, she became my friend. We had fun together. Everyone hated also because she hung out with me, but she didn't care. That is until she became friends with the mean girl. Steph turned on me one day, and she also became a source of fear to me. They all hated me. I was broken. I wanted my parents to take me out of school. It didn't stop in middle school either. Steph continued to be my friend one week and start hating on me the next, dragging others with her. It wasn't until 8th grade that she decided to become my friend for good... and we have been BEST friends ever since! I am in 10th grade now. -
Anna: I am so sorry for being mean to you in 5th grade. I was just jealous of you and Mckenna I felt like you were taking my friend away. I am so sorry for treating you that way.You probably forgot about it, but I didnt. I am so sorry. - Cece
Brianna: My best friend is also my worst enemy. I love her, she's the only person who's stuck by me through everything. But she's the kind of person that has the power to make or destroy your whole day by just a few words. She constantly makes subtle comments about what I'm eating, what I'm wearing, everything. And it tears down my confidence because she is literally perfect. -
Erin: Well there was this girl at my old school and she tell me that my face was scrude up and that my eye brows were ugly and she was my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I plucked my eye brows and made them really pretty in my oppinion but they were all scrude up!!!!!! Then when I started Middle school I thought things were going to be different. I tried to hang out with the "COOL GROUP" but they all hated me. There was this girl named Jadie the sweetest friend any one could ever have but I thought I was toooo cool for her but she was the best friend anyone could ever have but I treated her like TRASH!!!!!! I COULD NEVER DO ANYTHING THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH TO SHOW HOW MUCH IM SOOOOO SORRY FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Erin: Im sorry for being mean and thinking that you were toooo wierd to be friends with me. I never should have treated you that way because to tell you the truth I think I kinda treated you like trash I feel soo bad. Your better than all those popular girls because even though I treated you badly you never ever did anything like that to me. I'm sooooooooooooooooooo sorry!!!!! - Jadie
Your Name: I pledge to be more kind to people. - City
Kelly: I pledge to try as hard as I can to get my KindClub up and running at my school. Even if my principal doesn't approve it, I will try to create something out of school. Thanks Lauren and Molly for your incredible inspiration! - Mobile, Al
Stacy: Being a mother of daughters is a huge responsibility in today's climate. I pledge to continue to do my best to raise nice girls...it's a damn hard job. Thanks for all you have done to get the ball rolling... - Denver
Megan: I pledge to be nicer to all the people I know, even the mean ones and to stand up for anyone I see being bullied or harrassed. - Mobile, AL
Blair: One day out of nowhere my closest freinds turned on me and made my life miserable. -
sharon: Im sorry for calling you a stupid wierdo i hope we can be friends -
Francis: My daughter was called Fat this past week. She is 8years old. I saw first hand how strong she is when she told me. I could also feel how she lost a small piece of her that day. I could only hold her and tell her that girls can be mean and in time things can and will be better. -
Noel: I pledge to be kind to everyone and always stay on the bright side. - Pittsburgh
Nicole: I sent my friend Paith mean questions on formspring because i was envious that I feel she has been taking all my friends. -
sarah: one day when i was going to school on the bus this boy micheal was saying mean things to me. he said things like: YOU SMELL! or your ulgy you have no friends. i went home that day crying because of him. he constantlay annoying me every day. he wont give me a break! -
Darion Ramos: My pledge will forever be to stand up for those you don't have a voice. Someone is bound to hear me. - Henderson
Kristina: To anyone whom i have seen being bullied at school and done nothing. I am truly sorry. - (anyone)
char: i will listen and not try to always have the answer even though i really am trying to help - alameda
Sydney: I'm sorry I talked behind your back, called you names, and weren't always my nicest. I didn't act like the best friend that I should be. Truth is, I'm just really jealous of you. You're tan, blonde, you have all the friends, you have the boyfriend and all the guy friends, you're a cheerleader, you look awesome all the time with no effort, and everybody loves you. - Ann Bradley
Maya: i am so sorry that the thought ever crossed my mind about not wanting to be your friend anymore. you are the best friend i could ask for and one of the most amazing people i know. you are smart, kind and beautiful, inside and out. thank you for always being there for me, and i want you to know i will always be here for you too. - Maia
Chloe: When I was in seventh grade two people I thought were my really good friends told me they didn't want to be my friend for three reasons but I can't remember them exept one: that they didn't like how I talked loudly. I then cried for the next 10 minuets and walk to my next class with people asking if I was ok , i said I was fine when all I wanted to do was go home. Once in class this girl who was one of "those" girls who was mean to me asked if I was ok. In that moment my take on her changed. She's not as mean as I thought. -
allie: im sorry bestfriend for hurting you so much i love you so much - olivia
Antonia Fuller: I pledge to be above everything my friends say about other girls, because everyon ehsould have a chance to be them and express themselves however they want. I pledge to let everyone have a clear right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of kindness. - Los Angeles, CA
Blake: I Pledge not to be so quick to judge people i don't know, to give them a chance before i say anything about them. i pledge to bit my tongue when i want to say something behind someones back. - RIdgewood
Amoya: One day we were at school in an assembly and I was shouting good job to the people who got awards and this girl starts talking to another girl about me and I said to my friend what's er problem and she just turned around and talked more and more about me and inside I felt really hurt and betrayed because we were friends and now I feel like she's my enemy.When girls go behind your back and start talking about you just say "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me!" -
Julie: I pledge to be kind and to say something nice to at least three people everyday. -
Savanna: No one deserves to be treated poorly. Many girls at my school are, and that's not a good thing. Being put down and bullied doesn't feel good. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly. Just because people look different, doesn't mean its a bad thing. We should stand up for each other, not put each other down. I know how it feels. We do this to each other. We have all been victims. -
Savanna: I pledge to treat other with kindness and respect. To treat others how I want to be treated. - Stow
Cleo Hadel: I pledge to live with who I am love who I am care about how I treat MYSELF how I would treat others and be kind to myself and others. -
Faith: I pledge to always be kind and treat others the way I want to be treated. :)
- Middleton
Lexi m.: Im so sorry. i never wanted to hurt u. ever. kno we aren't friends but just want to let u kno i was stupid. an idiot. i wish i could take it back. thats my only wish. i hope some day i can tell u in person. - Anna B.
Paige H.: I pledge to accept my differences and find the beutey in myself, also to never hold something against someone just because of a mistake. - Laguna Niguel
Student at Niguel Hills: I go to Niguel Hills Middle School and I got bullied by one kid, and today, when the video was on people stood up for me and I stood up for myself, and that one person apologized, thank you so so much, I don't get bullied but I stood up for the people that did. I also saw a lot of girls hugging and apologizing. I know you guys used to go to my school and I think that you know the atmosphere, it is so great that people stand up for you. Keep up the good work.
ANHE: I am sad because I and my clasmate were fighting each other. -
Nicole Maniez: As a woman in my thirties who has a daughter and works with youth, it breaks my heart to remember the confusion and struggle of growing up. Having been on both sides of mean, today I work to create space for girls and women to explore their membership in sisterhood and community... what it means to raise up yourself and others. Together we stand stronger. Let us forgive each other and ourselves. Let us support each others brilliance. -
Sophia: I am so sorry for telling Carley about your family. You trusted me and I broke that, I am not going to get in specifics because that would only tell more people. But you know what I am talking about and I really hope you will forgive me. It was the biggest mistake of my life and made me lose you as a friend. - Emma
Jennie Jensen: I take the Kind Pledge and will always treat other people like I want to be treated. I will put others needs before my own and help those who need it. So that we will one day live i peace. - Gislev, Denmark
Cleo Hadel: I pledge to not home crying because of one certain person and keep my head high nobody is worth your tears and the ones who are wont make you cry -
Lizzy: I'm so sorry, if I've ever said anything mean or made you cry. it's just sometimes it makes me feel better to retaliate even if its not against the person who said something to me. I don't mean to hurt you and I want you to know that I hope you'll forgive me and that you understand. It's not even your fault and I know you did nothing wrong and I hope you know that everything I've ever said that was mean is a lie. Your wonderful and beautiful and intelligent and i should've know better than to ever say otherwise.. - Girls in General
Mariah: I apologies to every one i have ever said or done to do to any girl in my school if u are read ing this and u have ever been bullied by me i am sorry - girls in my school
Nur Shaqira 9 years old: Actually I wanna have friends like others. That's why,this is the first time I've been to www.kindcampaign.com
Katy Lund: She hates me, we've been best friends since 1st grade, and she hates me because her ex-boyfriend likes me. I didn't ask him to like me, I don't want him to like me, this isn't my fault and she's telling people that I ruin her day whenever she see's me. What did I do? How can I possibly fix this? I don't understand what I did wrong. -
demi: i pledge to be kind and ignore people who hurt me because i'm better then that. i know how to be myself without listening to the haters out there. to everyone out there who's being bullied and hurt "KEEP YOUR HEADS HIGH" - lynnwood
tiara: sorry to my bestie for say i never thought she could work becaues she is to goofy, sorry sissy - aleah
Erin: I pledge to try my best to treat others the way I want my daughter and myself treated. I accept that I am not perfect, so when I slip up, I will do my best to make ammends. - LaFayette, NY
Arooj: I pledge 2 think of others before i say anything about them and i pledge to remember what people have taught me when i get bullied - Toronto
Arooj: Im sorry for making fun of u and never sticking up for u and i just wish i can go in the future and change that. Im really really sorry! - Amna
Dianne: I pledge to stop saying and thinking bad things about other girls. I realize that I only do it because of my own insecurities. I worry my boyfriend is looking at prettier, skinnier, younger, more fun girls and it scares me a lot. - City
Adina B.: I Pledge
To Forever and Always
Be Kind To Every Girl
In Sight of My Kind Eyes
Even If They Aren't Kind
Back To ME - Cupertino
sammy: i pledge never to start any rumors and to be kind - City
katie: when i have a bad day at school with freinds, i will try to not be moody with my family.. it just makes the day worse - City
katie: im sorry if i have done anything wrong to make you not be a close to me now. i wish we could be bestfreinds again - gen and rachel
Katie: a few weeks ago i found out my bestfeinds have been talking about me behinde my back and im heartbrocken i thought i could trust them. but also recently they have been leaving me out.(because there is three of us its always awkward) but now they are being all of a sudden bestfriends with this girl and i feel she has replaced me. and they keep on meeting up withought me. i was playing out one day with my sister and all three of them walked past me and completetly ignoreed me. they are a great laugh when im with them but when im not with them they talked about me? i dont want bestfriends who act like that? are they worth the upset? -
Mariah: My best friend left me because I'm not popular the other popular girls make me look like a complete fool they call me ugly fat loser loner I have felt like I should be dead to make them happy but to have my best friend be taken away do popularity I would come home and cry and cry every night . They would look at me and laugh at me and my teachers wouldent do any thing -
demi: i've been bullied verbally and emotionally since sixth grade. socially ostacized until seventh. now i am dedicated to finding a way to be kind to everyone -
Smile: i pledge to be kind - City
t.: as a teacher, I plan to implement kindness. to make up for the hurt in my past through the future of my students. - oakville
Julia: I wish, I wish, I wish I could have a chance. A chance to be discovered. -
Sad Phoebe: I pledge to stop. Stop hating others. Just stop. No one deserves to feel how I feel. Only me. I did something to deserve this pain but no one else. - Green Bay
Phoebe: In fifth grade when you were in our forth fifth class mix and I was popular I let it get to my head. I called you a follwer and other things. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I hate myself too much. - Gayle
Phoebe Olderman: I was bullied a lot. I like to express myself through clothes and hair and some people make fun of me. I remember the in the third week of middle school I bought new clothes and wore the outfit. My BEST FRIEND asked if I would change into my gym clothes. It was a sparkly T-shirt and skinny white jeans. I wore a pink velvet bow in my hair. By fourth hour kids were shouting "Hey look it's project runway! I see her outfit, now I want to run-away!" It really hurt. Soon my friend asked if I would change MY LAUGH. She had a problem with THE WAY I LAUGHED. I spent my third hour in the girl's bathroom crying. Now I still haven't toId my friends. I wish I could. I want to. But I'm too scared. -
Phoebe: I'm sorry to a girl who is now a close friend. She is a year younger than me and was in my fifth fourth grade class mix. I was a popular fifth grader and it went to my head. I called her a follwer behind her back. I'm so sorry Gayle. I hope this won't hurt our friendship. -
A.Crystal: People make fun of me just because I look different. They say everytime I jump the whole world shakes, they say Im not pretty enough too be a girl. I have a lot of bad things to say everytime they make fun of me but I don't because thats not who I am. My best friends don't stick up for me instead they just laugh along. It really hurts when they do that but I don't show it because I don't want the bullies to know Im scared. I feel sorry for the bullies because they have nothing to do but make fun of pretty girls like me. -
daisy: i pledge to try not to hurt anyones feelings - middlesbrough
daisy: i am so sorry for saying monster pie to a monster high fan - tamzin
daisy cooper: i got bullied because i am ginger and i like harry potter very much but then i told the headteacher and she old them off and i accept im ginger and i like harry potter -
Emma Joy Balllard: I had spred a rumor about my friend. She did not like it she had felt scared and upset. I had told her who had did it and she understood why. She said thank you for telling me. She had understood why i had started it in the first place. I now knew that what they had said hurt her. So i had the guts n started a new rumor about me. To get the old one about her out. I felt good about it. She was happy and so was i. What they had said about me i did not care. Because i knew that it was a good reason why it had gotten started. -
KatieBeth: I get bullied a LOT. Some people think i am gross, and some think i am mean. This is not true about me, but I cry. I think they are just doing that to suck out my self esteem. -
Maddie Erickson: I will try to be nice to people, even if they're not my friend and to always be considerate of other people's feelings. - Pacific Grove
Sydney: I'm so tired of being told I'm nothing; people have told me that since I was old enough to be in school. I was always the weird girl. After a few years; I just got tired of trying to prove them wrong; and I accepted everything they were saying. I still do. I believe I'm ugly, and fat, and just once; I wish I could be beautiful. -
Anne Marie: I promise to stick up for my friends and never to talk behind someones back - chicago
Anne Marie: I am always afraid to stand up for myself. I never want to be mean or mad but i get hurt and feel like i cant do anything about it. -
anon: i am so sorry. for anything i have ever said or done that has ever affect anyone negativly, i am so so sorry. - anyone
Gabriela: i am so sorry for hurting some of my friends, i hope that you will frogive me -
kathrina: i just wanna say sorry to every one how i been mean to on purpese or acsedent - to the ones i hurt
Kathrina: sometimes after school i go in to the bath room and cry,for 30 minuets,less or more. -
Elyse: I'm sorry for being so upset at you I didn't even want to speak to you. I was just mad, I really just wanted to talk things over. - Melissa
Lexii: I pledge to make a difference! - Salisbury
Savanna: I'm so sorry I made fun of you and laughed at you just because everyone else did. It's not your fault you have a deformity. Your beautiful inside and out. I'm so sorry. - Lauren
Ashlee: I am sorry I stopped being your only friend because of what others thought of you. - Lindsay
S: I appologize for the way I ended our friendship, you did so much for me. - K
Courtney: i used to have this friend and she was reeeeealy funny and kind. we used to go shopping together. one day i went to her house to hang out and we talked about stuff in her room. she said that she had to go to the bathroom so she went out and i waited for her. but when she came back, her mum was with her looking really mad. i was going to ask what was wrong when her mum asked why i said mean stuff to my friend and punched her and kicked her. i had no idea what was going on but i didn't have the courage to say that i didn't do those things to my friend. then, my friend's mum called my mum and told her what happened. my mum was so angry that she picked my up early and she told me not to do it again. the next day, my firend spread around so many rumours about me and no-one wanted to be my friend. then, all the other kids made fun of every single detail about me and pushed me around in the playground. they even wrote bad things about mee that wern't true in the girls' bathroom. i stayed home for 1 week and my friend kept saying rude stuff to me on the computer. i cired alot and spent all my spare days in my bedroom. my mum asked what was wrong and i told her all about the teasing and the punching at school. i then got trasported to anoher school and i have really nice friends now. i still don't know why my friend told so many lies about me. -
Nekisa: I pledge in your honor. I pledge that I will never stand by and watch someone else become a victim. I will never allow myself to be a victim or turn this on another friend. I will be a friend to everyone - no matter their story. I want everyone I ever meet to know that I will always be there for them, even if they just want to say hello. I pledge to be your friend. - Newport Beach
Nekisa: I wish I could tell you this in person, but because of what happened I will never be able to. You left this world before I had a chance to become the person I am today, the friend I could have been for you. I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you, that I was so oblivious to the world around me and to someone in need. I wish that things could have gone differently and even though it's not much I hope this is a start. I am sorry I didn't tell you any of this any sooner, before it was too late. I'm sorry. But never forget that you were always loved, no matter what. - Stephanie
Ayla: Im sorry about me talking behind your back on facebook I didnt mean for you to take it that way I didnt meen for it to hurt you and I know it still hurts you tell this day every time I see you I know. - Jessa
Lilly: I''m sorry Krystal that we have separated as friends so much. I'm sorry that in middle school and now in high school I told personal information and embarrassing things about you and you're family. I did have my reasons at the time though; my own life and family was falling apart at the time and you're life seemed to be going perfect and I was jealous. I wish we could go back to the way we used to be. I pledge to be KIND. - Krystal
Chloe Billingsley: im sorry for putting you through a tough time and making you feel worthless i didnt think about it like that - Triniti Clark
Chloe Billingsley: i have bullied plenty of people and i know that it was wrong and i stopped it myself because i have been on both sides -
Experienced bullying: I pledge to never ignore anyone - City
Theresa : I pledge not to betray my friend's secrets. I will be a loyal friend and try not to be a bitch. - Sewell,Nj
Kate: Me and my sister never get along. she bullies me constantly and has my whole life. she uses her depression as an excuse for everything, but its been years and she is better now. i just want to have a normal family. my parents love her more, she gets everything she wants. i just wish that maybe once someone would notice that IM upset and crying alone in the bathroom. but no one ever does, because im just the stupid little sister. -
Anonymous: Dear little curly brown-haired girl in grade one,
I sincerely apologize for pulling your hair, insulting you and taking away your freedom and childhood happiness for a period of time. Even the little mean things that I did when we were kids. I'm sorry, I truly am sorry for hurting you and I hope with entirety that you are a happy girl right now and you are living the life you always wanted to live. I don't know where you are right now, but if it were possible, I would go back in time to redo the things I've done and said to you that were hurtful. I am sorry. You may not even remember it at all, but I still want to apologize for my behavior towards you. Love, older me now. - Her Name
Sierra: I pledge to be kind to all people and not to judge a book by its cover - Toronto
Sierra: i apoligise for what i have done in the past to anyone but i understand now making fun of people does not make you cool it just makes me a mean! - Any one i have made fun of
Sierra: I have made fun of people in my past but i am really sorry for what i have done! -
Someone who was greatly touched and inspired by Lauren and Molly : I kindly pledge to be kind to all girls . I kindly pledge to stand up for anyone and everyone getting bullied. I kindly pledge to treat others with love and respect, just the way i would like to be treated. :) - Mississauga, ON , CANADA
Zainab: I am usually last to have the latest things in clothing and in technology. I also happen to be overweight. I try to not be around the other girls who are slim and have everything they want. A lot of girls get pushed out of the 'in' group for not having cool thing or to not be slim as a stick. That's just how it goes in my school. But now I'm trying to not think of the worst. And I'm gonna try to lose weight so I have more self esteem.
Thank You Kind Campaign
Lexi: I pledge to treat all my friends equally! - chicago
Lexi: I am sorry for not paying as much attention to you as I do to my other friends! I will fix it! :( - Allie
Your Name: I am sorry - Her Name
Lexi: I am sorry for not being as nice to you at school with my other friends! I would never do anything to hurt you.....:( I realized I do it and must fix it! I LOVE YOU! - Annie
azriel: im sorry for calling you fat and ugly im just so sorry i feel what you feel - annada
Gina: I pledge to stop judging people by their looks, to stop making comments about other girls, and to be kind and open-hearted to everyone I meet. I pledge to be a more beautiful person by inspiring others to do the same. - Los Angeles
melissa balyk: i am so sorry for starting a rumor about you stating that you were pregnant when you werent
please forgive me - sarah clark
Jessica: I was bullied for not having the latest things; but to me i was happy as long as i had my family by my side. A girl picked on me when i was in drama class just because i didn't look my best but when your fourteen you shouldn't care about what you wear just as long as you have close on your back; she didnt really know me so i dont know why she was mean to me. -
Jessica: I pledge to be kind and treat the people that i am around the way i want to be treated - Flatwoods
MAry Dannielle: hey sis Lenny!!!
so sorry for being bad at you at times and especially the time when I act like i'm mad but no,,, i wasn't, when I saw ur face while holding my hand, i was ashamed.... I'm really sorry..... Thank you for being a Big sis. for me!!! - Lenny Mae
Izzy: I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. we all do it sometimes and its so hard not to talk behind peoples backs or embarress them, but if we all try and realize what we're doing then we can fight hate together. we have to realize we are all on the same level and that if we want to make it through our lives happily, we have to unite and love one another. we can find kind. - everyone I\'ve hurt ever
Izzy Weinberg: i pledge to always think that there will be a better tomorrow. - Summerset
Isabelle : Sorry calling you fat and being mean to you i don't really say that to you i wish i can say this to you. -
Roxanne: I'm sorry for yelling and freaking out when I'm stressed - everyone
Alison: I pledge to ignore the comments of others and to just be myself. - Monticello
Alison: I'm not popular. I'm a skinny short kid who is smart and wears lots of dark colors. I know I'm not Goth or emo but it hurts when someone talks about you and says that you are. It really hurt my feelings. I'm not okay with it but what could I do. But I am not Goth or Emo I am me. -
brittany: i pledge to be kind to my friends and others - new york
Lea: I go to the school that Molly and Lauren visited today. This is my truth: At the beginning of this year there was a girl I thought I was friends with. Earlier today she turned on me. She called me a di** and a bi*** and it hurts. So if you read this you who said it to me dont in the future. Remember the golden rule. -
Daphne: Back in Junior High, the girls always call me names like Rikishi (the biggest wrestler in WWE) just because I was bigger and heavier than all the average Junior school girls and the other school mates would just laugh at me. I used to cry alone at my desk and always hopping that one of them would at least understand how hurtful it is to be called names. Until now, I remember clearly every moment they called me names and it gave me bad memories of my Junior high. I never liked my childhood/school days. I often try to forget and forgive but it is so hard. -
Isabella: I'm sorry I judged you before I met you - Annabelle
Marie: That fight that happend in 6th grade, im sorry i was mean to you please forgive me i know we are bffls and bffls should NEVER treat eachother that way.... - Zhanna
fatimah: My truth is I am nice -
fatimah: well my school youst to be so kind,but now they are min. -
Sammy: I always try to be good person and be there for others and most times this means i dont take care of myself, it feels like no one listens to me or cares to hear what i have to say. sometimes i say mean things but i truly dont mean them, i say mean things because im hurt and feel stranded. I wish i was perfict that i didnt feel hurt or lost so i can always suport and protect my friends but sadly i am human and have feelings. But with you girls at my side i will and can be the best me i can be. To my soul sisters Alex, Carmen, Elys and Marissa. so much more then the power of three - To my soul sisters Alex, Carmen, Elys and Marissa. so much more then the power of three
Sammy: I pledge to never let anyones cruelty hurt me, and if i see bulling i will do my best to stop it. - Melbourne, FL
veronica: I talk about ppl behind there backs sometimes and im sorry -
Veronica: im sorry i talked about u behind ur back - Samantha
D: I will not be like my evil friend! I will stop using my bffl! - nh
D: Im so so so sorry that sometimes im mean to u - M
D: My Best friend's friend is always bossing her around, using her, and threatning her. I used to b better then that, but she pushed me over the edge and im starting 2 b just like her :( -
Carson: I'm sorry for being mean. I love everyone. Well, not everyone, but I will try. - Everyone
Carson: I have been mean. I have been nice. It depends. Sometimes I don't know what to do. People are mean to me. They don't want to work with me. Why? Am I mean all the time? -
Claudia: Sometimes i feel the new girl Alexis is taking my best friend away. -
Kellly: I am really sorry to my friend Chauntae after getting in an argument. -
Abbey: I guess lots of girls get bullied in school, but I don't think anyone would have been bullied quite like me. It all started on my first day back at school, when Channelle had told rumors about me again. I was prepared for that though, she always did it. Then even my bestie started believing her! Lianna just randomly turned around and asked me "Did you really do that?" and I replyed "How could you believe that? You know me more than anyone!". She just moved away from my seat. Then when nearly everyone believed Channelle, she sent her friend, Maddison, to pretend they had a fight and I had been there for more than Channelle. I believed her because that's what I was like, naive. I ended up becoming Maddy's best friend. But the next day she put white-out in my hair. And told everyone I had a bad case of dandruff. A few weeks later she told everyone I called her a lesbian, and that she was from hell. I wouldn't do that, I refused to stoop to her level. But when the teacher heard that I may have done that, she told my mum. When my mum heard, she didn't let me go to school for the rest of the week. I never felt more ashamed. When the concert time came, I was over-excited. I had practiced my song over and over again. But when the big night came i had never expected to be sabotaged by Channelle again. When I was ready to sing, she whispered something to Maddy, and then Maddy tripped me over. Well, if I went back in time, I'd know not to introduce myself to Channelle. That's my story. -
Kelsey: I am so sorry for all the things I did to you .I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for being so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so mean to you Shayne.I am really really really really sorry to you Shayne.I am really sorryand I mean it.I am not lying to you Shayne. - Shayne
Sarah: I'm sorry for always saying the wrong thing. I don't mean to but it just comes out and if you are upset I take full responsibility and will do everything in my power to make it up to you - Many people
Sarah: I think I am a very kind person but I have a habit of putting my footing my month a lot and I usually end up hurting people's feelings on accident but my problem is that I am sometimes to proud to apologize. -
Shayne: I'm sorry ive been so rude to you and hurt you all of your life. I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me! i have something you don't :( - Kelsey
megan: i'm sorry to the people that i hurt there feels -
Brittny: Im sorry i punched u :( - Seirra
Alicia Phantomhive: I pledge to be kind, truthful, a good listener to friends and everyone. - California
Andy: I´m so sorry of hurting you, I didn´t want to hurt my best friend. - Mary
rachel: i was never a very mean girl, but i do admit i would spread gossip and secrets here and there. so i want to apologize to anyone i've ever hurt verbally. - everyone
Rachel: my bestfriend is a backstabber. i used to be too, but that was a long time ago and my motto has been for awhile "if you wouldn't say it in their presence don't say it at all." i thought my bestfriend had changed too, but i was wrong. she's constantly telling my secrets and telling people that no one likes me and whenever someone insults me, instead of standing up for me, she agrees. if she hates me that much, why does she pretend that she loves me so much? she doesn't understand how badly it hurts to know your bestfriend since 5th grade (we are in high school now) does that to you. and then she has the nerve to tell everyone that IM a bad friend, when really i keep her secrets and i dont say bad things about her. sure every once and awhile i will spill a secret or say something bad about someone so im not saying she's the only guilty one here. but i just wish she knew how it felt. -
Lauren: I'm sorry for every girl and boy I hurt. I only do that because I'm bullied a lot. -
EG: I am truly sorry for anything that I may have done to hurt others when I was younger. I am sorry that I was not strong enough to say no and I am sorry that I let others hurt me as well. I will try as hard as I can to make sure that my daughter has better experiences. It doesn't feel good to be on either side and I have been on both (hurting others and getting hurt). - Girls I have hurt and my younger self
Your Name: im sorry to everyone i have talked about in a horrible way - Her Name
Julie: To lead by example and be a source of encouragement for my daughter. - City
Oli: I'm soooo sorry if I ever made you feel like you didn't matter to me - Aimee
Samantha - calgary: I am sorry to all the boys I was mean to -
Hannah: I Want to apologize to my best friend because when we were in fifth grade she was like sometimes sort of mean to me so i started being mean to her but i realised what i did now i just want to say im sorry ghoul - Luna
Ailish: Sorry for the times I haven't been the nicest friend to you when I know you are just trying your best to fit it. But you don't need to thats what gets to me, you are perfect how you are:) - Renae
Ailish: We had a little group of friends and we had like a code of honour in some way. One of the rules was everyone has to agree. Three of us wanted to have a new member but the other girl didn't want to. She started to become really mean and we didn't know what to do. We decided to scrap the group and she asked why. We almost lost the friend we wanted in the group because of the other girl. But we sorted it out and we have forgiven her. She NEVER talks to us anymore and we don't know why. -
laure: to be kind - ln
Isabelle: i'm sorry for being mean to you, maybe if you change you attitude a little bit, we could be friends again - Patricia
Isabelle: i had a childhood friend in school, at first we liked each other , but the next day, she started being mean to everyone, including me, but now we are in 6th grade, we still don't like each other, were kind of friendly rivals but she's still being mean to everyone, i mean it's not that i hate her, it's just that, maybe if she changed her attitude, maybe i would like her better -
J from Colorado: Dear Becky,
I'm sorry for teasing you. I thought it would make me cooler by belittling you. 20 years later and it still haunts me that I did that to you. I can't imagine how it must haunt you. Again, I'm sorry. -
Calypso: I was allways bullied and pushed aruond at my after program by a girl named Kassy I allways told her that she was so unkind and unfair and that she was the most rude person in the world im in fith grade now im home scholled im ten and lonly please help me see the light I wish could be like you guys -
Rebecca: I'm sorry I ignored you. I know I don't know you and all and you were just being friendly but I was rude. I'm sorry, I'm even sorrier that I'll probably do it again. I'm sorry I have to take out my want for loneliness on you. - Leah
sofy: i dont have any girl friends most of my friends are male, i guess girl dont like me because im shy and i like things that girls dont like anime or videogames -
Kati: I'm sorry for being mean to you and teasing you all through elementary school and Jr. High. I know this is years later, but I hope you can forgive me. - Tara
Meaghan: be mindful of other's daily struggles and remind them of how beautiful they are. - Boston
Christina: Dear Raleigh, I am so sorry that I ever talked about you behind your back. I'm so glad that we are still best friends and I love you so much! -
Mary: I pledge to not be judgmental over people wither other think your "fat, stupid, anorexic, ugly, a nerd, etc" since I have been called some of those. If I were to agree with any of them for some reason I'd keep it to myself. :) - Facotryville
Mary: I have never made anyone upset but for the time when I was little and I didn't want to play with a girl -
Natalia: I Pledge to be kind to people who are having a hard time, or need someone by their side, or just plain kindness. I Want to make a difference in people. - Miami
lauren: i love my friends -
Maggie: I kindly pledge to give as many compliments I can without overdoing it and to put on a happy face even when I've had the worst day because as my friend Lauren says " mags ur good mood is contagious " :) - Chicago
amy: I want to be liked -
brooke: To be kind - los angeles
Lauren: I pledge to practice what I preach. - Santa Monica
Kindly, Lauren Parsekian: I’m sorry for leaving that message on your answering machine when we were kids. It's my one regret in life and I wish I could take it back. - Dear Krista Baker,
Kindly: I am so sorry about the bad things I have done to you. I hope you could find some place in your heart to forgive me. - Dear Amanda,
Kindly, Helena: I’m sorry for starting a roomer about you. - Dear Lynett,
Kindly, Lynette: I’m sorry for betraying you and I’m sorry for saying a rumor about you. - Dear Helena,
Kindly, Alyssa: Sorry that I called you bad names and I really feel bad about that. I hope we can still be friends. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly: I’m sorry that I said mean things to you. - Dear Emily,
Kindly, Andrea: Even though you have been mean to me too, I’m sorry that I called you things and I feel really really bad. Please forgive me. - Dear Jordin,
Kindly, Kiri: I'm sorry for judging you before even trying to get to know you. - Dear Emily,
Kindly: I'm sorry for ruining your senior year of high school and I think you're sorry for ruining mine. I hope that you are ready to forgive me. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Me: I can't imagine what our lives would be like now if we could have stayed friends. I think it would have made the difference that we both needed in middle school and high school - Dear Jen,
Kindly, Maggie: I’m sorry for the whole Hayes thing and letting that guy get between our friendship. lol. - Dear Megan,
Kindly, Alyssa: I would just like to say that I am really sorry from the bottom of my heart for the things I have done. I can get so caught up in wanting to be "in" but I am done with it because all it does it hurt people. My friends and I don't want to be like that or have people think we are all mean. - Dear everyone,
Kindly, Terra Lynn: I am sincerely sorry for hurting you in every way I have. It will stick with me forever and I am so sorry! - Dear everyone I have hurt,
Kindly, Miriam Awarez: I’m sorry for being mean to you. - Dear Estrella,
Kindly, Caiden H.: Sorry for hurting you and calling you names. I wish I never said those thing! I will never forgive myself. - Dear Terra,
Kindly, sarah riggs: I’m sorry for ever making you mad. and I’m sorry for saying the things I did to you at school. Like telling Blaine that you liked him when you told me not to. Sorry!!!! - Dear ashley,
Kindly, jjtremblers: I’m sorry for being mean to you just because my friends dont like u I hope we can still b frndz k ........um I hope you forgive me !!!!! - Dear Laura,
Kindly, Audie: I’m sorry for talking about you behind your back, and not coming directly to you to get the whole story. - Dear Julia,
Kindly, Alex: Sorry for being so mean to you when you didn't deserve it. - Dear Josh,
Kindly, Rae: I don't know if you will ever see this, but I am so sorry for not sticking up for you in elementary school. I tried so hard to fit in with the people who made my life miserable, that I did not stick up for my one true friend. - Dear Patty,
Kindly, Natasha: Sorry for telling you off sophomore year of high school. It was just mean and unnecessary. I take back everything I said and hope you can accept my apology. - Dear Amber,
Kindly, Kristina: I'm sorry. - Dear Everyone I\'ve hurt befor,
Kindly, Natalie: I dont know why I tell you you're fat. You're not. You're beautiful and I’m sorry for making you feel otherwise. - Dear Emily,
Kindly, Jasmine-Marie: If in any way have I hurt your feelings, I truly apologize and most likely I didn't mean it if I did. - Dear whomever,
Kindly, Amber Brown: I apologize for the wrong and hurtful things I've done to you, based off of what others told me that you said about me and what you did to me. - Dear Chris,
Kindly, Brittany: I’m sorry for dissing you in front of those girls. I’m really sorry because I feel sad about that. - Dear Kamie,
Kindly, Dominique Loyd: I am sorry for lying to you. I know it's going to be some time for you to trust me again but I know together you and I could get past this. - Dear Keenan,
Kindly, Jeanell: I apologize if I have done or said anything to make you feel bad about yourself. I’m sorry if I have given a bad look, but it's just a sign of protection. I don't want to feel the way I used to and I simply apologize. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, mayrali: sorry for saying stuff behind your back (mean stuff) - Dear lynette,
Kindly, jennifer connell: I’m sorry for not trying my best in school. - Dear mom,
Kindly, Taniesha D.: I’m sorry I kept on telling him those things you say you wanted to do and say. - Dear Khadija,
Kindly, Naomi: I am so sorry that I turned on you and made you feel bad about yourself. I was a friend that turned. - Dear Aubrey,
Kindly, Jayla Ancrum: I am very sorry for what I did to you in the past. I hope you forgive me because it is a new me. - Dear old friend,
Kindly, You x bestfriend, Haley: I’m sorry for everything I have said or did to you. I love you and miss you - Dear Kaylen,
Kindly, Miracle: I'm sorry for telling you what I said yesterday at lunch time. - Dear All my friends,
Kindly, Morgan Janson: I am sorry that I called you all those mean things and made everyone hate you. I do not know why I did that I am so sorry. - Dear Miranda,
Kindly, Blythe: Sorry I got angry while I was doing homework. Love you! - Dear Riley,
Kindly, Courtney Still: I am sorry for calling you names and mean things. Please forgive me. - Dear Francie,
Kindly, graciegreyson: just wanted to say whats up to everybody in the forums. name is bryan from LA. cant wait to meet all you interesting people. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Jamia: i am sorry that I nagged you, and hurt your feelings. There really wasn't a reason but I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me. - Dear Timbolyn,
Kindly, Alexandra Celestin: I apologize for judging people and talking about them by making jokes that could be hurtful or lowering. - Dear Classmates,
Kindly, Dolce Harrison: I apologize for taking the ones you love. I am sorry for acting carelessly towards your feelings and thinking of myself and I’m sorry for doing all this in front of you. - Dear Girls,
Kindly, Your Friend Sade: I am sorry I laughed at the hair dye on your shirt. I love you friend. - Dear Cierran Wilson,
Kindly, Kiera: I apologize for calling you fat and calling you names. I also apologize for being so aggressive about the fact that I thought you were talking about be behind my back. - Dear Ciara,
Kindly, Tieffa Roberts: I am so sorry for embarrassing you in front of my peers. I am also sorry for defaming your name. I sincerely apologize for disrupting the learning environment. - Dear Tech High Administrators,
Kindly, Carlmesia Gladden: I am apologize for being mad at you when we was at lunch. - Dear Jasmine,
Kindly: I am sorry for being a hater. I love you!! - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly: I am so sorry for yelling at you for no reason and I love you - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, BS: I am so sorry for teasing you and calling you names. I had no right and no reason for such behavior. I hope you can forgive me, nine years later, for any suffering or hardship I caused you. - Dear CCC,
Kindly, BS: Please forgive me. I didn't realize how my actions effected you. You should have told me sooner, I would have stopped Immediately. - Dear TG,
Kindly, BS: I'm sorry I didn't tell you about "Peter." It was idiotic, we were stupid and Immature, and I didn't mean to hurt you. Please know that I’m sorry. - Dear LM,
Kindly: I am sorry that I call you fat and ugly. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Shirley Jones: I would like to apologize for hurting you in so many ways. I would like you to forgive me for putting you down and making you feel bad. - Dear Shirley S.,
Kindly, Donisha Lard: I should have never said anything about you. Every though you teased me, I should have never tried to hurt you. - Dear Brandaeia,
Kindly, Kniya Matthews: I'm sorry you had to get in it with me. - Dear Mellisa,
Kindly, Alexis: I apologize for talking about you behind your back. - Dear Melissa,
Kindly, Jaliciia Lake: I apologize for being rude to you on the bus. I wouldn't have been stuck up, so I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. - Dear Brianna,
Kindly, Jarmine: I'm sorry for calling you names but you be making me mad. I’m so sorry. - Dear Karl (my brother),
Kindly, Roshell: I am so bad to you. I will not do it again. - Dear MeMe,
Kindly, Melissa: I am sorry for treating you bad and being mean to you when what you needed was help. I love you sister. - Dear Alexis,
I am sorry for treating you bad and being mean to you when what you needed was help. I love you sister.: I am sorry for treating you bad and being mean to you when what you needed was help. I love you sister. - Dear Alexis,
Kindly, Brianna Lakes: I am so sorry that I said some mean words to you in the past, so may you forgive me. xo - Dear Derek,
Kindly, Ben: I’m sorry for kicking you out of our group. - Dear Anthony,
Kindly,: Sorry I kicked you too. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Mitzi: I’m sorry I kicked you in the shin. - Dear Ben,
Kindly, Beth: I'm sorry I ruined our friendship and compromised your relationship with Mike. You're beautiful and strong. - Dear Angie,
Kindly, Tess Esquivel: You are the most beautiful, most courageous and loving big sister in the world. As I have grown up, matured and gained a bit more of understanding I have come to know that I am very very blessed by your testimony. I’m sorry that I wasn't the most supportive little sister, I love you and I am looking forward to being by your side as you bring my second niece in to this world. My hope is that she is as lovely and as true as her mother. May you forgive the mistakes I've made ~ I love you Hermann. - Dear Elizabeth,
Kindly, Ava: I am so sorry that I lied to you. I just wanted you to like me and I went too far. I hope that you can forgive me because your friendship means a lot to me. - Dear Tory,
Kindly, EY: I'm so sorry for being so jealous of you and the things you have accomplished through dance. You deserve them. - Dear CA,
Kindly, Elise: I'm so sorry for excluding you when we were younger just because I thought you were better than me. - Dear Kalyssa,
Kindly, Elizabeth: I apologize to everybody who I have been mean too and I understand that you've done the same thing and I will accept your apology if you apologize to me in the future. - Dear Everybody,
Kindly, Caitlin: I'm sorry for all the drama I participated in during middle school. You deserved better friends. I’m truly sorry for everything. - Dear Taylor,
Kindly, Crystal Torres: I'm sorry for everything I did from the beginning and till now. - Dear Jeanette,
Kindly, Chantell Gallegos: I am sorry we prank called you because I was the one to give them your phone number. - Dear Nancy,
Kindly, Clara: I'm sorry if I have said anything that really hurt you. Please forgive me. - Dear Anyone,
Kindly, Emeline: I'm sorry for saying you have no brain. You're really one of my best friends. Beautiful Excellent Lots of fun Awesome - Dear Bela,
Kindly, Ameera: I'm sorry for fighting with you in the past. I really shouldn't have did it. I’m sorry. - Dear Someone,
Kindly, Bela: I'm sorry I've always been mean to you. I’m going to try not to be mean to you. You are really nice. - Dear Kaitlin,
Kindly, Sarah: I'm sorry for sometimes taking my grumpiness out on you. Please forgive me. Sorry! - Dear Clara,
Kindly, Michelle Gabbert: I'm so sorry if I have done this to you: Gossip, lie, or say any hurtful thing about you. If you know I hurt you, please forgive me. - Dear anyone,
Kindly, Hannah W.: I'm so sorry for being rude to you in Volleyball. I will try to do better. Can you try too? - Dear Nicole,
Kindly, Taylor: I'm sorry that I was jealous because I liked Zach. - Dear Ellen,
Kindly, Tayloe Steele: Even though I do it jokingly and I don't really mean it, I know some of the things I saw may hurt you. I just want you to know hat you are one of my best friends. :) - Dear Shenu Shah,
Kindly, Nicole Ferriss: I'm deeply sorry for what I did, I know it hurt you and I’m truly sorry. I’m also sorry for all the things I said after. - Dear Karli S.,
Kindly, Gabby: I am sorry that sometimes I only talk to one person when you want to talk to me and you don't like that I’m leaving you out. - Dear All My Friends,
Kindly, Serenity: I’m sorry I have been so moody. You're my BFF! :) - Dear Kaile,
Kindly, Ameera: I'm sorry for fighting with you in the past. I really shouldn't have done it. I’m sorry. - Dear Someone,
Kindly, me: I am sorry about what happened last year and that we have not gotten back together. But you did wrong to. - Dear An old friend,
Kindly, kmb: I’m sorry for not sticking up for you when our teammates were cruel. I love you so much and hate that I let that happen to you. - Dear little sister,
Kindly, Robin: I am SOOO sorry I called you names I know how it feels and I will NEVER I repeat NEVER say mean things to you again!!! I am So SO SO sorry I did not realize you had such a hard life - Dear Alicia,
Kindly, julia: i'm sorry to those that I have or might hurt with my words and actions - Dear girls,
Kindly, Me: I'm sorry for how it all turned out. I have moved on now. You have too. This is me letting go and wishing you all the happiness in the world. I will always love you. - Dear you,
Kindly, Sarah Munsey: I forgot to mention.... I know you never knew it was me but I am really sorry for TPing your houses when I was mad at you. Please forgive me. - Dear Middle School girls,
Kindly, Tassie: I'm sorry that sometimes I get mad at you and walk away. - Dear Samantha,
Kindly, stephenie: I’m sorry if I have ever put you down, or insulted you because I could not deal with my own insecurities. I’m sorry for ever talking behind your back, or just being plain mean to your face. - Dear Girls throughout my life,
Kindly, Robin PLZ forgive ME!!: I am sorry for leaving you out and spreading rumors about you! I only did it because Rhett liked you and I liked him and I wanted him to like me!!! I am sorry for being your friend one day and hating you the next! I just knew you were prettier then me so I wanted to make me look good and you look bad! SOSORRY for making you guys look bad!!! - Dear Lily & everyone!,
Kindly, Jennifer: I'm sorry I can get so jealous towards you and other girls. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m so sorry I put our relationship in jeopardy because of my jealousy. I know jealousy gets you nowhere, and I know I can't control your friendships with other girls and I can't try to control what you do. I’m so sorry if you feel like I am smothering you. I love you more than anything, and I never want to lose you. - Dear Brian,
Kindly, Kristin: I'm so sorry about trashing your house and leaving you out at Hayley's birthday. We were so very cruel and I’m sorry that I hurt you and embarrassed you in front of your family. I've been on the other side so I know how much it hurts. I hope you have been able to move on and see that we were just Immature girls, and even though I know asking forgiveness is too much, I do hope you will see one day that it was less about you and more about my own insecurities. - Dear Jackie,
Kindly, Kristin: I'm sorry I turned my back on you when you needed a friend the most. I’m so glad that you became what you always wanted to be, but I hate that you changed so much to get there, because you were already so great and I fear that you changed because I made you feel like you needed to. I love you very much and I am glad that you are happy. - Dear Morgan,
Kindly, Lauren K.: I am so sorry for always leaving u out I know how it feels and I am sorry - Dear Natilie,
Kindly,: i am soo sorry for doing that to you. I have no idea why I did it. I hope we can still be friends. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly,: I’m so sorry for ditching you and leaving you out. I’m so sorry for calling you names and starting roomers. I do not know why I did it. I thought I was cool. I’m so sorry though. I truthfully regret it so much - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, karina: I'm sorry for all the bad things I did to you, I really sorry... I’m not the same now - Dear Odett,
Kindly, alexis: I’m sorry for all the times I have talked behind your back and put you down. I’m sorry for the fact that we lost a friendship that we once had. please forgive me. - Dear taylor,
Kindly, MeLiNa: am so so so sorry for calling you names and for not being a good classmate to you or help you when you needed me am truly sorry - Dear claudia,
Kindly, Jacqueline: Sorry for tripping you on accident. - Dear Julia,
Kindly, Karen P.: sorry for all I did wrong in my life like being mean, but know I learned my lesson. - Dear God,
Kindly, Alexandra: I am so sorry for ever teasing you or being mean to you. I KINDly pledge to be a better friend. - Dear Rachel,
Kindly, Jenna Higgins: I am very sorry for all the drama we got in. I think that we could have gotten along much better. - Dear Mellissa,
Kindly, Malia: I’m really sorry for saying that your face gets red, but we're still BFFs! - Dear Jessie,
Kindly, Lauren: I’m sorry that I misjudged you and disagreed with you and called you names. - Dear Kyla,
Kindly, Brianna: I am sorry because I have called you names and insulted you a lot of times. - Dear Malia,
Kindly, Summer: I’m so so sorry for all the fights we have gotten in in the past that were over nothing. - Dear Shelby,
Kindly, Cassidy: I’m sorry for judging you and talking behind your back. You are so pretty and sweet and I hope we can be friends. - Dear Danica,
Kindly, Cass: I’m sorry for always giving you attitude and not being nice to you. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings and make you cry. I love you. - Dear Mom,
Kindly, Julia.: I’m really sorry that I took my anger and pain out on you. I want to work on forgiving and accepting people. PS. This apology means a lot. - Dear Megan,
Kindly, Courtney Sherry: I'm sorry for being to harsh to you in elementary school when you never did anything to me. - Dear Brittney F,
Kindly, Sorry: I'm sorry to any girl I have ever lied to, hurt, put through any hard times because of me , or anyone I hurt without even realizing it. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Courtney Sherry: I apologize for letting our relationship slip away when I give you attitude for no reason. I love you. I’m sorry - Dear Daddy,
Kindly, Courtney Sherry: I apologize for getting mad at you for getting in my business when all you do is care. - Dear Mommy,
Kindly, Your best friend: I'm sorry for calling you terrible names. I shouldn't do that. You are one of the bravest people I know. - Dear Jazmin,
Kindly, Jennifer Salgado: I put you down and was part of the drama. I should of been there for you. I’m sorry - Dear Valiera,
Kindly, Cassidy: Sorry for giving you dirty looks and talking really bad about you. I dont even know you. - Dear Ashton,
Kindly, Julia Dewees: Im so sorry that as your teacher, I didn’t know what was going on. I kindly pledge to try not to let this happen in my classroom. I am so proud of you! - Dear Lauren,
Kindly, Lacey: Thank you for doing this for all of us. I think you have changed our lives. - Dear Kind Campaign,
Kindly, Jillian: Im sorry for calling u a loser and pooring water all over you I’m really sorry and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.and I just wanted to let you know that I love u - Dear Mom,
Kindly, KF: I know I hurt you by doing why I did. It was selfish and stupid. When I look back I wish it never happened. He wasn't worth it and he never cared. I wish with all of my heart that you could apologize to me too, you hurt me so much. I am truly sorry and miss your friendship. I know you have moved on with your new friends but it is hard for me. Good luck in life. Please see that I am sorry. - Dear Ex Best Friend,
Kindly, You: I am sorry for forcing you to feel as though it was all your fault - it wasn't your fault, not at all. She was mean, she ostracized you, she made you believe the lies. You are beautiful and wonderful and intelligent. You will go far. I am truly sorry for allowing you to let those feelings follow you. I know you'll always feel the insecurities that have followed you because of her. Be strong, forgive her as much as you possible can. I’m sorry that I couldn't let you know then what you know now - you're better than that. - Dear Me,
Kindly, bean!: Im SOOOOOO sorry I kept the rumers going! I knew you wernt really pregnant I just wanted to have a "secret" nobody else knew! I know I hurt you and I want to stay friends! our friendship has slipped away and I intent to get it back! I love you! (in a best friend way!) - Dear bubbly,
Kindly, Bean: Sorry for spreading around you were anorexic and called you Paris Hilton! I know those things aren true and you are beautiful the way you are! - Dear Audra,
Kindly, Bean: Sorry for prank calling you and making you afraid to come to school! I ope we can be friends! I TRULY MEAN IT!!!!!! - Dear ____________,
Kindly, nene: i am sorry for all I did to u - Dear nana,
Kindly, jennifer: thanks for all your help . I’m sorry I didn’t belive you . - Dear ashly,
Kindly, Kylie.: I am sorry I kicked the soccer ball in your face. I was just trying to show off for Madi. I meant nothing by it and I am extremely remorseful for my thoughtless act. If in any way you can accept my apology I will be waiting with open arms. - Dear Nicki P.,
Kindly, Allyn: I'm sorry for calling you ugly. - Dear Amber,
Kindly, Mom...: I am so sorry I didn't know how to deal with the issues you were dealing with in school. It felt so familiar to my own experience as a teen and I was told I (they) would grow out of it. And that's the story I passed on to you. Truthfully, it does affect you for a lifetime, if you let it. But please don't. You are beautiful, gifted, talented, and intelligent young women. Don't ever believe otherwise. Anyone would be lucky to have you as friends. - Dear Tara and Sara,
Kindly, Amanda: Im really am sorry. I was so mean to you throughout school. There was no reason for it and I feel terrible. - Dear Sadie,
Kindly, Mary: I'm sorry I didn't cheer for you in the game. I just never get to play because you are so dominant and that sometimes makes me mad. It was nothing to get p-od about and I’m really, truly sorry - Dear Anna K.,
Kindly,: I'm sorry for ever saying or thinking anything mean about you. You are very kind and beautiful - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, M: I'm sorry I was angry to go to the meeting today. It turned out to be OK - Dear Mom,
Kindly, maddie: i'm so sorry for putting you down-though many of you don't know it-i was just bored and uninterested in my own life, and found it fun to criticize yours. I’m no better than any of you. - Dear everyone,
Kindly, Grace: I am sorry that I did not understand what it was like to constantly be made fun of. I am sorry for doing nothing about it. I am sorry I got so fed up with being asked why I was friends with you that I distanced myself from you to stop the questions. I am especially sorry that most of my decisions to get away from you were because I thought he might like me better if I did. I am sorry for everything. I miss you. - Dear Kate,
Kindly, Shelby: I'm sorry I followed what my other friends were doing by hating you and calling you mean names. I have never had a problem with you. I pledge to start being nicer to you and to include you more. I love you and really want to become better friends despite what my other friends think. - Dear Ellie,
Kindly, Kara: I am truly sorry I talked bad about you behind your backs...to each other. I know we had that "confession session" in 4th grade and we apologized to each other, but I just need to make sure you guys know I’m sincerely sorry. I love you both so much. - Dear Michelle and Marilee,
Kindly, Carolyn: I am so sorry for saying that your face was oily and it was incredibly rude of me to say, and I was just upset that you had been talking about me behind my back even though that is no reason for me to respond with rude insults to you, and just shows how immature I can be - Dear Kimberly,
Kindly, Edward: I'm sorry for leaving you in fear and breaking your heart. I thought it was right for you to just forget all about me. I now know that it was not. I love you forever. - Dear Bella,
Kindly, Maddie: I am sorry for being mean to you in the third grade. And getting into all of those stupid fights!!!! And saying bad stuff about each other. I am so glad that we are friends now!!!!!!! - Dear Nika,
Kindly, Shadow/Cassie: I'm sorry I freaked out on you when we were testing each other. It wasn't right to say I hate you. I don't hate you. - Dear Kimmi,
Kindly, sissy: I love you and you're my sister. And I know that its not right that we fight. I love you - Dear Katie,
Kindly, Maddie: sorry for gossiping about you when I have plenty of my own insecurities. I’m no better than you and I hope you know that I know that. - Dear everyone,
Kindly, Lauren: Sorry for talking bad about you and leaving your party - Dear Amy,
Kindly, Victoria: Im sorry I didn’t invite you over in 2nd grade. - Dear Dominuique,
Kindly,: Im sorry I ran away from you when you invited me over in 4th grade. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Alex: I apologize for talking bad about you behind your back and not standing up for you when Abby yells as you. - Dear Kristy,
Kindly, Leah: Im so sorry for having all that drama in 7th grade and saying I didn't want to be your friend and letting other people influence me into saying mean things to you. I know were friends now, but I will alway be sorry for what I did. All those fights over nothing. I’m so sorry. - Dear Yoonji,
Kindly, caytlin:): im sorry that I spelled your name wrong :( cytlain I think and that I ignored you alot SOERRY:) - Dear catelain,
Kindly, Stephanie: I'm sorry if I ever did or said anything mean. I DON'T mean it, and I definitely don't mean to hurt you in anyway, you guys are what I have. I love you man - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, A: I'm really sorry about yelling at you and kicking you out of my room on New Years. It was uncalled for and not nice. I hope we can move on from that and still be friends, LOVE YOU! - Dear Gayle,
Kindly, Kayla: I am really sorry that we fought they way we did. I wish that I could have taken it all back, and that we were still the best of friends that we used to be. I still love you, and I wish nothing but the best for you! - Dear Past Best Friend,
Kindly, Myself.: I'm sorry for always feeling down. I’m sorry for constantly putting myself down. I’m sorry for constantly spending hours crying over worthless words that should have meant nothing. - Dear Myself,
Kindly, cindy huch: I'm sorry for being mean to you when you did not deserve it. I was heated with fire. My bad. Can you forgive me please that special someone? love - Dear SOMEONE,
Kindly, tay: I'm sorry, I didn't want you to come to the Jonas concert with me & that I was going to take my other friend. - Dear Robyn,
Kindly, Anonymous: My own insecurities has led me to hurting other girls feelings, and making their personality go away. I’m so sorry for all the people i've hurt and is willing to make up for everything, in one way or another. I know my actions are to big to forgive. But I know that I have learned a valuable lesson. Be Kind. - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, Alhia: i am sorry for all I have done to you. I do not mean to poison your mind with thoughts of the end.....i wish for help...for you but help is hard to find.....i will find help soon though I promise. - Dear myself,
Kindly, Me.: I'm sorry I haven't been here mentally to hold all the positive emotions I want to feel. I’m sorry I've been caught up in my own world of self-hate and insecurities. I’m sorry I’m not living up to my full potential. I’m sorry I’m not better at what it is you all want me to be, and that is my old confident self. I’m sorry to those who I have let down in the past, or recent past. I’m sorry to those friends whose bridge to friendship I've burned through self-pity and negative thoughts. I’m sorry to say that the puddle seething with negative emotions sometimes overflows into your beautifully sculpted fountains of positive emotions. I’m sorry I've belittled myself so that I become a person even I don't recognize. I’m sorry that even after all of this I still loathe myself. And most of all, I’m sorry that, even after realizing how much my negativity rubs off on people, I’m still not ready to change. But I am aware. And I’m sorry that this is not the final apology, but rather the apology to those whom I have outwardly hurt, and it is also my apology to myself to say that because I will no longer let my negativity effect others, I am going to have to grow up to accept the person I am and give off a positive glow I know I am capable of exuding, eventually... - Dear Friends,
Kindly, D: I'm sorry I said I didn't want to be your friend way back in High School. You were immediately devastated and I took back my statement but I imagine you never forgot. I immediately felt bad. I was an insecure twerp myself. Not to excuse my behavior but maybe to explain it. I'll never forget what I did - it's a scar on my soul and I’m so sorry. - Dear Donna,
Kindly, Lola: I'm sorry you were a bear that had no hair. I love you so much Mr. Wuzzy, and I’m sorry that I made fun of your male pattern baldness. - Dear Fuzzy Wuzzy
Kindly, Linds: I'm sorry for being so mean to you in middle school. We were such good friends in sixth grade, but then once we started to like the same guy it all changed. I’m sorry for putting a guy between our friendship. I’m so glad we're friends again and I promise to never let a guy come before you again. Bros before Hoes - Dear Nicky
Kindly, Molly: I am sorry for drifting apart. I know it was my fault, that I found new friends, but I am terribly sorry. - Dear Natasha
Kindly, Lauren: I'm sorry for hurting myself and not believing that you loved me the way you all did. I wouldve never pulled through without you guys. - Dear friends,
Kindly, ex jerk friend.: im sorry for publicly making fun of your facial blemishes, and your name. when we were in middle school. I thought I was being cool and funny, but I was being a disgusting, arrogant, ignorant jerk. its been almost 10 years since then, and I still feel ashamed of myself. I wish I could take it all back, or at least go back in time and punch myself in the face. - Dear old ex friend,
Kindly, sophies friend: im sorry I was so mean on facebook. I was mad and I took it out on you. I was a meanie and I’m sorry. - Dear makena,
Kindly, Me: I am sorry for every unkind word that I have spoken, anything that has ever hurt your feelings or anytime, that I have put you down in order to put me up. I am trying to be better at thinking of others before myself and lifting people up instead of tearing them down. - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, Honey P: Im sorry we've drifted apart. I’m sorry ive changed and we arent friends anymore. I’m sorry I talked badly about you, and then turned around and hung out with you. I’m sorry I made fun of you one day when I was doing your makeup. I’m sorry I’m not like you. I’m sorry we dont like the same things. I’m sorry if you feel that I dont like you. I’m sorry for telling you a guy will come, when I have no idea if he will. I’m sorry. - Dear Jenna,
Kindly, AppogueQuetle: Hey I’m new on this board I hope I will be able to help and give something back here because iv learned allot myself. Thanks Learn Violin - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, K: I'm sorry my insecurities and selfishness caused me to act in a mean way. I’m sorry I gossiped and talked smack about you. - Dear Women I\'ve Worked With,,
Kindly, Anna: im sorry that I have talked bad about girls even after taking a part in this campaign. this campaign that I believe in and pray works oneday. The only way I can get that dream to work is if I too be kind - Dear everyone,
Kindly, Bobbi Young: i apologize if I said or done anything to hurt you or make you feel bad in anyway and I plan to make things better and change how Girls Treat one another - Dear Everyone,
Your Name: i apologize if I said or done anything to hurt you or make you feel bad in anyway and I plan to make things better and change how Girls Treat one another - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, CARMELA WILDER: I don't believe I have seen this depicted in such a way before. You actually have made this so much clearer for me. Thank you! - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Me: I am sorry for everything I have done. - Dear You,
Kindly, Ashley: I am sorry for anything that I have ever done in my life that has hurt you. I love you. - Dear Family and Friends,
Kindly, E: I'm sorry I’m mean to you just to go along with the flow, you are beautiful and I love you! - Dear J,
Kindly, KBG.: I'm sorry for anything I have done to hurt you. Whether it was done purposely, or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously. I’m sorry. - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, Natalie: You are my best friend and have been since Pre-K. I am sorry I almost ruined our friendship over the stupid aspect of popularity. Thank you for forgiving me. I am so glad I still have you to lean on. - Dear Brooke,
Kindly, Courtney: i'm sorry for the way I handled the whole issue. We both made mistakes but I should've been the bigger person and either not said anything at all, or atleast have chosen my words better. I let my anger and insecurities get the best of me. I should've been stronger than that..you were just trying to be a good friend and defend yourself. - Dear you,
Kindly, Courtney: i'm sorry for the way I handled the whole issue. We both made mistakes but I should've been the bigger person and either not said anything at all, or atleast have chosen my words better. I let my anger and insecurities get the best of me. I should've been stronger than that..you were just trying to be a good friend and defend yourself. - Dear you,
Kindly, dpk: i am sorry we laughed at you and so sorry about the brick. it has haunted me since. - Dear girl in chatsworth 1978is,
Kindly, Uni-brow: I feel small around you but I’m sorry I think mean things about you, just to make myself feel less threatened. - Dear Pretty and Skinny girls,
Kindly, Lauren A: I am truly sorry for the gossip, unkind words, and mean spirited actions in school. Now that I am older I realize that I was projecting all of my insecurities and self hatred onto you. I hope that my actions caused by my own issues did not leave you with any lingering scars. If so, I pray that you will heal. I would take it all back if I could. God Bless. - Dear too many,
Kindly, me: i'm so sorry for what happened in middle school. though its been 10 years and we're friends, I know it still hurts you and probably always will. I am so sorry that I can never erase it. - Dear c,
Kindly, m: there was a day when we were 4 years old that I pretended to befriend you so that the other kids could jump out from behind a tree and scare you and chase you away. I haven't seen you in 20 years and don't know anything about you, and you may not even remember that day... but I haven't forgotten how confused and upset you were and I am so sorry. - Dear amanda,
Kindly, Gillian: I'm sorry that I said that you should just back off because I will tell the principle and maybe I'll Tell your mom. I realize that that was wrong and I’m really sorry. - Dear helana,
Kindly, Madi: I'm Sorry for calling you a bitch. I didn't mean it and hope we can be better friends in 7th grade. - Dear Tiffany,
Kindly, rachel: im sorry that something happened between us, we were soooo close and I dont know what happened. I feel whatever it was was my fault and I’m so sorry that I did something to make you feel hostile towards me - Dear michaela,
Kindly, baybie: i very sorry what I have done to you .. I will study hard and hear what teacher is teaching.. love you s0o much ..! - Dear mum,
Kindly, Manda: I'm sorry for everything that has happened. I’m sorry that it destroyed our friendship. I miss you. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Gillian: i'm sorry that I said I hate you and I wish that I didn't have a sister - Dear Madi,
Kindly, tyfani: i am sorry for calling you names and then lying about it to your face I really hope that you can forgive me one day but I just wanted to apologize for calling you shamoo. - Dear Amber,
Kindly, sara rodriguez: im sorry for hurting you. - Dear anyone whos affected,
Kindly, H: I'm sorry that I trashed you for years because of my jealousy. - Dear L,
Kindly, Sandy: I am deeply sorry for making fun of your new glasses. - Dear Kelly,
Kindly, lp: I'm sorry we all split up. I hope I didn't say anything mean. I don't remember. I've missed you guys. - Dear All you guys,
Kindly, Sarah.: I'm so sorry I said you should never have had your long hair cut. I was just jealous of how great you looked with it short. - Dear Christine,
Kindly, A.: I am sorry for all the jokes I have made about you and to you. I’m sorry that some of my jokes may have hurt you and most of all I am sorry that I use you as vehicle to make others laugh at the expense of your self esteem. - Dear Jenna,,
Kindly, Abby.: I am sorry for every nasty word I said, every nasty thing I did, every nasty thing I let others do. I am sorry that I get too wrapped up in myself. I’m sorry. - Dear Everyone.,
Kindly, laurie: i am sorry I pushed you away when all you wanted to do was help me. more importantly thank you for never leaving me. I am so lucky I love you. - Dear all my gfs,
Kindly, Kelsey: I'm sorry for saying mean things to you Freshman year, I was upset and didn't mean it, I’m sorry. - Dear Taylor,
Kindly, Madison Chandler: I apologize for everything I've ever said about you. I know it was really wrong and I hope you can forgive me. - Dear Amanda,
Kindly, Catherine: I apologize for not being able to admit when I was wrong, to give you the feeling that you were inferior. You mean more to me than you will ever know. - Dear Matt,
Kindly, Nikki: You're my sister and I love you with all my heart and idk why I’m so mean to you sometimes. - Dear Lexie,
Kindly, Hannah Rose: I'm sorry for everything. I am sorry at times I would turn the classroom around on you. - Dear Zack G.,
Kindly, Ashley: I'm so sorry for spreading a rumor about you in middle school. I feel so horrible and can't believe how kind hearted you are to still be my best friend. You are the best person in my life. - Dear my best friend,
Kindly, Richard: I'm sorry for saying something just to be mean or clever, just because the best defense is an offense. - Dear Everyone I\'ve Ever Hurt,
Kindly, A: I am truly and deeply sorry for the pain I put you through, for the scars that show on your wrists and for the way I made you feel inferior. I am sorry that I wanted out and tried, too. I am sorry for the long stretches of time without food. I apologize for the lack of confidence I had in you. You are beautiful the way you are. - Dear body,
Kindly, A: I am so sorry I stood around and let them all hurt you. - Dear a,
Kindly, Brittany Maree: I'm sorry for everything mean that I have said. The only reason I say it is because it is easier to be mean to some one than to be nice. Once again, I’m very sorry. - Dear Everyone,,
Kindly, NBH: I did not mean it at all. And with much love I am sorry. Please forgive me. U promise it will never ever happen again. - Dear If I ever hurt you,
Kindly, A: I'm sorry for not wanting to be friends anymore because of my own insecurities - Dear E and B,
Kindly, Rose: I am sorry that I took out my frustration on you when you were just trying to do your job. I feel bad about it all the time. I contemplate calling you just to apologize. Although I haven't seen you in almost two years, I secretly wish I would run into you somewhere so I won't have any excuse for not apologizing. I hope you can forgive me one day... - Dear Kathy,
Kindly, Ashley: I am sorry I went with the crowd and made fun of you to fit in. I should have stuck up for you. I truly hate myself for not having the courage to do that. - Dear Cindy,
Kindly, April: I'm sorry that I never knew what was really going on. I’m sorry that I never stopped him. I’m sorry that I never told. - Dear Dear Beckie,
Kindly, Emma: I'm sorry for never being kind to you in elementry school. I have always wished I could have the strenght to apologize to you. You are such a beautiful, talented person and I wish more people could see that :) - Dear Marlisa,
Kindly, Aly: They alwasy left you out, always picked on you and told you lies. I never included you, never stood up for you and never told you the truth. Always doing wrong actions is the same as never doing right ones. I’m so sorry. I hope with every ounce of my heart high schools better for you. - Dear Caroline,
Kindly, BFF: I Will Try Never To Hurt You We Have Been Friends For Ever And I Love You Your Like The Big Sister I Never Had I Hope Theres Many More Years Of Friendship For Us!!! - Dear Best Friend,
Kindly, your BFF: I'm sorry for all the times I was unkind! I will be a kinder BFF from now on with the help of the kind campaign! - Dear Ellen,
Kindly: In elementary school, I was caught up in a fight with my three best friends. Two of them were ganging up on the third for no other reason than that she had a low self-esteem and wouldn't stand up for herself. I was much stronger than she was and could have taken that fight on for her, but I did nothing and let her drift away from us. So Jessy, I’m so sorry. I wish now I had stood up for you so and didn't let you feel like you were so alone, because you never were. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, your baby: i am sorry for the games I played. - Dear \"em\",
Kindly, Brandie Jo: I'm sorry for all the times I have ruined your day or hurt you in some way. I love you and I never want to lose you. - Dear Kathy,
Kindly, Jessica Mordan: I'm sorry for thinking bad thoughts about you because I am insecure about myself. I WILL BE BETTER! - Dear All Girls,
Kindly, Anna: Sorry for going behind your back and leaving you there!! And mixing your hair dye. - Dear Amber,
Kindly, Megan: I'm sorry for trying to fight oyu over a stupid guy, he was never worth it. Youre a good person. - Dear Krista,
Kindly, Brittany Ring: I'm sorry for anything I have EVER said to hurt you or put you down, I know how it feels and it makes me feel horrible to think about what I have done. For that I am deeply and truly sorry. - Dear Anyone I have ever hurt,
Kindly, Jody Fulmer: I'm sorry for treating you like you weren't good enough. You are. - Dear Stormie Bradshaw,
Kindly, Kristen S.: I've said some pretty nasty things about you. So, whether you know it or not, I’m sorry. - Dear Lisa,
Kindly, Mark Prime: I am sorry for my contribution, no matter how slight, to that (noise) which would destroy you. - Dear Goodness,
Kindly, Your BFF, Kass: I am so sorry that I don't spend alot of time with you or pay attention to you as much as I do for Justin. I promise I'll make more time for you in my day. I’m SOO SORRY!!! - Dear Megan,
Kindly, Liz: I'm sorry that, in response to your actions, I changed the type of person that I am by being rude and talking behind your back. I know better. Sorry. - Dear Paige,
Kindly, s: I'm so sorry when I ever said anything negatve. I just feel like crap that when I thought about everything ive said in my head about u, even if I didn’t say it aloud. - Dear M,
Kindly, yourself: i'm sorry about everything that has happened to you in the past. leave all of it in a never visited part of your life. don't worry about what people say and do to you.us there's always someone to talk to. - Dear megan,
Kindly, Amy P: I'm sorry I left you for other friends. You were always a true friend to me, and the only one I've ever had. It was my loss, and I think about you from time to time, wishing I wasn't so stupid back then. I really hope your life is and will be amazing, because you deserve it the most. - Dear Shauna R,
Kindly, Nina: Sorry I blamed you. - Dear Laura,
Kindly, A.D: I have messed up. I screwed up big time. I said mean things about you, and I shouldn't have. I hated your guts because I was jealous, and I had no reason to ditch you like I did. - Dear Girl,
Kindly, b: I am sorry that your insecurities led you to not value our friendship and for you to take that out on me by way of back-handed compliments that made me feel insecure about myself for years. I forgive you for your actions and hope that you have been able to evolve. I realize now that it was never about me and luckily, have been able to find my voice and love myself. - Dear CPie,
Kindly, Patsy: Sorry we were all so mean to you when you were younger. You did nothing to deserve our meaness. - Dear Renee,
Kindly, l: I'm sorry that life at home wasn't right for me. I left for me, not because of you. And Shelby- I’m sorry for taking you for granted. I’m sorry that I lost all faith in you as a friend. I admire you and all you've done. And though I know now that our friendship has long since been drained of all it was worth, I know that you'll do amazing things with the life you've been given. - Dear old friends,
Kindly, Your Friend: Sorry we all give you such a hard time. I love you and you are great! I know we talk about you a lot and judge you, but I don't realize how much it hurts you. Sorry. - Dear Sara,
Kindly, Annie: Sorry we treated you badly because you were different. Your life is so much harder than all of ours. I feel terribly about it. God bless you. - Dear Stephanie,
Kindly, stephanie: im sorry I made you feel insecure. I never thought of him as more than a friend, and I’m sorry that he let you think otherwise. when I found out what he was doing, I stopped hanging out with him, and I wish you didn't think I was that type of girl, because every time I see you I can tell you hate me, but I don't know how to tell you, I would never have done that, because I know how bad it hurts. - Dear katy,
Kindly, Molly: I'm sorry I've turned against you when I thought I could be someone else. I’m sorry I've let others ruin you & break you apart. I’m sorry I've opened up too much & let others eat you away. I’m sorry I haven't healed you yet, it takes time. I’m sorry for treating you like someone else. From now on, I'll try and understand that being yourself in a world where everyone wants you to be someone else; is true strength. I can make it. I'll fix you. - Dear My Heart,
Kindly, baby: I am sorry I played games. I am sorry I let my friends convince me you were wrong. - Dear em,
Kindly, Alice: Im sorry for never giving you a chance, for hurting you and the name calling. And more than anything- I’m osrry it affected me so little that I don't even remember your name. - Dear you,
Kindly, E: I'm sorry that sometimes I get mad at you even when your just trying to help me. - Dear M,
Kindly, Joi: I'm sorry I let people walk all over you. I’m sorry I tryed to be someone I wasn't. I’m sorry I didn't stick up for you. I will fix eveything by believing in you and sticking up for you. - Dear me,
Kindly, E: I'm sorry I told those lies and portrayed you as such a horrible person. The truth is, I envy you and would never want to hurt you. I would give anything to make things right. I wish you the best - Dear MM,
Kindly, ur fav girl: i'm sorry that I thought u were a girl when I first heard u on the radio but now I luv u - Dear justin bieber,
Kindly, from afar: I am so sorry that I was comparing myself to you. - Dear Rona,
Kindly, N: I am sorry I let you do the stuff you do that I know is going to hurt you. I am sorry your are raised by people who treat you like they do. I am sorry I do the same stuff as you instead of guiding us back on the right path. I am sorry I will not ever tell this to your face, because I do not have the courage. I am sorry I told people your secrets. I am sorry that I get jealous of you and hate you at times. - Dear L,
Kindly, N: I am sorry for telling people about your eating disorder, even though you may not know that I did yet. - Dear A,
Kindly, me: I am sorry I struggle with keeping you from making bad decisions. I am sorry I don't have the strength to be happy sometimes. I am sorry that I do stuff for attention. I am sorry you never feel confident in yourself for very long. I am sorry you lie to people. - Dear me,
Kindly, Emily: I am sorry that I ignored you for such a long time I don't know why I did it's just that you left me for the people who think that they're popular. I don't know why you did but I’m sorry that I was ever mean to you - Dear Jade,
Kindly, rach: i'm sorry for doing things that I know hurt you. I can say what I want to justify myself but there's no excuse for my actions. you are one of my best friends. I love you so much and I never want to lose you for anything. - Dear nat,
Kindly: im really sorry for doing a bad job keeping our secret last summer. I love you - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, le: i'm sorry for trying to hold you back when you had told me you wanted to be friends with your old friends. I could feel myself losing you and we had shared so much I didn't want you out of my life. I see now that you're happier with them and are still good friends with me. I’m sorry for not trusting you. - Dear mary,
Kindly, me: I'm sorry if I ever put you down or made you feel left out. I try not to but sometimes I cant help it. I am trying to not do these things and I am getting better but I’m SORRY!!!! - Dear ANYONE,
Kindly, Cera: I'm sorry about middle school. I was a brat, and we were brats and we were really mean to you. I see that now. I hope you forgive me someday. - Dear Sarah,
Kindly: I am sorry. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Khadijah: I am truly sorry for causing you pain. I really hope that even if I never see you again in my life, I hope that one day you can forgive me. In middle school,I am sorry for spreading rumors and causing drama. I wish that I could re-do all of it! In elementary school, I am sorry for not being friends with everyone. I feel bad for the people that I singled out to be mean to. In high school,which I have just recently started, I am sorry for anything that I did wrong! Overall, I am sorry and hope that I will someday be forgiven by all of the people that I have affected badly - Dear the people I have hurt,
Kindly, AF: I am so sorry I doubted your friendship with her. She is so insanely nice and I promise that I will never doubt your decisions again and that I will get to know her better, as I promised a while back! - Dear ML,
Kindly, ur frend ml: i'm sorry after the memorable year of being your friend and after our trust exercises that when the new girl came into ur life I though she'd take over. the only that took over was my jealousy and it caused a lot of pain to the both of us. I never really got a chance to really tell you I’m sorry.... mostly cos we never got around to talking about the time we had our hugemongous fight. but I’m still sorry. though I’m glad it happened because I feel like we're tighter than before - Dear my frend af,
Kindly, a friend: I am sorry for ever judging you in any way. I am sorry for talking about you behind your back. I’m sorry for calling you names that don't have a positive meaning at all. I am sorry for anything I ever did to make you hate me in any way. I’m hoping this year we can start fresh. - Dear \"those girls\",
Kindly, \"that\" girl: I am so sorry that I said those things about you. I truly am... and to be honest, I did have that thought in my mind that what I was saying was wrong, but I did nothing about it. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. But of course if you can't, I completely understand. Hope that one day this fresh start can turn into a new friendship(s). - Dear anyone and everyone,
Kindly, me: im sorry I spread rumors about you. I’m sorry I have been so mean. but dont u think I did it for a reason? I’m just asking for you to be nice, and I hope you do it in return. - Dear casey,
Kindly, KN: I love you and I’m sorry for what I wrote on the truth wall. You are my best friend and thats not going to change! I shouldn't have posted that under ANY circumstances and I shouldn't have said anything to other people. You are seriously like a sister to me and I couldn't live without you in my life! I truly am completely and sincerely sorry and I hope that you don't hate me. - Dear KR,
Kindly, your current bestie :): i am so sorry how in seventh grade I was part of the group who thought you were annoying. I was so wrong and I knew it all along I just wanted to be friends with those girls that I lost sight of how much you mean to me! just remember I always love and cherish our friendship!!! - Dear ellie,
Kindly, me: i am so sorry that I am hurt because of a minor detail. I hope that you will not change your views of me based on it. I am so happy for you and I want you to be aware of that. I am really concerned that you will not understand that I've wanted this for so long. please don't think you took this from me, someone else did. you deserve it. - Dear you,
Kindly, ;): I'm sorry I decided to hate you for no reason. I’m sorry I deliberately tried to make your life miserable for a year. I’m sorry for the things I said to you and the things I called you. I’m sorry I hurt you. Thank you for forgiving me for my actions. Thank you for letting me be your friend. Thank you for dealing with me and all that we've been through. I know you were kidding when you mentioned this apology, but you deserve one. - Dear Julie,
Kindly, Ritty: Sorry for not eating the food you gave me when I was younger. I shouldn't ever tried to be like the other thin and rich girls... Now I know that being anorectic isn't the solution, now I know that I should love myself the way I am. - Dear Mommy,
Kindly, Erica: I am sorry that we are such vicious people. I’m sorry that we don't all always get along. And I’m sorry that we do things to each other just to be mean and to destroy each other. We're better people than that. And I hope that we can overcome this and create a new life for young girls. - Dear every girl,
Kindly, Meghan: I am very sorry that I have seemed more distant this semester. I still love you both very much and you are still my very best friends. - Dear Catie and Erin,
Kindly, Margaret: Sorry I hate you. I’m just jealous. - Dear COURTANDNIC,
Kindly, your SISTER: I am sorry for the things I do that hurt you. I know you want me to just be your sister and I haven't been too sisterly. I’m also sorry that you are going up in such a cruel world known as high school. Keep your head up. you'll get through it. - Dear blood sister,
Kindly, Elyse: I am sorry for all the times I have been rude to you. Smart remarks, name calling, picking on you. I love you two so much and I would do anything for you - Dear Sisters,,
Kindly, Shannon: You are a pretty girl. Stop holding yourself down and being depressed.Im your Sister and I care, so pleaase stop being jelous. - Dear Ally,
Kindly, Me: I am so sorry for the words I have said...i said them to make myself feel better by putting you down. I once was put down so often and I promised myself I would never do that to someone else and here I am doing it. - Dear everyone
Kindly, Lisa: I'm sorry for not always being the best friend I could have been to you. You truly are an amazing & strong person. You are beautiful, inside & out. You are my role model, I mean that. We aren't as close as we used to be but I will always consider you one of my good friends because you are, & waay more than that. Whenever I hug you I start to cry. Not because of any other reason than love. I love you more than you'll ever know. I know you won't ever see this but I don’t need you to, it's what you deserve. You are my best friend. You’ve always been there for me. & I’ll always be here for you. You've given me something to be happy about. You gave me the meaning of what it's like to know that someone actually cares & have a real friend. You mean the world to me- I love you, more than you'll ever know. I’m sorry if I haven't shown you enough or ever hurt you in any way. I love you so much. - Dear Ellie Murphy,
Kindly, Lew: I'm sorry for the rude comment I made. I’m sorry for not thinking about your feelings. I’m sorry that you were hurt. You are a good person and despite all of our disagreements, I still care about you. I still want everything to work out for you. I want you to be happy. - Dear Cal
Kindly, me :): i am SO sorry for judging you, criticizing you and speaking badly of you. I have no right to do these cruel things to you and you do not deserve it. I will work harder from now on to avoid these negative behaviors and habits and treat you with all the love, respect and KINDness that you are so worthy of. - Dear friends/sisters/strangers,
Kindly: i'm sorry - Dear riley,
Kindly, amanda: I'm sorry for something that I probably did something mean that I can't remember. - Dear abby,
Kindly, emma: Sorry for being rude and saying mean things to you. - Dear my older sister,
Kindly, burgendi: I'm sorry for sending that photo of you to everyone wish we could be friends. - Dear ashley,
Kindly, Kaleigh Lane: I am sorry for being mean to you. You are a great friend! I am so happy to have you! - Dear Jessie,
Kindly, learning to be confident: I apologize for all of the mean thoughts, the whispers shared, and the mean looks. I know they hurt, and often were only an expression my own insecurities. You are all beautiful inside and out! - Dear everyone ever judged,
Kindly, Katie M: I'm sorry for making fun of you in 4th grade. It was wrong and I know it was. I am still upset to this day for how I treated you. You didn't deserve it. Thank you for being strong and forgiving me, even though I didn't actually apologize to you. I will make it up to you. - Dear Katie U,
Kindly, me: I'm sorry for sending that photo of you around, I was just hurt and took it out on you. I was not acting like myself and I’m sorry I hope one day we can be friends and you can trust me again. - Dear you,,
Kindly, Victoria: I'm sorry, sister, that I told you that your skirt was to short, I don't think I deserved to get punched in the face for that though. I hope you're sorry too. - Dear Hailey,
Kindly, Your daughter: I'm sorry I became anorexic and couldn't even touch food. I had to have hospital care and it caused you to sell the house to pay for my care. I’m so sorry I wasn't comfortable with who I was. - Dear Mom,
Kindly, Anonymous: I'm sorry for everything I said or did to you in middle school. I know it can't change how you felt and what you did because of how you were hurt, but I hope that this apology can be the start of a path to kindness. - Dear Rachel,
Kindly, Lissie: I am extremely sorry for what I put you through in middle school. It was unacceptable, and the only reason I made fun of you was that it made me feel better about myself. That is no excuse. I have been thinking about things I have regretted in my past, and being mean was one of them. I know you may never see this, but in case you do, please forgive me. - Dear Madeline,
Kindly, Diana: i am sorry I did not let you hangout with me and my friends in Elementary school. I realize I was very cruel and I regret it with all my heart. Know I know how you felt and I am sorry. - Dear Tiffani
Kindly, Maria: We've been friends since Kindergarten and we have always gotten along we've had our ups and down's and we've had our fights but I have never talked behind your back. Your like my sister that's how close we are - Dear Tanairis,
Kindly, kyla: i am so sorry that I called you a bad word 5 years ago hope were friends - Dear rebbeca
Kindly, francesca: i'm sorry about the horrible things that have gone on between us over something as stupid as a boy. I’m sorry for ever making you feel the way I did and I’m sorry for all the things i've done wrong to you. - Dear alyssa,
Kindly: Dear any girl who feels hurt, I’m sorry for your pain, i've experienced it to. We need to forgive and forget and start fresh. WE ARE GIRLS. We have the power to overcome and love. Yet the power of hurtful words and violence take over. Lets replace that crap with our true powers of love. Maybe one day our daughters or grand daughters will experience what it is, to have peace in girl world - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, jolelinee: Thanks, nice post. Keep up the good work - Dear Anonymous
Kindly, Me: I am so sorry for writing hurtful and mean things on your form spring even though they were anonymously written. I said the meanest things to you about how you look and the way you act because I felt bad about my self and I wanted to put someone else down to feel better. - Dear Reilly
Kindly, Me: I am sorry I have been so insecure and unconfined in you. I have to know that I am pretty on the outside without all that makeup that I use everyday to cover you up. I am sorry that I have gone through numerous eating disorders to the point where I was hospitalized. I am sorry for attempting to take your life when you know your not alone. I am sorry for treating you this way. - Dear Me
Kindly, me: Im sorry I abandoned you when you told me about what happened to you, I shouldn't have. I promise to be there for any other girl who ever seeks my help. - Dear Anonymous
Kindly, me: im sorry for getting annoyed at you for the past weeks high school has really changed us and I miss the way we used to be. Hopefully one day we can renew that joy - Dear friends,
Kindly, Grace: I am sorry for whatever I have said in the past to make you feel bad. - Dear Tuesday,
Kindly, Old me: I know everything is okay now, but I still feel so embarrassed that I ditched you guys in middle. You were my first friends at a new school. And you were right: I shamelessly ditched you guys when the popular girls wanted to hang out with me. I’m sorry. - Dear Old Friends,
Kindly, Megan: I'm sorry for the hurtful email I wrote you almost 5 years ago. Although it was a long time ago and we've moved past it, I feel very sorry that I ever did that. It was immature, and I was young and stupid. I wish it never happened. - Dear Lauren,
Kindly, Elizabeth: I'm really sorry for making fun of your drawing and talking about you, I was just jealous of how much artistic capability you have and I've been meaning to apologize for a long time I no there is no excuse for not saying anything earlier and I’m really sorry. You are a great funny beautiful girl and I hope you can forgive me. - Dear Liz,
Kindly, Erika: I am truly sorry for any girl, in my grade or in other grades, that I have trash talked about behind their back. You never know what kind of impact you can make on someone, so make it a positive one before it is too late. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, A friend who lost her way: I'm sorry for being two-faced this past semester. I said some mean things about you and chimed in with the "popular" theater girls when they talked smack, and I feel horrible about it. I’m just really insecure and wanted everyone to accept me. In reality, you've been incredibly kind to me, and I’m so grateful for your unconditional friendship to me, especially when I needed you. I hope you can forgive me and we can be even closer friends. - Dear Stephanie,
Kindly, Elaon: I'm sorry if I've ever come across as mean, I really didn't mean (pun unintended) to. I hope you can forgive me and anyone I've hurt I’m very sorry. - Dear Everyone,
Kindly, Riley: i'm sorry I said I hated you. I’m sorry I put you down to my friends. I’m sorry I said horrible words about you and began horrible rumors. your a person,and even though I’m a student I know that things I say can hurt you. - Dear Teacher,
Kindly: I am so sorry for all the pain and tears Ive cost you I truly didn’t mean it. Ive cost you so much pain,and for what?I only did it to fit in with everyone.I am truly sorry and hope you forgive me.I regret ever calling you names. If I could go back in time I wouldn't have ever did anything to hurt you. And the last thing I am sorry for is for scaring forever. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Erin: I'm sorry I am so hard on myself. I’m sorry I ever looked in the mirror and called myself ugly or stupid or boring. I’m sorry I ever thought I was less than I am. I am great. We all are. :) - Dear Me
Kindly, marin: sorry for talking about you behind your back - Dear soph
Kindly, L.S: I'm sorry all the times I have looked in the mirror and pointed out all your flaws and imperfections. You were right, you don't have to look good or have the best clothes to be beautiful. I’m sorry about all the tough times we had together, crying and emotions flying back and fourth. Now that I learned that true beauty comes from within, we can forget all the tough times we had together and look into the future where we can tell our kids the same and not let them suffer all the rumors and hate like we did. - Dear Self
Kindly,: I am sorry for talking behind your back it was so wrong of me :( - Dear Anonymous,
Emma: be nice to people in the hall and smile to them - City
Justine: view and understand each persons perspective and opinions with respect - Iowa City
Haley: say something nice to somebody everyday. - New Orleans
Reina: say something nice to a person about something other than their clothes everyday - New Orleans
Ben: end each day without anger towards another person. - New Orleans
Madeleine B.: give a compliment to three girls, and a smile. - Metairie
Mitzi: compliment someone every day on purpose. - Nola
Erica O\'Neal: give a compliment to a girl or boy any day. - New Orleans
Jasmine: be kind and be respectful and to be responsible. - Jackson
Anonymous: smile and treat others the way I want to be treated. - City
Brianna Lakes: be kind and treat people the way they want to be treated. - City
Donisha Lard: compliment my friends, smile and laugh with everyone and show respect to everyone I talk to. - Jackson
Roshell Adams: it is not good to be mad to people. - City
Kniya Matthews: let people talk and tell people who are talking, tell them to let people talk. - City
Shirley Jones: be loyal and wise to all my family and friends. Respect myself more and pray daily. - Jackson
Jacqueline Davis: be a better person and stop hanging around the wrong crowd. - Jackson, Mississippi
Anonymous: love the girls I don't get along with and show respect. - City
Melissa Shears: show respect and be nice to my enemies and treat people the way I want to be treated. - Jackson
Kindly, Mari.: I am so sorry for all the mean things I have said and done. I have let my jelousy get the best of me. You are my best friend and that will never change. - Dear Mariah,
Anonymous: Be nice, have faith in each other, be trustworthy, and to show respect to every person. - City
Jaliciia Lake: show respect and let people talk all they want but never let them get to me. - Jackson
Kindly, Mari.: I am so sorry for all the mean things I have said and done. I have let my jelousy get the best of me. you are my best friend and that will never change. - Dear Mariah,
Dolored Thomas: say hello to every girl. Be nice to every girl. Show respect. Don't have a temper. - Jackson, MS
Kindly, your dughter: I apologize for always getting mad at you. all my anger builds up from that day and comes out at you at home. I’m sorry. - Dear mother,
Kindly, with love sophie shaich: You have been such an amazing friend to me(: and I thank you for that. you r amazin and I need to apologize for not being there for u like how you were there for me - Dear Antonia,
Alexis Barber: stop getting so angry and also show respect to other girls. - Jackson, Mississippi
Kniya Matthews: let people talk 1 at a time - Jackson
Kindly, megan: I am sorry for all the times I have put each one of you down or hurt you in any way. I have changed now and I hope you can accept me now. - Dear friends,
Anonymous: stand up or others who are being bullied, and be kind to all - City
Kindly, Taylor e: I’m sorry if I have ever put u down or did anything they might have hurt you. I wish gossip would of not taken all of our friendship Gossip is mean - Dear All my friends,
Taylor: stop speaking negatively about others and when I see someone down, I'll try to bring them up. - Atlanta
Anonymous: be kind to other girls whether I love them or not. - City
Kindly, self: I am sorry if I ever neglected your true dreams. I am sorry if I ever doubted the love you have to give. I am sorry if I have ever put you down for the sake of others and ignored your heart when you needed love the most. - Dear self,
Starkeisha Smith: be kind and have an open heart and be nice to any and every girl no matter what they do or say to me because two wrongs dont make a right. - Atlanta
Kindly, you daughter: I am sorry if I ever was mad at you. it was only a reflection of my own fear and insecurity and I didn't understand at the time. Thank you for raising me into a sweet girl with all the heart I have to give, I could not have done it without you. - Dear my beautiful mom,
Taahirah Abdul: never hold a grudge against someone, be honest, caring and support anyone in need and always remain kind. - Atlanta
Kindly, Lorena: For any of the times that I was not caring, helpful or in some way acted in a condesending manner making you feel judged and hurt, I am sorry. I know how that feels and I apologize for anytime I made you feel that way. - Dear Friends,,
Quadulyn: be kind, loving and a wonderful person to everyone. - Atlanta
Kindly,: I love you. I am sorry I agreed with E and said we shouldn't tell you about our plans. I probably just did that because I have been left out and it was stupid of me. I know that you are a true friend and I love you so much so I will always love you and be honest. Don't change! - Dear Anonymous,
Sonjomer: smile at a girl every day. - City
Anonymous: speak to those whom I don't know or like and who are fake. - City
Jeanace: smile every day and compliment someone I don't know daily! - Atlanta
Nay Tasha T.: be kind and watch what I say to other females and also be careful of other females feelings and emotions. - Atlanta Ga
Kindly, Elyse: I'm sorry we're not friends anymore. Somedays I wish we still talked. I’m sorry for not being the best friend I could be. - Dear Kayla,
Tierra: keep negative comments to myself and say the positive ones. - Atlanta
Kindly, your ex bff ..: I'm sorry that our friendship unraveled in high school. I should have put more time and effort into it before things got ugly. We don't talk but I will always love you. - Dear Jamie,
Kindly, Filled with Guilt: I'm sorry I turned my back on you when I was your only friend. I’m sorry I didn't trust you when you needed me to most. I’m sorry that I told everyone one of your deepest, darkest secrets. I’m just really sorry that you almost went to take your life because of me. I want to make things right between us...can you ever forgive me? - Dear Mara,
ShanQuarious: not let any female bring me down and I promise to smile or compliment a female each and every day. - Atlanta
Kindly, Abbie: I am so sorry, you don't even understand for messing up our friendship. And then waiting for YOU to come and fix it when I should have been there and fixed it as soon as possible. Now, I miss you sososososososo much. There is not a day I dont think about our amazing times. - Dear Friend I Miss,
Amy Smith: be kind to others, never be mean, and promise to be nice. - Atlanta
Kindly, Justine: I am so sorry for whatever I have done to hurt you...even thoguh half the stuff was rumors I still feel really bad you were my best friend, I am so happy that we are good friends again I really did miss you! I love you forever and always -taylor swift ;) - Dear ,
Alisa Strickland: do my best in not talking about anyone. I pledge to say nice things only and if not, then just be quiet. - Atlanta
Kindly, Me: I'm sorry for ever hurting you at school - Dear Ex-Friends,
Letecia Sheets: be nice to others. - Atlanta
Kindly, Kate: I'm sorry that I was cruel to you in middle school. I felt like I had to lash out to make the hurt I was feeling on the inside go away. You are an amazing woman and I admire you. - Dear Devon,
Tiffany Miller: respect the disrespectful, even though it may be hard to avoid violence. - Atlanta
Kindly, L: I am sorry I thought for one second you weren't good enough. I am sorry I told you that your ugly or that you look fat in those jeans. I am sorry I hae never been kind to you! You are perfect just way you are....You will show them what you're made of! - Dear me :( ,
Jamia Charles: not judge a girl before I see or know her! - Atlanta
Anonymous: be nice no matter the situation. - City
Kindly, g: Sorry we dont get along, we just keep arguing, so stop getting mad at me because of your idiotic ways. Sorry I said that. - Dear HM,
Dolce Harrison: send kind looks instead of a dirty or mean look toward other girls. - City
Kindly, Lauren: I'm sorry I talked about you behind your back. I know now to accept people for who they are and that everyone is different. - Dear Some people,
Ashley Murphy: give somebody a kind smile or wave every day. - Atlanta, GA
Jonise Battle: always be honest and confront my problems. - Atlanta
Kindly, Emily C.: I'm sorry if I said anything about you behind you back. It was not right of me and I realize how hurtful it is. I love you and care so much about you and I will think about what I’m saying from now. I don't even know why I would say such things. - Dear Friend,
Bianca: be kind to every girl I see throughout the day. - Atlanta
Kindly, D: I'm sorry for not being there for you in your darkest moments. I should have stuck up for you. I should have led, not followed. I should have been a friend. Thank you for forgiving me...and becoming the greatest friend I could ever ask for. - Dear K,
KaBrea Jones: speak (say hello) to everyone/every girl that I see and possibly have a conversation with those people. - Atlanta, GA
Kindly, D: I'm sorry for not being there for you in your darkest moments. I should have stuck up for you. I should have led, not followed. I should have been a friend. Thank you for forgiving me...and becoming the greatest friend I could ever ask for. - Dear K,
Carlmesia Gladden: say "hey" to people in the hall that I do not know. - Atlanta
Kindly, Bethh: I'm sorry for anything I've ever done. I've been a jerk, a snob, an egotist...but things will change. You can count on me from now on. I will be here. - Dear everybody I\'ve ever hurt,
Tieffan R.: do at least 8 "good" deeds to random people in society each week and 3 "GREAT" things each month. - Atlanta
Kindly, Elizabeth: I'm sorry I was so horrible to you and said all those nasty things behind your back. You're beautiful the way you are and I had no right to bring doubt into your mind. - Dear Jess,
Jessica: speak to everyone I pass on the street, instead of looking the other day. - Atlanta
Kindly, Chloe: I'm sorry. And I’m sorry it took me this long to apologize. I was immature. I just needed to grow up to see it. - Dear G,
Alexandria Celestin: turn my comments into constructive feedback and compliments. - Atlanta
Lashanda Evans: acknowledge every female I come across with a smile. Also, once out of a week, give encouraging words. - Atlanta
Kindly, myself: I’m sorry for not viewing you as beautiful and comparing you to every other girl. its hard to see the beauty within yourself when youre surrounded by so many other girls. I can finally say that I love you. I’m sorry for putting you down. ill try not to - Dear myself,
Kiera Rush: speak my feelings about females on how they talk behind each others backs and tell what a female done mean to me and I want to express my feelings. - Atlanta
Anonymous: Be kind to other girls, whether I love them or not. - City
Denise: challenge myself to be the best example I can be to younger girls and show them that it is possible to be kind to one another. - Virginia Beach, Virg
Kindly, Your old bff: I am not going to say I am sorry for our friendship breaking up because I really do believe that it was for the better....but I am sorry for the way things went. We didn't have to have such a huge fight over a stupid boy that you broke up with a week later! We both said some things to hurt each other and neither of us was big enough to apologize to the other. But I want to say that I am sorry that things got so badly so quickly. - Dear C,
Rachel Simmons: be confident in myself and not to let a person get to me. If you are not what that person is calling you, then you don't need to worry. - City
Kindly, Megan: I'm so sorry that I abandoned you due to rummors that I wasn't even sure were true. I’m sorry I was a bad friend when you probably needed me. I've lived with that guilt for two years now... And I truly think its time for an apology. Maybe I was jealous or maybe I was scared, all in all I was wrong. sooo, I’m SORRY! - Dear Katie,
Miracle: be very nice to other girls - City
Kindly, am. : I'm sorry I told kyle you waddled in the ninth grade, I know you still carry that comment in your heart because it hurt you very deeply. You are beautiful, and I love you so much. Please forgive me best friend and may your heart feel comfort in our unbreakable friendship knowing that I will always be a trusted mouth when you aren't around. - Dear Aubrey,
Lanett Washington: try my hardest to be nice and helpful to others as I would want to be treated. - Charleston, SC
Erica Hogkins: respect others and treat them the way I want to be treated. - Charleston
Kindly, Kelly and her friends: I’m so sorry how I treated you this year... you didn’t deserve it.... but I also didn’t deserve how you treated me. I can’t stand that way my friends treat u at lunch time how they all point and laugh... so I am also sorry on their parts I’m SOOOOOO SORRY - Dear Carly,
Nadia Hammonds: not judge people by the way they look. You shouldn't be jealous of someone. Stay confident in yourself. - Charleston, South Ca
Kindly, Teresa: I’m so sorry for talking badly about you behind your back. I love you and you are one of my best friends and I’m never going to talk badly of you ever againw - Dear Emma,
Ebony Washington: be as kind as possible to make a change in the world. - Charleston
Kindly, Melissa: I am so sorry for the way things our friendship ended. I am sorry for talking about you behind your back and not supporting you. We were both in the wrong, and I’m sorry for not taking more responsibility. I’m sorry our friendship is lost because it was a great one and I’m sorry we dont even talk anymore. - Dear Tierney,
Blythe Boyd: be kind to my peers and other people - Charleston
Kindly, Zoë: I am so sorry that I am nice to your face but never stick up for you when you aren't there. You deserve so much more, and I promise to help you. - Dear Amanda,
Grace Wilgus: not make fun of people and to help other people get through their hard times. - Charleston, SC
Kindly, Your older sister.: We are sisters and I love you with all my heart and I know I have a temper and have said mean and cruel things to you in the past. But I have changed and hope you see that. I love you and nothing with never change that. - Dear Dava,
Haley Gallagher: no hold a grudge against other girls. - Charleston, SC
Kindly, Jessica: I'm sorry I made you feel like you couldn't trust me. My intentions weren't to spread rumors about you or to steal your boyfriend. I wish you would have told me how you felt before you decided to ignore me and talk about me behind my back. You hurt me too and I didn't even know I had hurt you. But I’m still sorry for how I made you feel. - Dear Erin,
Luz: not be jealous about other girls and love me for who I am. - Charleston, SC
Taniesha Donahue: not be mean to my friends and to compliment my family once a day. - City
Kindly,: I’m sorry for betraying your trust and over reacting to something you said. I should have talked to you about it, but bitched about it. Sorry. - Dear Anonymous,
Kindly, Anonymous: Megan, I am so so sorry for being rude and mean to you. I made snap judgments, judged your looks, cut out your flaws, I was a monster. - Dear Megan,
Ashley Hastings: to treat others as I would want to be treated. I KINDLY pledge to spread the message! - Wake Forest, NC
Kindly, Grace c: I’m sorry I said mean things about you behind your back. I was mad at you for being mean to me, but that doesn’t mean I can be mean back. - Dear Kali/ Jensen/ Grace b,
Reese Kathryn Hastin: be a good girl to everyone. I love you Cousin Molly! - Wake Forest, NC
Aspen Hastings (10): help others learn about Kind Campaign! - Wake Forest, NC
Jenna: accept people for who they are and respect everyone's differences. - Iowa City, IA
Kindly, Lena: I am sorry for saying things behind your back that weren't very nice and for gossiping about you. I was jealous that you were the one that got to hang out with the pooular girls that everybody like. Hayden and Jul. I wanted to be the one to get to be in their group and I was sad that it wasn't me. I guess that by saying that it made me feel better and get all the hurt off my shoulders. I feel really bad about it and I don't know why I should do that. It was wrong and I want to be friends again like we were in 4th grade! It was really fun hanging out with you all the time and you are a great friend to me and other people. You are kinda crazy but I like that about you! - Dear Sabrina,
Charlotte Hamilton: stop judging other girls and spread the word about Kind Campaign and get the movement going in my community. - Barrington, Illinois
Kindly, Amanda: I am sorry for fighting in third grade. - Dear Sabrina,
Jeanell Pankey: be kind to everyone because I wouldn't want anyone to treat me any less than the treatment I give to them. - Philadelphia, PA
Kindly, Carla: I am so sorry that I hurt your feelings when I chose to be friends with Amy over you. You were the true, authentic friend and I learned that the hard way. I am so lucky to have another chance with you. Thanks for your compassion and forgiveness. - Dear Julie,
Anonymous: be patient and nice with other females on a daily basis and respect their personality. - Philadelphia
Kindly, Morgan: I’m sorry for being mean I really think you are agreat brother - Dear Mason,
Anonymous: not be insecure of myself and not worry what others think. Not to make others feel insecure of themselves too. - Philadelphia
Kindly, Elinor: I’m sorry for spreading lies about in the 5th grade I didn’t want to hurt you. You didn’t deserve my meanness. Now that I look back on what I did I feel horrible. And I’m also sorry about all the gossip. I hope to be a friend to you and not pull you down - Dear Lena,
Tiana Bryant: make sure that I don't have anymore hatred toward females and give them a chance! - Philadelphia
Samantha Lopez: smile to at least one female everyday, to not prejudge and respect them for who they are. - Philadelphia
Nicole: to not down people (females) to make myself feel good. To this I pledge. - Philadelphia, PA
Kindly, Your new BFF: I am sorry for being so mean to you. You are actually a great friend. When you told me that I was "awesome" because of the one day that I sat by you,(It was the only place left to sit, which I dreaded because I did not appreciate you) I knew that you really appreciated me. I thought that I should treat you nicer and not talk behind your back. It is hard for me to admit this, but I called you really mean names that I shouldn't have behind your back. I thought that I would be made fun of if people found out that I was your friend. I would like to say I’m sorry and I would like to be your friend- in public:) - Dear Michaela Y.,
Kindly,: I am deeply sorry about how I was cruel and a jerk to you. I only thought about myself and I just wanted to be noticed like all my other friends. I am taking time to write this because I am ashamed for my wrong doings. I hope that you forgive me - Dear Anonymous,
Siani Robinson: be kind to one another. I will try to get along with anyone and not be picky. - Philadelphia
Mallory: accept people as they are and don't talk about a person's image, character or traits in a negative way. - Philadelphia
Kindly, B.: I am sorry for dating your X boyfriend. I honestly couldn't help myself he was so sweet and nice to me. He made me feel like I was floating on a cloud. I had to say yes to him. I am sorry I didn’t relized it hurt you so bad. You made fun of me and him together I thought you didn’t mind it but now since you told me. I feel really bad. Your my best friend. I love you. ....... And I’m sorry I left your nerd glasses and Regans. I will be strong and not to date him again. - Dear Breanna,
Anonymous: let go all of my anger that my supposed to be friends do to me. Also, give respect to every possible female. - Philadelphia
Kindly,: I am so sorry for hurting you and starting rumors about you as of now you are the only person in that "group" who really is a good friend to me now. I did accuse you of many things that you didn't do and i am truly sorry. Thank you for still sticking by me. - Dear Anonymous,
Amber Brown: be respectful to any females that I am surrounded by. Also, to only speak positive words to encourage others. - Philadelphia, PA
Tiffany Jenkins: compliment, respect, and greet someone with a smile on a daily basis. - Philadelphia
Kindly, Ellie: I’m sorry i was so mean to you don’t deserve my meanness i was rude. I spread rumors about you and gossiped. I hurt you and will never do this again. I’m sorry - Dear Lena,
Jasmine Morie: Acknowledge my flaws and not judge anyone by theirs. - Philadelphia
Shanyce: be polite to people and become more friendly with females. And stop gossiping. - Philadelphia
Nandira Felder: respect all females and don't let the little things cause drama. Also, to not judge and to make females feel secure because you never know what they are going through. - Philadelphia
Angel: treat another person, especially a female, with the utmost respect and not prejudge. - Philadelphia
Kindly, Katie: You are my best friend and though i said things that i didnt mean im sorry. You have been there forever for me and i dont want it to change now. Im sorry. - Dear Alexis,
Paige Hannigan: try to mediate conflicts I see with other females, and resolve the situation by communication. - Philadelphia
Maja: be nice and friendly to a girl who could really use some kindness. - Chicago
Natasha Polanski: be a vessel of kindness - Dana Point, CA
Rae: be a friend to any girl that wants one, and not to talk bad about any other person. - Chicago
Audie: reach out to other girls and just be a friend - Berkeley
Anonymous: make an effort to get along with girls, rather than just the guys - Chicago
Sarah Kohler: live by the motto: To Treat Others How I want to be Treated, and I want to be treated KIND - Glen Ellyn, IL
Joy: think KIND thoughts FIRST! - Agoura Hills, CA
Lily: never make a mean comment again - Gordon
Andrea: spread love and kindness - Chicago
Anonymous: Love, Like, Live, Life - City
Anonymous: be kind to my principle, no matter how angry she makes me. She really isn't a bad person. - City
Anonymous: say something nice to someone looking sad. - City
Nicole: not talk bad about other girls and to be nice to everyone. I will help anyone if they have a problem. - Crawford, Nebraska
Alyssa: try and be more accepting and if there is someone that isn't like my best friend be a friend to them. - Crawford, NE
Terra: be kind, not fight and start drama and compliment my friends every day. - Crawford, NE
Caiden: compliment a girl every day. - Crawford, Nebraska
Laura: be nice to people and help one another. - Watsonville
Yesenia: never tell others mean stuff. I will never say bad stuff and be helpful. - Watsonville
Noemi: pledge to people that hate me - Wastsonville
Abel: Test Truth -
Kimie: be kind to and respect everyone I meet! - Oxford, UK
Anonymous: say hello to all females. Also to treat all people well. - City
Khristal: be kind to every female every day - Watsonville
Amanda Muckelroy: inspire kindness in others and encourage women/girls to have a positive self image - Houston,TX
Shannon Stone: Always respect other people and respect myself ! - Beaverton
Lori B: to treat others the way i DESIRE to be treated an to stand up for what i belie in an no matter what to be someone who CARES an who will listen with an OPEN mind AN open heart!!! - WALLA WALLA
Danielle P.: have an open heart and mind towards all women. Not to judge but to engage and befriend. Most importantly teaching my children what kindness truly means. - Indio, CA
Isabella jordan: treat everyone the way i want to be treated and be nice to everyone no matter what the wear or how they look:) - Portland
Denise Alvarez: IM SO SORRY FOR Everything - Watsonville
Jamie: treat everyone the way I would hope and expect them to treat me - Iowa City
Abagail Sojka: Only speak kindly of others and encourage my peers to do the same. - Iowa City
Lauren: be kind to everyone and greet them with a smile. I pledge to do my part to stop girl-on-girl violence. - Iowa City
Jeannie: Be kind to everyone I come in contact with. They have their own problems just like I do. - Abilene
Hannah: be the friend I want to have. To stand up for the downtrodden. To refuse to accept girl-on-girl violence as a way of life, and to do my part to change it. - Abilene, TX
Florencia: be patient with everyone, but above all, with myself. - Tucson, AZ.
Taisia Mungia: inspire and encourage - Dallas
Renee Gomez: treat girls with the same respect i would want to be treated! - Costa Mesa
Lauren Caldwell: love without limitations - Dallas, TX
Stephanie: To be kind to everyone who surrounds me. - Canada
Charli: be nice to everyone around me :) even tho its difficult. - Barstow,Ca
Danica: be welcoming to all. - Cypress, TX
Lyndsey: greet everyone with a smile, and to be patient and kind to both strangers and friends because a little positive energy can go a long way. - Barcelona, SP
Laura: remember that all it can take is a little bit of love to change someone's entire day. - St. Louis
Jennifer: greet others with a genuine smile and realize they are each very special human beings. - Dalas, Tx
Tetia stroud: try to smile and show kindness and love to all!!! - Dallas
Lori: be patient with others. - Toronto
Amanda: be kind to the people I encounter on a daily basis. - Trenton, NJ
Kristen: accept people for who they are inside and out & to show everyone the love they deserve. - Scottsdale
Krystal Gilde: be a true friend and treat others with kindness and respect - South Pasadena
Danielle: be respectful to my friends and peers even when its not the easiest thing to do. - Dallas, TX
Debra Parsekian: give love and support to friends and strangers, knowing that what goes around, comes around. - Laguna Niguel, CA
Natalie: be kind and respectful to all men & women. - Toronto, ON
Merilyne: give a kind smile to someone that needs one. - Dallas, Texas
Krista: Carry others' hearts carefully in my hands and their intrinsic beauty on my shoulders! - Dallas, Texas
Talor pickering: help others and make people feel better about themselves i will never judge i pledge to spread love and happiness and to be kind - England,liverpool
Claudia: be a good friend and treat others with kindness, just as I like to be treated - New York
Alexa: Stand up to those who are being closed minded, rude or discriminating to others, greet everyone with a smile and spread the word about this awesome campaign! - Waterloo, ON
Katherine: remember that everyone has a story before I cast judgement. (So proud of you Lauren!) - Irvine, California
Maria Lauren Alberic: continue my path in teaching better well-being in body, mind and spirit and strive to walk the talk with the help of God. - West Hills, CA
Debbi: spread the word about this wonderful organization and documentary! - Laguna Beach, Califo
Molly Stroud: smile at every person I meet, and compliment as many people as possible during each day. - CA
Taylor: be kinder to those who are outside of my "circle." - Seattle, Washington
Olivia: help others in need and be the best friend I could possibly think of. - City
Samantha Pollmann: Help other girls, to the best of my ability, in any way i can. - Steubenville
Julie Caldwell: fill a strangers bucket on a daily basis - St. Helen,Michigan
Nicola byrne: be the friend that i would want others to be to me - St.charles, missouri
Mandy: Treat others the way I would like to be treated - Sarasota, Florida
Patti Grandidge: Be a loyal, supportive, positive and genuine friend - from people whom I've known forever to people who I've just recently met... - Malibu, CA
Hope: Show other women the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, and appreciate each female I meet as they were each individually imagined and dreamed of by the heart and mind of God Himself. - Rochester, MN
Cassie Selmon: continually affirm and support my fellow females. - Warren, MI
Mandy: be more patient and understanding and realize that by just smiling at someone I might change their outlook that day. - Frisco, TX
Alyssa Reyes: Not judge anyone. To try to accept them for who they are, inside and out., and to respect everyone for who and what they believe in. - New Palistine, IN
Lindsey: Respect all age groups, whether the same, older, or younger than me. - Sacramento, CA, USA
Alice: set aside all assumptions and pasts in order to love every woman I meet fully, without condition. - City
Rebecca Bandy: be kinder and sweeter to those around me... and to also treat others as if they are the incredibly amazing people, i know they are! - Brandon,Fl
Aly: love others and love myself for who God created us to be, showing kindness, respect and compassion to all girls. - Simi Valley
Annie Jalota: not judge anyone and treat them with kindness, love, and respect :) - Tustin, CA
Lindee Beery Bryant: Remember that behind smiles are often pain. To treat the person in front of me as though they are the most important person in my life at the moment. Listen/care. - Sahkopee, Minnesota
Kristin: Put my judgements aside and look at the human inside. I will do my best to love everyone the way God loves them: without condition or exception. - Denton
Michelle M: give a kind smile to a female who needs a friend. - Hythe Kent UK
Lauren Parsekian: give one compliment a day to a female I don't know. - Santa Monica
Kate Gillespie: as far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. - Plainville, CT
Kat: imagine myself in someone else\'s shoes, stand up for those who cannot do it themselves, and to remember how each one of the women and girls in this world are wonderful in their own way. - Minnetonka, MN
Natalie Strano: be a role model for my 12 year old daughter on how to be KIND and how not to listen to people that are unkind.. - Albuquerque
kathy: treat all women and girls with kindness - denver
Kelli Davis: treat all women and girls with the same respect that I would want me and my daughters to be treated with!! - Lansdale
Emily: help kids and adults build empathy and find ways to treat each other with care. - Charlestown, NH
Adair: treat everyone with respect and stand up for girls around me - dallas
Ayanna: support my daughter and model kindness every day. - Raleigh
Pualena: be an example of kindness, even when people are being unkind to me. - Hilo, HI
Megan: not gossip and to stand up for my friends - Houston
Kniya Matthews: tell the teacher if somebody\'s messing with me - Jackson
Alexis: let people talk 1 at a time - Jackson
Tanisha: not gossip - Ohio
Serenity House: be nice and open to everyone I know - Dallas, TX
Taylor Hicks: confront my issues and treat other girls as my equal. - Plano, TX
Lomi Vangruber: be a loyal friend and value all my friends. - Dallas, Tx
Courtney: not talk about people especially about girls and not be involved with drama. - City
Amanda Goldstein: be friendly to all groups of people! - Dallas, Tx
Kaile: not be rude to anyone. I will not spread rumors and I will do my very best to not hurt anyones feelings; - Plano
Elizabeth: not talk bad about girls and give more compliments to girls. - City
Sofia: be respectful toward all women and be inclusive - City
San Johnston: be respectful to all women and not gossip and be nice and include everyone. - Dallas, TX
Colleen: respect everyone and treat them how I would want to be treated. - Plano
Lauren: stop trying to put down my friends in anyway, and to stay away from people who do. - Dallas
Sara Um: try to stop gossiping and starting or being a part of rumors and to not negatively influence other girls. - Plano
Maya Shishakli: stop talking about other people and try to promote other to do the same. - City
Nicole Narosov: treat others the way I want to be treated, with respect and be kind to everyone. - Dallas
Victoria: be nice to all girls, stop gossip and not spread rumors. - City
Claire Rodgers: not talk bad about other girls. - Plano TX
Christina: stop starting drama and hurting my friends that I love! - Plano TX
Mycah: be a trusting, honest friend and stay true to myself. - City
Clair Biller: not judge people before I even meet them. - City
Carly Sater: be kind to other girls and be conscious of other peoples feelings - Plano TX
Haley: not put people others through situations I\'ve been through or heard about. - Plano
Carly Cox: not judge girls I don\'t know - Plano TX
Elise Y: be nice to everybody no matter how different we are. - Plano TX
Riley Harmon: always be kind to everyone, and never treat people badly. - City
Megan Hill: not treat girls with disrespect - Plano TX
Carlyn Hunt: treat others like I want to be treated and not say hurtful things to other females - Plano TX
Giannina Rodriguez: treat other girls with respect and to never spread a rumor about someone - Plano TX
Emily Shults: help the people and girls around me any way possible. - Dallas
Jillian Lueders: not be mean and hurt other peoples heart and to not judge and treat girls with respect. - Dallas
Alex Ramsey: not talk bad about a friend and not judge anyone I dont know - City
Ellie: make my own opinions about someone and not what other people say about them. - City
Liliya Abie: make sure I treat everyone the way you would treat yourself. Accept everyone for who they are and be loyal to all - City
Shila Fitussi: be a true friend and not hurt my other friends feelings in any way or judge them. - Plano TX
Tally Devuono: avoid taking sides when there is an argument and keep my cool when my friend and I fight. - City
Anonymous: not talk about people I do not know and to learn about them. - City
Jessica Song: be kind, loyal and respectful to the people around me and to be positive and not let things bring me down. - City
Jordan Fike: be nice to other girls and not talk bad about other girls. - Dallas
Lexi: do all I can to keep a positive attitude for myself and peers all around me through my lifetime. - City
Caitlin: never call anyone a bitch ever again because I know how it feels. - Houston
Haley Lockwood: never fail to take the time to show girls in middle and high school they are loved and that friendships should be a blessing, not a burden. - City
Your Name: not spread rumors or judge other girls based on rumors. Have more respect and love for those around me and myself. - City
Lilly Foulard: SPREAD KINDNESS - City
Katherine Drews: stop and stand up against gossiping. - Houston, TX
Emily: stop judging others. Make an attempt to voice to younger girls that through everything, you\'ll be okay. - Houston
Christine: make an effort to stop gossiping and judging others. I also pledge to love myself more. - Houston
Anonymous: not talk about my friends and people I\'m not friends with, even if I dont like them. Dont act on my jealousy- dont make people feel bad so I feel good, even if its behind their back... - City
Anna Nichols: especially not talk bad about people with a group just to have a conversation and fit in...be myself even around people in scared of and want to fit in with. - City
Anonymous: try and stop gossiping about people and stop excluding people. - City
anon: try and stop gossiping about people and stop excluding people. -
Anonymous: promote sisterhood and stand up for the weak. - City
Amy: never judge people, specifically girls and to think about their situations or what they are going through...GIRL POWER!!! :) - City
Devon: not jump to conclusions about people based on what I hear. To not encourage gossip. - Houston
Aziza Rehmatulla: stop talking about people behind their backs, stop trying to hard to please people, be myself and never lie to make someone else happy. - Houston, TX
Ellen Thanheiser: be the kindest person I can be to all people, do my best to not put myself in situations where people are talking about others or being mean. - Houston, TX
Abby Spalding: treat others with respect that they deserve, dont be quick to judge because everyone is unique in their own way. - City
Elle Flores: reserve all judgements and acknowledge that anger out-lashing are merely submerged indicators of fear. - City
Clemmie Pierce: be nicer to people, not talk badly about people behind their back, include everyone and never call anyone an offensive name again. - City
Rachel Feig: not be a bystander and make a difference for girls who felt the same as I did - City
Lindsey Chew: try not to judge others because I know the pressure to fit in is the hardest part. - Houston, TX
Liz: think before I speak to not only stop mean words but also to be a better person. - Houston, TX
Chinna: not talk about people behind their backs or tolerate it. - Houston
Kyrsti: not talk badly about or gossip about girls behind their backs because no one should be put in that situation or feel that way. - City
Nicole F.: try and stop all the drama in my life and to be more kind to girls I don\'t know. - Lake Charles
Anonymous: be a good and loyal friend to everyone and no matter how hard it is. - City
Anonymous: stop gossiping and stand up for anyone being bullied. -
Anonymous: be kind to others and say nice things. - City
Annonymous: stop being mean to the people around me. - City
Anonymous: be kind to everyone I talk to or see. - City
Samantha: never start or spread rumors about anyone EVERY because I know how terrible it feels. - Houston
Your Name: help someone that's being bullied to stop making fun of people. - City
Dolby Vincent: make everyone I know feel wanted in this world, because people need someone to lean on. - Lake Charles
Elizabeth: be a less judgmental person, be more confident and make an effort to be more kind to people. - City
Molly Stroud: smile at every person I encounter, and look past any differences to meet them on even ground. - City
Lauren Parsekian: practice what I preach. - City
Abel: Test Apology - Deep
Chantell Gallegos: not to fight this year and to not be mean to people. - Houston
Rikki Gilmore: stop and think before I say something that might hurt a girls feelings. - Lake Charles
Your Name: be a good and loyal friend to everyone I know! - City
Taylor: smile in the hall and to do a random act of kindness! To think about what I say before I say it. - City
Taylor Steele: do a random act of kindness for somebody every day - City
Britney Streeter: to smile to be kind and to stop gossiping! - City
Ellen: smile at all of my friends when I see them in the hall. And try to treat all my peers equally so no one feels left out. - City
Corinne: be nicer to our friends. If someone is sad I will say it\'s okay. And not to spread rumors and gossip. - Lake Charles
Sydney LeBoeuf: stop talking behind my friends backs and treat them with respect rather than disrespect. - City
Your Name: be kind to people I dont like - City
Your Name: be nice to whoever is being bullied - City
Clara Wade: stop thinking about other people so badly. - City
Emeline: be nice to each and every one of my friends. Also to try to stop and not get into fights. - City
Pela: be nice to everybody and to try not to get into fights. - City
Sarah: try not to fight or argue as much (especially with my friends) - City
Emily: never exclude anyone in conversations and games. Also, be a better listener. - Lake Charles, LA
Gabby: stop being sarcastic and just say something nice! - Lake Charles
Tassie Hammond: spread kindness - Wake Forest,NC
Kimber Bergo : to always stand up for girls being bullied, even if i have no idea who they are, and to be a friend to anyone who needs one - Las Vegas
Your Name: Not gossip about other girls, what they choose to do is their own business. - City
Aly: I Kindly pledge to: try and see every girl as a sister in Christ and not as competitor or a rival. - Capistrano Beach, CA
stepheniemarie: to see every girl to be equal to myself, and stand up for others. i will be less judgmental and try harder everyday to be a little more confident, and make this world a safer happier place. - City
Brooke: Stop judging other girls by whats on the outside. I pledge to look at people from the inside. I also pledge to not be a gossiper and not participate in any rumors i might hear. - San Clemente, CA
Robin Ferguson : Try My HARDEST to never hurt another female or male again because I know how it feels! To accept others to who they are and to keep a positive attitude and to help other girls who are being! - Gordon Nebraska
Robin R F : Never treat people baby because I know how it feels and i NEVER want to go back to the days when I was bullied and i don\'t want others to feel the pain I felt - Gordon NE
mary conner: smile at every girl I see in the hall or on the playground - lake charles
megaan: never make fun of anyone, treat others the way YOU want to be treated. - orange county, ca
Your Name: treat everyone equally no matter who you are, because I no the way it feels and I don't want anyone to fell the same way I did. - samantha
Jordyn: not be mean to anyone and not talk about girls behind their back, i promise to stand up for my friends - ladera ranch
Jennifer: see all women as friends. to be the best I can be and behind to each and every female I come in contact with. - Los Angeles
DesaRae, Morehead: to stand up for someone - City
Courtney Wilkerson: being a better, and nicer person, to treating others how I want to be treated, with respect & Kindness, to not make rude comments, to not be so quick to judge, to stand up for what i believe in. - Bradenton, FI
Lauren K.: Stand out and reach out to other girls who need it and always lend a hand - San Clemente
Summer T.: Be nice and loyal to EVERYONE, and try to stop girl to girl crimes. - San Clemente
Taylor B.: Connect with others who are victimized and let them know that they are not alone and stand up for what I believe - Mansfield
Houston: I kindly pledge to be honest, caring, helpful, and KIND to other girls. - City
Aspen Hastings: spread the word of kindness by for giving people that have done stuff to me and start a new friendship and try to make a new friendship by telling people sorry for what i have done. I MISS YOU COIN! - Wake Forest,NC
Lizzy Brook: continue to inspire people and always show kindness and warm-hardheartedness that everyone needs. - Costa Mesa
Madison: treat people the way I would like to be treated - Aliso Viejo, CA
Ashley Johnson: smile and greet every girl I walk by. - Long Beach/San Diego
Joana: I pledge to smile to some other girl. - San DIego
Jay Beaver: Never treat anyone like girls have treated me in the past. - San Diego
Jennifer Salgado: help other girls feel good about themselves and not put anyone down. - San Diego
Kennesha Thomas: be more kind and sweet to others. - Imperial Beach
Caren: not be mean to other girls - Spring Valley
Kristi Culp: stick up for people that are getting made fun of. - Laguna Niguel, CA
Sarah Munsey: Change my view of girls and to see them as the victim and not another enemy of the vicious circle. - Mission Viejo
Jen: really try to not talk about anyone behind their backs and be nice to people I don\'t know - Trabuco Canyon
Jade Amdor: not talk behind a girl\'s back and to compliment someone I don\'t know. - Mission Viejo
Kelly Veron: stop talking bad about people behind their backs or tell people to stop when I hear it. I want to try to include everyone. - Coto De Caza, CA
Mackenzie Campbell: stick up for at least 5 people everyday when they are being talked about. - Mission Viejo
Elise Revetta: not care what other girls think of me anymore or to smile at the girls who need a friend. - Mission Viejo, CA
Cassidy Revetta: not to chine in when I hear people saying hurtful things about other people and stick up for them instead. - Mission Viejo, CA
Camilla: accept and embrace every female for who they truly are. Looking from the inside out! - Irvine, CA
Lundy: not give any girl a mean stare and to compliment a girl I don't know every day. And to stop spreading rumors. - Coto De Caza, CA
Megan Datte: mend old friendships and tell people to stop talking behind peoples backs if I hear someone talking bad. - Trabuco Canyon
Kelsey Carlson: stop gossiping and be more trustworthy. - Trabuco Canyon, CA
Scarlett Ritch: be less sarcastic to my friends. - Mission Viejo, CA
Julia: give every girl a chance. - Trabuco Canyon, CA
Courtney Sherry: be a more trustworthy friend. - RSM, CA
Haily Morrell: try to be as nice to every girls as possible - Rancho Santa Margari
Bridgette: help girls that don't feel like they can stick up for themselves. - San Clemente, CA
Shaina: smile at girls when I pass by them. - San Clemente
Rachel Blidell: help other females and end a feud when i ever can. - San Clemente
Ashley T.: cheer up a girl when she is sad. - Aliso Viejo, CA
Katelyn Brown: not start rumors about any girl and to help girls getting bullied. - San Clemente
Kelley Clinkenbeard: stop as many rumors as I can. - San Clemente
Amanda Jacobi: never start a rumor or tell anybody they are less than beautiful. - San Clemente
AJ: stop gossiping, even if its true. - San Clemente
Emily Murphy: be nicer and go out of my way to stop judging people based on loose claims. - San Clemente
Bailey Peterson: smile at girls and not judge their appearances - San Clemente
Bailey Peterson: smile at girls and not judge their appearances - City
Kendall: not talk behind peoples backs and to be kind. - San Clemente
Gabrielle M.: think before I act and not isolate anyone for whatever reason. - San Clemente
Natalie: not gossip about others. I also pledge to not be two-faced. - San Clemente
Melody Forstie: make sure to say hi to everyone that walks by me. - San Clemente
Suprena: compliment every female that walks by. - San Clemente, CA
Lauren Kelly: reach out to every girl with a smile and never to use violence in a situation. - City
Alyson Wazny: work as hard as I can to try to be friends with others an even people that are new I shall welcome. - San clemente, CA
Haley Youkin: stop gossiping and spreading secrets! - San Clemente
Cambrid: think about what I say before I say it! - San Clemente
Jacqueline L.: stick up for all especially my friends. - San Clemente
Maddy Russell: help unite the kindness inside every girl. - San Clemente
Cara Kitts: appreciate one another. If I don't have anything nice to say, I wont say it. - City
Tori: say hi to every girl I see and treat girls with respect. - San Clemente, CA
Brianna White: talk to every girl in a kind way and be nice and treat them the way I want to be treated. - San Clemente, CA
Autumn Kleinman: not be mean to other girls and treat them the way I would want to be treated. - San Clemente, CA
Lauren: be kind to every person I can even if they are not my friends and treat others the way they want to be treated. - California
Brianna: be nice to everyone even the ones that are mean to me. - City
Alexis Jessee: be nice to people that I know are going through a hard time and to be nice to everyone and not to talk about people. - San Clemente, CA
Malia: be nice to all girls and treat them the way I want to be treated. - City
Jenna: I will help a girl when she feels bad and I will help them feel better about their self esteem. - San clemente, CA
Dayahera: stand up for girls who are being picked on for any reason. - City
Jovana Palma: smile at everyone and be kind to everyone. Share your feelings and appreciate your friends. I will stick up for my friends. - San clemente, CA
Samantha Alvarez: positively comment others instead of criticizing - San Clemente, CA
Audrey Black: not make fun of people or talk about people behind their backs. - City
Brooke Currier: not bud Maddy about her and Trenton love for each other. - San Clemente
Alexandra: be a kind friend without all the drama. I will smile and be Kind. I will treat others how I like to be treated. - San Clemente, CA
Emma Reddington: help end the drama at our school - San Clemente, CA
Maranda Gutierrez: help any girl who is going through something or being made fun of. - City
Sabrina: try to help other girls when they are having troubles or situations. - City
Jillian Lueders: include anyone that wants to play! - Aliso Viejo, CA
Geneviere: not be mean to my sister and to see if she wants to play with me. - Aliso Viejo, CA
Kim: to stand up in a way for girls like me, who never had any stand up for her. - La Quinta, CA
Katherine: stand up for whomever can not gather the courage to do so. I will spread kindness through sticking up for what I believe. I will not settle watching girl-on-girl hate. - Virginia
Tiffany Nielsen: See all women in Gods image-not mine. - Exeter
jennifer: not think what others say about me is true - yonkers
Kasey: try to work it out and become their friend! - Gordon NE
Violet: Befriend those in need of a friend - Ladera Ranch CA
Maria F: I Kindly pledge to stop creating drama out of nothing and give anyone a change no matter what people say about them. - London, UK
Chrislyn: be kind and help girls who are down and depressed! :) - Knoxville, TN
Danielle: not create drama for no reason. To be kind to anyone and everyone. - New York
Kasey: ALWAYS treat everyone the way that I\'d like them to treat me. - Omaha, NE
Lisa B.: teach my daughters to always show respect to others and to treat people the way they would want to be treated themselves. - Clifton, TX
Jalisa Joseph: Smile at strangers, and hope the smile gives them strength and courage to hold their heads high no matter what others say about them. - Atlanta,GA
Kathy: support women with kindness - Las Cruces
Lindsay: stop judging others to make myself feel better. - Tempe, AZ
Julie Lam: give love and listen to anyone (boy or girl) who needs a friend to lean on. - Sydney
Ruth: to tell myself and others that we are all beautiful in our own way. That before I judge someone I will walk in their shoes for a mile. - Melbourne, Australia
Zainab Kadhim: be kind to everyone =) - Sydney, Australia
Amanda: treat others how I want to be treated and always be there to listen to anyone that needs a shoulder to lean on. - Los Angeles
Sara: Stop the flow of rumors when people tell them to me. - Plano TX
Ryane Burke: stand up for ANYONE being bullied or picked on, and encourage others as well as myself to be kind. - Plano
Your Name: be kind to everyone even the girls who are unkind to me. - City
Kara: compliment one girl a day. - Grapevine
Lauren: not talk bad about people being their backs - Colleyville
Rachael: never injure my self or hurt anyone else again. - Dallas
Melanie M.: not feed the monster of this unspoken \"girl war\" of gossip that we tend to call \"friendship\" - Plano, TX
Maddie: Be nice to every girl in and out of school. And help girls who don\'t think they are good. And tell the same girls that they are going to be okay!!! - Plano Texas
JULIA: Hey! What's up? - Aurora, IL
joy: Not much. How about you? - Scranton, PA
Sarah: stop feeding the madness that goes on in the halls of high school (and everywhere else) between girls, and I also pledge to stop being on both sides of the \"girl war.\" - Colleyville
Shadow/Cassie: Stop feeling bad about myself. - Ironton, MO
Kathleen: smile and make someone day better! - Plano TX
Paige: be nice to this girl at my school that is not always treated nicely. - Colleyville
Alicia T.: smile and tell a compliment to a girl in need. - Plano
Alex S.: smile at everyone in the hallway. - Plano
Haley: give a compliment as many times as I can. - Plano
Lauran: say hi to new people, stick up for old friends and to always put a smile on mine and other girls face even through the darkest times. - Colleyville TX
Ellie Marcus: make other girls feel the best they can feel...no matter how I feel. - Dallas
Eleanor: to give someone that I don\'t like a compliment and smile at them. - Dallas
Martha Crow: quit gossiping about girls who are constant targets at school and to stand up for them. - City
Taylor P.: be nice to someone that I may not really like or be friends with. - Colleyville
Sheridan: give a compliment everyday and not to judge and keep harsh thoughts to myself. - Plano TX
Your Name: compliment someone often and be kind to everyone I can. - City
Maddie: stop taking the role of victim - Grapevine
Lauren: not talk bad about people behind their backs - City
Madeline: to not judge others, be kind to others and respect myself more. - City
Sara: say hi to this one girl in the hallway and be nice to her when I see her because a lot of girls are mean to her. - City
Victoria: compliment people more and make them feel good (which makes me feel good) - City
Paige: be nice to everyone even if they are not nice to me. - City
Tori Cernan: when I see a girl, not to judge her for any physical attribute but instead give a smile. - City
Sarah: be kind to everyone on a daily basis rather than just when I feel like it. - City
Kate: smile more and make less sarcastic jokes because they might be hurtful - City
Erika Earl: only speak words that build others up. - Dana Point
victoria dube: be a nicer person - canon city
mitch: Regan Rouse Denver ,you are really annoying but you rock at the same time - denver
tiffany kelly: not judge people by what they look like, but get to know them as a person. - dallas tx
Liz: be kind to everyone and ignore those who aren't kind back to me, to turn the other cheek. - Cleveland
brooke: make an effort to not speak poorly of anyone - santa monica
Ariella: stop others from gossiping by reminding them to be kind to others, and to setting a good example by not gossiping myself. - Wilmington
Kasey: Never talk bad about another girl - Los Angeles
Taylor: Never back stab or talk bad about a girl. - toronto
Tamy: Spread the word about the Kind Campaign, and not talk bad about another girl:) - L.A
Morgan: Be the friend to a girl who really needs one. - Palm Desert
Emily: have girls feel good about themselves and spread kindness to others - Fort Collins, CO
amanda: speak up for the people who cant when they are in a corner - san francisco
jordan: Be myself, stop talking about peoples backs, to stop judging, and to be a better person. - New Jersey
Anonymous: try my best to be a good role model for younger girls and to encourage them to be kind to each other. - Los Angeles
Huemac: give girls my Horizon when they ask for it and let them have it until they are satisfied. - Colonia
Tylaja: I will stop causing drama - Charleston
Kayla: I WILL STOP TALKING 2 MUCH - Charleston
Kayleigh: always find the positive in people rather than the negative. - Tempe
Kate: Stand up for girls being bullied, hurt, or mistreated. - Dallas
Megan: stand up for girls who are afraid to stand up for themselves and to do my part and be kind to everyone friend or stranger. - Lake Forest
Ryann: be kind to everyone, even those who are not kind to me. - Seattle
Kate: make an effort to support kindness, make it girls-for-girls instead of girls-against girls, and do all I can to make the next girl feel special. - Franklin Lakes
Daisy: never let anyone eat alone - Desert Hot Springs
Mykhayla: I Kindly pledge to: stop gossiping about others and keeping other peoples secrets to myself. - Dale City
Deborah: Be kind to others and encourage students to be kind to others. - Palm Springs
Your Name: take consideration in others - Dallas
Audra: never hurt anyone the way I have allowed others to hurt me. - Dallas
Paula: be encouraging to others and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves - Santa Monica
Jacque Magner: set a good example and be an advocate for the middle school girls I teach. - Scien, Tustin, CA
melinda: take this campaign and its message to every girl i know. PS. I cant wait to see the documentary! - Torrance
Molly: Spread love and kindness to everyone - San Clemente
mariah: give everyone kindness and to not let not let anyone feel left out or friendless. i pledge to not judge and to set a good example - mission viejo/boise
Mary: I pledge to think before I speak. I pledge to not accuse or talk behind the backs of other girls. I pledge to make every girl I meet know that they\'re beautiful and that they matter. - Costa Mesa
Patti Green: be caring, supportive, non judgmental and uplifting to every young girl and women I know and will meet in the future. = 0) - Visalia, CA
Julie: Assist to bring this program to Palm Springs Unified Failing Middle Schools - Palm Springs, CA
Mikayla: to give a compliment to every girl i meet. It makes their day and mine! - Boston
Hailey: speak up for those who are afraid to speak up for themselves. - Denver
JP: Include all women in all things I can. - Huntington Beach, CA
Justine: I pledge to think before I speak. I pledge to not accuse or talk behind the backs of other girls. I pledge to make every girl I meet know that they\'re beautiful and that they matter. - San Antonio
Alexandra: think before i say things - Rancho Santa Margari
Jessy Jones: not get easily frustrated at woman who are rude to me and instead show them grace and love. - Oregon
Kylee: be kind to everyone and think before I open my big mouth :) - CT
Carolyn Himes: Forgive myself for all the ways and days I have dishonored myself by minimizing. - Costa Mesa
Grace: think and count to 10 in my head to cool off before saying anything that could hurt another person - Malaysia
Kristin: Stop gossiping about other females. - Minnesota
Bree Anderson: stop and think before i say hurtful things to another person. - hobbs
Melissa T: Myself, my sisters, friends and all the strangers I come across. - Phoenix
Olivia: be the best person I can be to other girls - Plainfield
Amy: Not be so critical of myself and others, stop trying to compete with the world and just accept accept accept who we are.... - San Francisco
Missy Sykes : find peace within myself and spread this peace to all I encounter. I pledge to live a life of kindness, love, and compassion and encourage others to do so, as well. I pledge to love. - Chesapeake
Bree Anderson: stop and help someone in need with confidence. - Hobbs
Lauren: Stand up and take control of girls in need of it and never leave there side. - La Quinta
Jada & Marlee: Always be kind, stand up for others and encourage girls. - Alexandria, LA
Your NameCaitlin: Respect myself and all others while keeping an open mind and lending a helping hand. - Denver
Your Name: Stop being fake towards other girls. - City
Michelle Dickson: Help roll this program out in my community. This touches my soul. - Bettendorf, Iowa
Stephanie: make everyone I meet feel like they are special and a good person - Beiseker
Jana: Stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves - Corona
Allison: Nicole Tanovitz - San Clemente
Bebe: express kindness to every person I encounter; kindness in my words, kindness in my smile, kindness in my eyes. I only wish happiness and good things for those around me. - Laguna Beach
Your NameAshley Wells: show kindness to everyone I encounter, regardless of the circumstances. - San Diego
Amy R: support my sisters, to teach our daughters compassion, and to lead by example. - Los Angeles
Esther: Treat everyone with kindness, respect, see the good in everyone rather than the bad - Boston
Sherry Duarte: listen to my friends and support them when they need me. - San Jose
Jessica: end female to female gossiping personally - Issaquah
Katherine: Stand up for others - Philadelphia
Chanterelle Butler: be confident and stand up for what is right. - Topsham, Maine
Leslie: stand up for others who can\'t or won\'t stand up for themselves. - Raleigh, NC
Emily: always be inclusive of others - Baton Rouge, LA
Jen: always be kind to others and to confront people face to face with issues instead of talking about them behind their backs - St. Louis
JL: I KINDly pledge to: always listen first and really try to understand what others are saying, and not jump to wrong conclusions, but most of all, I pledge to be slow to anger and quick to forgive - Syracuse
Sierra Stevens: educate all women I know to stand up for themselves and others, and show that being mean is ugly, being KIND is beautiful. - Orange, CA
firdaus eska: i kindly pledge to kind of others that friendly - singapore
nurul natasha: respect to teacher and friends everyday and to every person big or small.. - (baybie, singapore
lylia nadhirah: l pledge to:myself,on every day,to try to be honest,in every week.to everyone,and be nice and kind,we will help them if they injured.when we care our self and others too,that is the good thing that we - singapore
nurul natasha: hear what teachers are teaching ..and hear the instruction .. - baybie, singapore
SyAhIrAn: We team of the Dragon pledge to respect people. - Singapore
KongYuanLe: respect teacher and friends.i will be kind as least once a day. - singapore
Wh: be kind and gracious in my dealings with people. Hope they will be happy and free from worries. Smile! - Singapore
nurul natasha: kind towards someone who care for us .. - singapore
G.SATHIS: kind to other people and respect to other at least once a day - SINGAPORE
nur jahani: I pledge our self,from now onwards that we will respect our teacher and friends and our handsome or pretty principle. - singapore
WH: we our team of the dragon pledge,our self to be kind,we will help needy people,to every person,big and small we will help them if they need help,help and that is a good thing to help people. - singpore
Hamisyah: We pledge to our self,From this days onwards,We will be kind and honest in everything we do,We will be kind to many different people,we will always love our self,That is the perfect thing we can do. - Singapore
WH: be kind and gracious in my dealings with people. Hope they will be happy and free from worries. Smile! - Singapore
Your Name: myself from this day onwards, i will be kind and honest in everything. - nurul natasha
sharil: educate all women i know to stand up for themselves and other,and show that being mean is ugly,being KIND is beautiful. - boon lay drive
Your Name: i love my mother because she is helpful. - City
Kelly: spread the word about this campaign and be kind to all women and girls in my life - Athens, GA
Megan: stick up for and stand with those who have no one else to do so. - Boston
Ashley: forget the past and start anew with my fellow cheer captain. We have had our ups and downs, but I think its time that we burry the hatchet and move forward. - Boise
GillianGillian: Be kind forever and be a lover not a hater - Bellevue
kayla roberts: not gossip about my spirit family - emmett
Jessica: Be nice and not say any hurtful or gossip things about other girls - Emmett
kayla peterson: put myself in other people\'s shoes and try to understand their problems. - EMMETT
Emmett: understand and accept people for who they are. Also, to not gossip and spread untrue statements when I am hurt or angry. - Idaho
Alesha Wise: understand and accept people for who they are. Also, to not gossip and spread untrue statements when I am hurt or angry. - Emmett, Idaho
Taylor Green: be nice to EVERYONE! No matter how much i like or dislike someone. Everybody needs to be treated EQUALY! Also, if i see someone in need of a help or a \"hero\" of some sort, I will make sure to be tha - Emmett, Idaho
Heather nikole: not spread rumors, and be more accepting to people i don\'t like. I also pledge to stand by people who need a friend and be a good example for my piers. - emmett, Idaho
Your Name: not talk bad about anyone anymore, be a nicer person, and appologize to everybody i have hurt in the past - City
Tyfani Ague: not talk bad about anyone anymore, be a nicer person, and appologize to everybody i have hurt in the past - Emmett
ES: be more open minded and put myself in someone else\'s shoes and to always do the right thing even if it is the hardest. - Ohio
sara rodriguez: help stop the miss treament of other that i may recieve - diamond bar
Stephanie Miller: Create instead of compete - Glendale, CA
Sandy Luper: continue.... \"We are not at the fringes, we are at the frontiers.\" (Clarissa Pinkola Estes) - Leominster, MA
Rachel: Say at least one heartfelt truly meaningful compliment to at least 10 people everyday for the rest of my life...Maybe I\'ll start a revolution..Maybe my words can be anothers salvation - E. Bridgewater (PCC)
Nell: Let the people I come into contact with know how much I appreciate them. - McLean
Abby: treat every woman whose path I cross with such burning kindness their hearts will be aflame with the same kindness for everyone else - Guilderland, NY
Amy: To All Women - San Bruno, CA
Leah: hold onto kindness as a value with which to approach and relate with all women. - Metung, Australia
Aimee: stop categorizing myself and other women - Jacksonville
Leyna: be sweeter and less violent - Arlington
heather: think pretty thoughts and let people know how much I love and appreciate them. - puerto natales
Your Name: Never put other girls down, and except everyone for who they are. Everyone is beautiful. - Olivia
Madison Chandler: stop making fun of people that don\'t \"fit in\" - Virginia Beach
Kelsey Carlson: give hope to those girls who dont have any and let them know they are beautiful - Wilton, CT
Your Name: help my sister become more confident about herself - City
Haley: speak up when i see someone bullied and love everyone unconditionally. Tell more people how beautiful they are - VA Beach
catherine: be kinder to those who arent nice to me and turn the other cheek by refusing to stoop to their level - ann arbor mi
Betty: refrain from open and/or critical judgements of others especially when it is hurtful - Santa Monica, CA
Steph: still be there for my best friend, even if shes not there for me - VA Beach
Peter: make sure people dont feel left out - Westfield, NJ
Heema: make sure nobody feels alienated in a group - Westfield, NJ
Ryan Avalos: never let another woman friend of mine be hurt and feel that pain alone. - Miami
Ryan Avalos: never let another woman friend of mine be hurt and feel that pain alone. - Miami
Laura: never let a girl cry alone. - Virginia Beach
Frannie Coxe: make girls at my school feel comfortable in their own skin and okay with who they are - San Clemente, CA
Caryn: always be optimistic and kind to everyone - Norfolk
Megan: not talk about other people behind their backs no matter what its about - RSM, CA
Karina Gadea: to make an effort to quit judging people (girls) before I meet them - San Clemente, CA
Grace: stop judging other because we\'re all equal and unique - Dublin, Ireland
Your Name: be nicer to everyone who is not in my \"group of friends - City
Kate: be nicer to everyone who is not in my \"group of friends\" and try to make friends with more people - Tipperary, Ireland
Your Name: make a bigger effort to include more people in my circle of friends - City
Your Name: try my best not to be bitchy and talk about anyone behind their back - City
jasmine barta: not judge anyone based on preconceptions an stereotype. I pledge to not assume I know or understand those I dont and treat everyone well and love the beautiful people they are - alburquerqie
Jessica Sofia: remind others that each individual in our world has human dignity and to help inform others that the lack of respect, the lack of empathy and the lack of compassion is the cause for many of our hurts - New York
Brooke: include more people who dont feel wanted. Be open and friendly to everyone - New Mexico
J. Park: be a nice person - Wayne
Your Name: not let anybody eat alone at lunch - City
Nikki: try and understand others and not judge or jump to conclusions. - Albuquerque
Camila: help girls who are bullied and make them feel more confident about themselves, let them know they\'re not alone. - Paraguay
Kevin Thomas: never talk negatively behind a person\'s back and to always be kind to others. - Greenville, SC
Saif Haddad: Be nicer to those who are mean to me - Amman, Jordan
Andios: be a better person - Bolivia
Tharushi: smile at everybody I see - Montville, NJ
Ben Strozier: to create a loving environment by reaching out to others who just need a kind friend - Albuquerque, New Mex
Hannah Rose: not take part in gossiping, judging, malicious conversation even if its with my friends. - Greensboro, NC
Kelsey Smith: take time to talk to anyone, boy or girl, if they look alone, sad or upset. Just Hi can make their day. - Suffolk, VA
Elizabeth: realize that mean things people say may not affect me, but they affect others, thus be sensitive in these situations. - Chesapeake, VA
Lisa: give everyone a chance. and a second one. - Bountiful, Utah
Stephanie: I will always support my friends and make an effort to include others. - Virginia Beach
Jolysa Gallegos: see something beautiful in everyone, and not be afraid to tell them what it is. - Swink, CO
Charlotte Fisher: make sure my little sister has a positive experience with her friends and that she spreads her kindness throughout her school. - Corvallis, OR
Your Name: Make all girls and women know that they are all beautiful and us men couldn\'t live without them. - City
Gabriela Caceres: think twice before saying a hurtful comment to someone and STOP criticizing. - Tegucigalpa, Hondura
Leanna: step inside someone\'s shoes before I make any type of assumption. - Lawrenceville
Caoimhe: never again accept the medias false idea of beauty and sincerity and to see these traits in every girl and woman. - Lawrenceville
Carol: love myself so I can love others. - Honduras
Zane: consider and review before forming an idea about someone. - Denver, Colorado
Lauren: treat everyone I meet with respect and love. I will learn to trust them, so that they can trust me and will have a friend in me. - Albuquerque
Allie: surround myself with people that treat me like a friend and not a doormat. - Lafayette, LA
Kendall: be open and nice even to those people who have treated me badly. - Virginia Beach
Ashley: not let any of my siblings be bullied and do whatever it takes to put a stop to it. - Coeur d\\\'Alene
Jenna: stop judging others, including myself, and stop assuming - but to know stories and be an example of love and kindness. - Virginia Beach, VA
James: stop pretending to be someone Im not so I can learn to make real connections with others. - Boston, MA
Macha Einbender: I kindly pledge to spread love in any way I can - manhasset
Summer: That I will not envy others, instead I will admire - Vancouver
amanda: stop being the bystander and voice out against others. - NJ
Brittany Maree: treat everyone I meet with love and respect, and be more open to others. - Spencerport, NY
Carleigh: do a nice thing for a stranger at least once a day, We all deserve someone to help - Los Angeles
Your Name: Not talk about anyone behind there backs - City
Sarah B: educate as many girls as I can on the importance of trusting each other and being each other\'s ally rather than enemy. - Westminster, MD
Erin: never let any of my peers walk or be alone with no one to talk to. - Nashville, TN
Renae: sit at a lunch table with that girl everyone whispers about and laughs at. - San Angelo, TX
Mae Merrill: Always let people cry on my shoulder, even if we\'re not friends. - Rowley, MA
Kelly: spread the word about this campaign and be kind to all women and girls in my life - Athens, GA
Lindsay: be a friend to the friendless and stick up for people no matter what - Chicago, IL
Erin Casey: Never judge a girl based on looks or otherwise - Columbus
Ashley McGrogan: NEVER make fun another girls insecurities, because I know exactly how it feels to be hurt and betrayed by those around you. - Philadelphia
laura gilb: never hate the people i work with no matter how much they put me down - cincinnati
Marissa Valdez: always be kind to girls and defend girls from being hut by them forever and support them and always always away be kind - Santa Barbrar
karen arellano: to be kind to over people - City
Emma Rebein: NOT talk behind other girls\' backs EVEN if they\'re truly wretched. Laugh. Ignore it when people start rumors.Stick up for people when I see them being bullied.clear my heart. BE ME!! - Kansas City, MO
Lucia Thomas: help me and other girls express themselves by speaking our truth and standing in our power without feeling like we need to be different or change ourselves to fit in. - Albuquerque, New Mex
Anna Parrish: Teach my daughter to be kind. I pledge to show her the right way to treat people by the way I treat people. I pledge to instill in her the concept of treating others as you want to be treated. - Richardson
Abigail Mauro: end my ways of talking about other girls. We cause each other so much drama, when in reality we all want to avoid that very thing. I pledge to teach others the messages of the Kind Campaign. - Macungie, Pennsylvan
Molly: treat others the way I wish to be treated - City
Erin: teach my daughter to be kind. I kindly pledge to teach other young girls to be kind. I kindly pledge to live this out in my life as well. - Raleigh, NC
Lani: look for and create more kindness where ever I am! - City
Ellie: consciously engage the values of the Kind Campaign in my daily life. - Nashville, TN
Kindly, morgan: im sorry for thinking wrong about you, i was selfish and i wanted to be in that popular crowd. i thought i could do that by saying things about you. IM SO SORRY. i hope by me saying this doesnt mean that we cant be friends. you are a cool person. - Dear juliana,
Rose Houchen: go on with my goal in working in Africa helping families (: - Calabasas
Your Name: make a conscious effort to treat everyone kindly and not judge others based on their outwards appearance - Seattle
Maggie: make girls feel good about themselves. - New Orleans
Cleo: give others the benefit of the doubt, even if it means swallowing my pride - New Orleans
Julia: recognize that no one person is more important than another person. & express kindness in everything I do. - Texas
Sarah: give everyone a chance, and love them no matter what - Ellicott City
Kristen: be respectful of all people and listen when they need a friend. - San Jose, CA
Carli M: stop the gossip!!! - New Orleans
Maria S-Z: make a real effort not to judge people and give everyone a chance because everyone deserves it. - New Orleans
Brittany Ring: Be way nicer to everyone I know, I don\'t know their stories. i can't judge someone i don\'t know one thing about. - Grants Pass, OR
Rachael Ringe: Not judge anyone, or talk down or bad about any girl. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Megan: To make my friends and family feel good about themselves and always offer help. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Shelby: Let go of the grudges I've held against people and learn to forgive as hard as that may be. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Amanda: To try and compliment at least one female everyday, and to be more nice. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Brandie: To be nicer to my friends and help out more around the house. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Lexii Mclane: To be nice to my sister. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Jessica: Not let insecure girls change my mind about how I view myself. - Grants Pass, Oregon
Grants Pass: Not to judge girls by how they look and to be more nice. - Oregon
Haley: Not to put people down because of my own insecurities - Grants Pass, Oregon
Helena: Not talk about girls behind their back - Grants Pass, Oregon
Chelsea: Not call girls hoes and talk crap about Matt\'s girlfriend and not when I get called a hoe. - Grants Pass
Kindly, Amanda: I am sorry for making fun of you just because you have Beiber fever. - Dear Brook,
Kindly, Emily: I am so sorry that i was mean to you the first part of the year, now i see that you are not to blame and that everything was a story made up by someone else. I now know that you are a true friend to me and that what i did was unacceptable. You stood by me no matter how mean i was to you and i thank you for that. I don;t want to be mean any more to anybody, and i thank you for not staying mad at me. - Dear Micheala,
Shelby Cowden: Accept everyone for who they are and cherish all the beauty in the world. :) - Grants Pass
Kristen S.: shed my preconceived notions of other peoples lives and spread the word of sisterhood. - Grants Pass, OR
Michelle: Stop gossiping about others and assume that others are doing the same for me. - Manti, UT
Kindly, Sabrina: I am sorry for being on haydens and juls side when u were talking behind their backs i kno i shouldnt but i did so i feel like i made the wrong disision to not like u. u truly are a great friend so when we get in fights i dont like it becuz when i am hurt u r there so i am SOOOOOOO sorry for treating u like u r nothing in the world becuz u r a true friend even though we get into fights alot but if we cn quit thn i would love to becuz i want to be BFF agian like we were before sorry!!!!!!! i wish i have never done tht 2 u i feel like a big JERK now!!!!! sorry i really mean it so if we cn be BFF's again i would be glad 2 if u want to just tll me plz!!!! - Dear Lena,
Kindly, Lena Atwood: Im not appoligizing but thanking you. At the beginnning of the year i thouht that you were a scary person that did bad things....i found out that you aren't. you are a really nice and sweet girl and a great friend. i want to thank you for being my friend when i was a loner and for being my friend at all. I feel left out sometimes and you sweet brooklyn have always been there for me! I love you and hope to be friends for a REALLY long time! - Dear Brooklyn Hall,
Rebecca Jung: do my part to empower the females around me and spread kindness and positivity. :) - Waco, Texas
Kindly,: Hey, I am sorry for all of the times I treated you like dirt. I never really new what great friend you are. You are always there for me when I need help. You show compassion for everyone around you even when they aren't your BFF. I left you sitting alone while I walked away. I want to thank you for still being a caring friend to me even when I am crabby. I will be a better friend to you from no on. Thanks and I'm sorry. - Dear Anonymous,
Mark Prime: not contribute to the noise, to be kind and allow goodness to take its place at the forefront of humanity. - Bentonville
Claire: not talk about other girls to make myself feel better, instead I will be positive towards myself and others. - Pittsburgh, PA
SJ: Not judge anybody by the way they look or act. And I am going to do my best to help others not go through the things i have been through - norfolk
Kindly, Laneia: I am sorry for talking behind your back and I was always doing that becuase no one liked you and I thought that I would be one of the popular girls that everyone liked. I felt that I had so many popular friends (which wasnt true) that I could just be a jerk to you and say cruel things about you. Then one day all my friends abandoned me and i had to sit by you in class becuase i was forgotten. I thought that my life would end now becuase i sat by you, but once I started to talk to you I relized that what other people say about you isnt true. Once i figured that out I had so much fun spending most of my time with you, which made me forget about the other people that abandoned me. - Dear Lena,
Morgan: make an effort every day to smile at everyone and not judge a single person. - Lawrence
Marcy: Never judge or stereotype another person again - City
Maggie Goslin: never judge anyone - Glenview, Illinois
Allison: hold out my hand to others - Rome
Valerie: Do something every day to make someone feel better about themselves - Albany
Deirdre: raise my daughter to be kind to others. - Portland
Lindsay: not say anything to put anyone down, and try to make people feel good about themselves. - Valley Center, CA
Jessica J: \"not turn the other cheek\" and put a STOP to girl-on-girl crime if I see it happening in front of me. - Denton, TX
Kindly, Laneia: I am sorry for talking behind your back and I was always doing that becuase no one liked you and I thought that I would be one of the popular girls that everyone liked. I felt that I had so many popular friends (which wasnt true) that I could just be a jerk to you and say cruel things about you. Then one day all my friends abandoned me and i had to sit by you in class becuase i was forgotten. I thought that my life would end now becuase i sat by you, but once I started to talk to you I relized that what other people say about you isnt true. Once i figured that out I had so much fun spending most of my time with you, which made me forget about the other people that abandoned me. - Dear Lena,
Kindly, macayla f: I'm sorry for being so mean to you.I'm just going through some really hard times right now. I hope you can forgive me - Dear michaela y,
Samantha: love my self for who i am, and to accept others for who they are. - monroe
Michelle: tell every girl she is beautiful. As often as possible. - Eugene, Oregon
Emily: Stand up for the people we talk about even if they are not around to hear. - Swartz Creek, MI
Sarah: help girls to spread light instead of darkness, and model the behavior I expect of others. - Indianapolis
sarah: ensure i help spread that inner beauty leads to true happiness. Every single person deserves happiness. - dublin
Amanda Marquez: help and support the youth of today that is going threw this. To be someone they can come talk to when ever they need it. - La Mirada
Mirna Mikhail: show love, not hate. To not judge, but to empower females. And to be a positive role model through my actions, my words, and my heart. - Corona, Ca
Christine White: treat other girls how I want to be treated - Lancaster, CA
Sarah White: to treat girls that are tall, small, big or just different like they are my bast friends. Maybe they feel different but there aren't we are all the same girls growing up \"humans\" - Lancaster, CA
Krystal DeJager: treat others how I would want to be treated!!! - Aliso Viejo
Bethany: love each and every person for who they are. - Long Beach, CA
Susanne Renner: treat each encounter with kindness and love - Clayton CA
Ramina Morgan: Encourage, empower, motivate, and love unconditionally - Diamond Bar, Ca
Kristen: Spread love and acceptance - Riverside
Minarda Metra: All woman contain the beauty of God - New York City
Desiree Beimler: be there for and support anyone who needs a should to cry on - Ontario,CA
Patsy Tanner: Try to be nicer and intervene when I see others not. - Braselton, GA
Allie: stop anyone I witness hurting others and be careful about how I treat those around me. - Southbury
Georgia Perry: be conscious of what i say to others and how it will make them feel. - Atlanta, GA
Diane Hince: Be patient and understanding of women\'s differences, not compare or judge, and to raise my son to respect women from all walks of life. - Winnipeg, CA
Kindly, Emily C.: I am so sorry for all of the things i have said or done to you. I do not like being that girl but growing up with boys i had to be tough and mean, and it is not easy being nice and sweet all the time. I have tried to work on it but haven't had much progress made and i thank you for teaching me the right way to be. THANK YOU!!!! - Dear Ellie,
Allie: Stick up for girls being treated bad by other girls on the playground - Phoenix
Kristen: not only stick up for myself, but to also stick up for others and not be a bystander. :) - PA
Kindly, Emily C.: Sorry i was mean to you a lot and i am glad i have a friend like you. - Dear Sabrina,
Jeanne: stop spreading gossip about people, especially when I realize how much my words may hurt someone else. - NJ
Mackenzie: encourage kindness to others and to stick up for others around me. - Seattle, WA
Hannah: stop gossiping and to treat others the way I would want to be treated - CT
Laura P.: be an advocate for the women in my life and to push the message that kindness starts with me/each one of us and to be a role model for kindness. - Lancaster
Kristen: encourage my sorority sisters that we may not always like each other but we have a strong bond of sisterhood. I want to help people realize in order to feel tall you don't need to make someone small. - City
Amanda: treat all women and girls with the respect they deserve. - Atlanta
Regan: love and be sweet to girls even if they are not the same way to me. - Trophy Club
Kindly, Your Sister: I'm really sorry for being mean to you, I know you are going through a tough time and I'm really not helping. I will try my hardest to be the best sister possible. I am really sorry. - Dear Frances,
Regan: love and be sweet to girls even if they are not the same way to me. - Trophy Club
Kindly, Brook: I'm sorry for what ever I did to you. To dislike me. I dont know what I did but Im sorry! Whatever I did I didnt mean it. Please be my friend. - Dear Amanda,
Karina Alvarez: be kind and reach out to those in need :) - NE
Michaell Burnett: to be kind, not judge, and to honor all of those in need - Old Westbury, New Yo
KINDly, Your Sister: I'm really sorry for being mean to you, I know you are going through a tough time and I'm really not helping. I will try my hardest to be the best sister possible. I am really sorry. - Dear Frances,
Sami: LIFT YOU UP - Arlington
Ellie: stick up for anyone that\'s bullied, weather I know them or not! - Peachtree City
Jaims: reach out to those who need it most! - Howell
Lori: remember that everyone is always doing their best, even when they clearly are not. - Los Angeles
kennedy turner: stop making fun of the new kids at school - bieberland
Emily: to stop rumors no matter how much people make fun of me for doing it. - Nashville
Emma: try to brighten at least one persons day, everyday! - Columbus
Melissa: to not be a bystander, to passionately share the kindness I have with everyone I meet, and to resist the urge to negatively talk about other girls - Palo Alto
Arianna: stop and never communicate feelings toward people using form spring, whether it be good or bad. - Nashville
Hannah: really think before I speak - Nashville
Conleigh: Not judge others and to not put them down because of who they ARE - Nashville
Sarah: not put others down to make myself better, to not judge someone until i honestly know them, to not take things going on in my life out on other, i pledge to be a kinder person. - Nashville
Cera: not be a part of the vicious cycle and to try to stop it whenever I see it happening around me - Nashville
Liza: love everyone no matter who they are and where they come from, try to keep away from gossip, not follow the trend that is on TV, and to be a genuine person who someone can come and talk to! - Nashville
Sarah: not speak badly of others and to stand up for people in need - Nashville
Your Name: Stop being mean to all girls, and be kinder - City
MaryKathryn: not join in if some of my peers start to gossip and to encourage them to follow my example. I will be nice to EVERYONE and not judge someone before I get to know them. - Nashville
Khadijah: stop getting involved in the drama and start helping instead of hurting - Nashville
Brittany: spread kindness instead of hate - Pasadena
Nancy: be the best mom I can be for my sons and show them how to be ethical and a good member of society - PA
KS: to be the best mom in the world - City
Elyse: treat everyone with kindness no matter how different or unique they may be. - Oh
Your Name: Start talking to the people who are made fun of and shy - City
KASEY KRUEGER: Stop and think about what i might say to others! and to treat people the way i want to be treated! - Emmett
claire: be aware of those around me who need hope and try to provide it - nashvagas
Kharissa: be aware that with each hateful word that I have said to others, others have said to me. End the cycle. - Riverside
Ashley Thomas: Everyone I come in contact with - Los Angeles
Your Name: Be the change that we want to see in the world today, respect each other despite differences, and show love towards every person. - City
Amber Bosten: encourage women to see the positive in someone they may not like - Glendale
Kaedi: give compassion and love to friends, enemies, and strangers alike - Tulsa
Kayla: Think before I speak, never judge, and find at least 1 positive characteristic of everyone I meet. - Irving
Amelia Airhat: Stick up for Alex Hess he can\'t help that he wants to fit in and can't! - Denver
burgendi: to always be kind to people that are kind to me - west milton
J: try my best not to be a friendliness and to judge people less and love people more - Nashville
Alexis: Think before I speak and to be the kindest person I can be - Brooklyn
Lindsey: stand by my fellow females instead of tearing them down. - Nashville
Your Name: support your cause financially if you file for 501c3 tax exemption... - City
Molly: lift other females up with my words - Waco
Shannon: Be KIND and not spread Rumors - Mt. Morris
Lisa: Be KIND by spreading love & care to everyone I come in contact with showing them they are loved & there is hope. - Overland Park, KS
Anna A: love others with all my heart, keep no record of wrongs against me, forgive myself, speak only words that bring joy and peace, think only thoughts that will uplift, and act in kindness always - Houston
Maggie: stop judging girls especially when i don\'t even know them - Chicago
Lura: look for the best in others, to try to show others the best part of myself, and to remember that everyone is human, we all have faults and that is what makes us beautiful. I pledge to be kind - Omaha
Carmen: stop judging other girls because they are who I want to be and give up the grudges that I don\'t even remember what they were about. - Omaha
Marissa: look for the best in others - Kansas City
Sabrins Solis: Not judge anyone on how they look or act. And to treat others like how you want to be treated! - Clovis
emma: Compliment others rather than talking about their flaws - kouston
emma: compliment others rather than talking about their flaws - houston
Kate: to spread kindness by treating every girl with the respect she deserves and appreciate others\' strengths instead of envying them - Omaha
Christina: be the first to love someone, and the last to give up on them - CO
Rachel: To respect, and accept my self and my body for who I am - PO
Julia: treat others with the dignity and respect that i expect to be treated with, to love others without judging, and to be KIND always... - Mississippi
Kaleigh Lane: be nice to people! - San Diego
Nikki: not be the bystander, to see the beauty in everyone, and to spread kindness. - Des Moines
Sarah: look for the beauty in others and complement the little things to spread love and kindness - Des Moines
Allie: Always stick up for others and give people the benefit of the doubt. - Des Moines
Sarah M: love EVERYONE without judging eyes. - Des Moines
Kierra: accept myself for who I am and other people for who they are and encourage others around me to do the same. - Baltimore, MD
Megan: love myself and others without restraint and refuse to let feelings of inadequacy hinder kindness. - Des Moines
Lauren: do good for myself and others by showing love to everyone - Burnsville
Your Name: seek the truth that lies beneath simple perception and celebrate the beautiful simplicity of soul that lives within. - City
Erin Welcome: see people in God\'s - Rancho Santa Margari
Carrisa Chang: be there for anyone, anywhere, anytime, and let them know they are not alone =) - San Diego
Jenn: not judge anyone by their appearance, but to get to know the person, no matter what their reputation is like. Then I can decide whether a friendship with that person is right for me or her. - San Diego
Ilsa Lamberti: not to judge anyone without knowing who they really are. - San Diego
Ilsa Lamberti: not to judge anyone without knowing who they really are or their story. - San Diego
Katelin: forgive those who have wronged me and lift others up instead of bringing them down - Los Angeles
Michele: not judge someone the minute they walk through the door--to stop that thought the minute it starts. I don\'t know their story and they don\'t know mine. I\'m going to give everyone a chance - Brooklyn
kristen roeckle: make the uconn campus a more accepting and welcoming place for young women. - storrs, ct
Meredith: help other girls and young women feel good about themselves. - Newark, DE
Molly: be the one to stand up for those in need of friend. I pledge to be there and help other young women be KIND to one another, even when it\'s most difficult - Newark, DE
monica aben: never let anyone think or feel that they are alone in this world becuase im here to tell them that they are worth something and that they are beautiful and loved. - venice
Jessica: Protect friends and acquaintances from girl-against-girl crime. Accept women for who they are and recognize what they have the potential to do in life - Des Moines, IA
Kelsey O\\\'Toole: be a good freind, role model, and daughter, and always treat people the way I would like to be treated and to love with a big heart - storrs
Gaby Levesque: always be kind and friendly to people I don\'t know well, and to be the best friend I can be to those who I am lucky enough to have as family, friends, and sisters. - Storrs
Samantha: remember that everyone has tough times and might just need someone, to be the best friend that I would want, and to stop blaming myself for how I was treated - Newark, Delaware
Felicity: be a loyal and caring friend, to stand up for people even if they are not my close friends, and accept people for who they are. - Newark, DE
Taylor Peak: Think before I speak and always be myself - Los Angeles, Ca
Alexa: Always be there for my friends in need. The pressures and stresses in life can get to people and I want them to know I will be by their side to help them because they truely mean something to me. - calabasas, ca
Kaitlynn Long: bring peace to the greek houses on our campus but not talking bad about them or encouraging other members to - Topeka
Christa Purdy: Always treat others how I want to be treated. To always be there when someone needs me and to not judge others. - Medina,Ohio
colleen monaghan: To be nice to everybody - lawrence
Emma: stand up for what is right, to stand up for myself and others. - Cape Town
Emma: be a friend to everyone - Cape Town
Maria: Not talk behind my friends back and think twice before i speak - San Clemente
kyla: oh dear kindess has blown my mind always kindness is the meaning of friendship love,peace and justice i think every should make a kindness club to show repect to everyone in the world. - miami florida
kyla: i going to have a kindness club in my school - miami florida
Kristen: help spread the word about this group, and bring to girls attentions that \"any act of kindness, no matter how small, is always appreciated" - Laguna Hills
Jessica: end all rumors i hear and to not speak badly of anyone. if i hear anyone else speaking such things i will end it. - Laguna Niguel
Ellen: end rumors, stand up for what is right, be true, be loving, be kind, and put an end to drama in girl world. - Toronto
Your Name: promote kindness and end all the useless girl drama - City
Kimberly: love with every ounce of my heart so that there isn\'t even room for hate - Chicago, IL
Alexis: never give up - Chicago, IL
Eric: support the women who deeply impact my life, and help them to love each other as fully as possible - Omaha
Alyssa: be as nice as I can, as much as I can - Cedar Falls
Paige burla: Stand up and make a change, to everyone I encounter in my life. - Grimsby, ON
Bethany: love with all my heart, and not to stand for friends saying bad things about one another . - Gardner, KS
jada: To be the best friend i can ever be - Georgia
telia: help and be a good friend - nyny
Marybeth Garner: be nice to EVERYBODY! - Nashville,Georgia
pilar: Take a stand - City
Ingrid: find and share kind - Washington, D.C
lucy: be a better sister, friend, and person to all kinds of people from all walks of life, and find kind in all that I do. - Topeka, KS
Jessica: respect and accept every individual for who they are, and spread my KINDness to hopefully touch at least one life and help promote this effort - Columbia, CT
Tasha: work toward a KIND environment in my school and be there for anyone who needs a KIND shoulder to cry on. - Toledo
Griffin: I kindly pledge to ensuring anyone a shoulder to cry on! And be there for anyone who needs love or a friend! - Telluride
Sophie: I KINDly pledge to:Not only be nice but to be there for other girls that are going threw tough times,i pledge to be nice and caring and respectful - City
Kati: go out of my way to pick a girl up and raise her up with kindness everday - Wichita falls
Holly: stop hanging around negative people, and go out of my way to be with those like me, confident and kind for all the world to see. - NRH, Texas
Adrienne: disregard all those who try to bring me or anyone else down, and continue to smile even when no one may be noticing. - City
Heather Leane: stop the cycle. When you retaliate you not only hurt the other person but also yourself. - Atlanta
Taryn Falcetti: live a selfless life by giving all the good I have to offer to those around me. I aim to inspire others to learn more, do more, and become more by always paying it forward and always being KIND - Long Beach
Mel: play my part in increasing kindness and decreasing hatred. - Miami
Annastasia: always be kind to those around me and stay true to myself whenever I need the most help - Baltimore
Kayla Smoot: Stop being involved with mean girls, stop being a mean girl and help those who are hurting. - Phoenix, Az
Brianna: stop being sarcastic, and start being grateful and more respectful of others. And also to stick up for those who are being mis-treated, and keep from gettinng involved with girls of drama! - Minnetonka
Gillian: Forget my insecurities from being bullied myself and stop putting others down. I will be kind to those I meet in my life and help those who need it - Golden, CO
Megan: stop talking negatively about those who I don\'t like. Even though I have my reasons not to like them, it is not necessary or *kind* to press those opinions upon others and spread my negative feelings - Dana Point
Lily Ebel: stop hanging around with mean people, and to stop talking negatively about girls I may not even know that well, just because I am insecure about myself. - Wheaton
Lily Ebel: stop hanging around with mean people, and to stop talking negatively about girls I may not even know that well, just because I am insecure about myself. - Wheaton
Your Name: go out of my way everyday to make someone else\'s day brighter and to be less sarcastic and more aware of how my words can affect others - City
Genna: be a better, more supportive sorority sister and make a goal to show a different person everyday that I care about them - Bowling Green
jackie: : live life with out causing problems and to not be put down so fast and to be kind to girls even if they do not like me and even if they talk about me.. stop the fire in other worlds stop the cat fight - City
Sophia: NEVER talk behind someone\'s back, stay away from toxic, hateful people, and go out of my way to treat others as kind as possible. - San Diego, CA
Alyssa: stick up for myself and others and to be nicer to alot of ppl cause i wouldnt be here with out them - San Jacinto
Kristina: Accept everyone the way they are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - San Jacinto
Erin: leave the room when my friends are gossiping or disparaging another person. - Wichita
Jennifer: Model Kindness, Positivity, Inclusivity, and Confidence! - Kansas City
Carlie: to stand up for everyone and anyone?? - Kamsas City
Caroline: be kinder to people and to become a champion! - Kansas City
Andrea: avoid gossip and always stay true to my friends - Kansas City
Serena: be confident, not gossip and spread kindness! - Kansas City
Isabella: not pass on gossip or rumors and stand up for people being bullied - Kansas City
Allie: not spread gossip and not talk about people behind their backs! - Kansas City
siomara de dios: be kind and help thous who need my help - palm springs
Maura: stand up for what is right and when someone is being mean to one of my friends i will stand up for them and have their back - Kansas City
Peyton: not talk about people behind their backs - Kansas City
Sara: not critisize others - Kansas City
cheyenne: be who I am and not give a care to what other people think of me - Kansas City
Ana: to value myself enough so that it becomes a chain affect on other girls who face the same emotional ruins that I have gone through. - Lake Dallas
Ana: to value myself enough so that it becomes a chain affect on other girls who face the same emotional ruins that I have gone through. - Lake Dallas
Your Name: not tell other peoples secrets and not to repeat what I\'ve heard to others - City
antonia fuller: never follow the mean girls - los angeles
Your Name: be as mean as possible - City
Santa Monica: to not talk behind peoples back and not start or spread rummors that you dont know are true - City
Your Name: never judge people because everyone is beautiful - City
Santa Barbara: Be Kind -Michelle Pacheco - City
Kate Giannini: To be nice - Santa Barbara
Kate: not fall under peer pressure and always be true to myself and to not tell rumors, spill secrets and to stand up for those being bullied - City
Riley Hammond: Not be mean - Santa Barbara
Marilynn Ibarra: Be as nice as i can - Santa Barbara
Alice Upton + Eve: always think before i speak and never say anything thats hurtful because i know how it feels to be on the other end of a hurtful comment. I also pledge to know the whole story before I judge people. - Santa Barbara
Your Name: i will stop being a sassy man - City
Your Name: be nice to everyone, and always give someone a second chance - City
Scilla Andreen: never speak ill of anyone without deep compassion - Seattle , WA
Sabrina O: To never judge someone on their appearence but on the inside for who they truly are. - City
Rachel Inman: stop judging others and stop letting hate be apart of who I am. - Fort Lupton
Ashley: stand up for my friends because it sucks when friends don\'t stand up for you - Palos Verdes Estates
Kayleigh: brighten someone\'s day one compliment and smile at a time - Palos Verdes Estates
Jessica: be more psitive - Palos Verdes Estates
Jessica: and to not talk about my friends behind their backs - Palos Verdes
Taylor: to give everyone a hug eachday no matter how much i dont want to i pledge to think before i talk - agoura hills CA
Michaela: treat everyone as though they are me. Live by the Golden rule! - Los Angeles
Lorena Bathey: To treat others with love and respect putting aside my opinions and judgements and simply loving them as the human beings they are! - Livermore
lauren: treat others and myself with respect - City
Your Name: Tell my friends when their friend is seriously not a true friend and is spreading rumors about them even if they won\'t believe me they still need to know it. - City
Ashley: To try my hardest to be nice to everyone, and make them feel good on a daily basis - City
Betsy: not be a bystander when someone is being treated unkindly and to raise my children to be kind people through my words and my example. - Arlington
Stephanie: teach my students to be KIND to one another, and to stand up for those who are being bullied. I also pledge to be a model of Kindness to my students. - Harrisburg
Cassandra: assist anyone who are being bullied and treat everyone kindly - Desert Hot Springs
Margaret Anne: make a difference, one person at a time. - Midlothian
Ashley Herrmann: not talk about girls behind their back, and to stick up for girls that this is happening to - Mankato
kayla: not talk ill of anyone - iowa city
Kelsey: Stop talking badly about people behind their backs. - Greeley
Taylor Goodrich: Not Gossip about girls or text bad to other girls - Corvallis
Amanda: Be ME, and to help others be themselves as well! We\'re not alone - City
Becky: to not get too jealous and to absolutely never gossip about others. Middle school is hard. - CA, Irvine
Taylor Kellner: To stand up for people if they are being bullied by somebody else. People shouldn\'t be bystandes!!! - Irvine, CA Vista Ver
Jennifer White: be a role model for kindness, exclusivity, and positive relationships! - Kansas City
Meredith: try to be the best friend that I can be, and remember what\'s good about me and not about the bad stuff - Kansas City
Allysa Lisbon: Remeber to be the best friend I know how to be and give confidence to others ny having confidence in myself - Kansas City
Alexandra: I pledge to always be nice to people even if they are having a bad day and being mean and no matter what they have done in the past. - Kansas City
Audrey: not exclude anyone and make sure everyone is happy. I will also have confidence in my self in tough situations. - Kansas City
Sara: have more self confidence because that effects how you treat others! - Kansas City
Mikaela: to be a better friend to everyone and let people know how appreciated they are - Kansas City
Tammy: have more self confidence and be nice to people even when they aren\'t to me - Kansas City
mary: love. all. - corvallis, or
Justine: to not sit and watch while others get bullied - Irvine
Autumn: to help people with their problems, not matter who they are, and to truly and genuily compliment people daily! - Irvine
Brittany Jensen: not talk about others behind their backs. If a problem occurs, I will go directly to that person. I will my do my best to include everyone. I will be a more genuine and loyal friend. - Greeley
Taylor Kellner: Think about what i am about to do before i do them - Irvine
Abby mass: I KINDly pledge to: think about what i am going to and then also treat people with respect - cuncil bluff
Your Name: Compliment everyone I come in contact with on a daily basis - City
Mariah: not let stereotypes guide what I say and do. And to make my own decisions about people as opposed to listen and following others blindly. - Merced
Madzi: Not talk about girls in a mean way behind their back - Dc
Lauren: never talk about another girl behind their backs, unless in a nice way - Dc
Emily Hall: Not talk behind a friend\'s back - Washington
Tessa: stop talking behind people\'s backs and to intervene when I hear/see something that I know is mean - DC
Grace: not talk about other people behind their backs - DC
Beth: be my own woman. Nobody can influence me...I can be the different the world needs. - Kansas
Jessi: think carefully before I speak, respect every single person around me even if they don\'t respect me, and be my own person. - Sheboygan
Erika Rolufs: be a better, all-around kinder person to everyone I encounter from here on out. - Sacramento, CA
Rosie: to stand up for what is right and stand up for all people when they are in need. - Sacramento
Katlyn Lewis: not be a bystander and to always try and change everyone who I see with a thought or symbol of kindness. I pledge to start fresh and to walk a mile in someone\'s shoes before I even think unkindly - Danville, California
Melissa Davidson: be a support for any and every girl that needs me, to hold myself accountable for the things i have said in the past, and to never talk badly about another girl. - Sacramento
Taylor: be more aware of my words, thoughts, or actions towards other women, to stand up for those in times of trouble, and to leave each person I encounter with words or actions of kindness. - Pleasanton, CA
Gianna: never give another dirty look - Stockton
Hellxia: seek understanding over spitting judgment - Sacramento
Josh Bradus: Treat women with respect. Show that chivalry is alive and well, be the exception not the rule! - Sacramento
Jessica Thomas: be kind to others and to not be a bystander when people are hurting others. I promise to make every girl feel that she is beautiful and brings meaning to this world. - Manteca, CA
Alex: not be so quick to judge - Sacramento
Aneece: Smile more often at people, and to think before i say things - Sacramento
Daina Vargas: be a friend to those who need one - Castro Valley
Melissa: Respect others and to treat them as I would want to be treated - California
Caity Heim: Reach out to those I don\'t not know, especially when in times of need - Sacramento
Bianca: to think before I speak and to seek understanding of someone before I judge them. I pledge to reach out to all my sisters and create a sisterhood instead of just a chapter of acquaintances.ITB. - Sacramento
Your Name: Have respect and consideration towards others. And be the one KIND woman I am meant to be. - City
Samantha: stand up for what is right, to not be anyone but myself, to be honest, and to spread kindness through every person I know. - Folsom, CA
Gabrielle Edwards: love and respect others so i may love myself. - Sacramento, CA
Paul: Stop forcing them to make me sandwiches as often - Dublin
Kira: stop judging before I understand the situation and to try and put a true smile on as many faces as I can. - Sacramento
Sandra: stop cutting down others to make myself feel better and try to keep my judgemental comments to myself. - Sacramento
Priscilla Silva: realize the consequences of each of my words, and understand that whether it\'s a sorority sister, a best friend, or someone that I\'ve never talked to before, EVERYONE deserves to be treated kindly. - Sacramento
Jessica Williams: To go out of my way to brighten a sister\'s (or fellows person\'s) day. - Sacramento
Natalie V: help someone and not stand by. - Sacramento
Bridget Peterson: Respect and love everyone for who they are. - Sacramento
Ashley Waibel: stop pointing fingers at others and take a look at myself. To be kind and accepting - Beaverton
Amelia: be a voice for those who can\'t speak for themselves - Atlanta
Brittanie Haberthur: stop and think before I speak and most importantly, stand up for those in need of a friend. - Sacramento
Your Name: judge a person at first sight because I think i am better than them - City
Teresa Ross: Stop talking behind peoples backs, stand up for them, and not judge anyone - City
Melissa: stop talking about people behind their backs, not be judgemental of others and myself. - Raleigh
Kaylin: Continue to be a good person and to help others, to not talk behind someones back or to bring them down in a time of distress. To always respect myself and others around me, no matter what. - Las Vegas
Megan: stop judging people that are different. - City
Haley Lundberg: confront others who are being mean to another Kindly - Los Angeles
Lauren Pegues: stick up for myself and others. Also to stop with all the rumors and insults - Palos Verdes
Maxie: be tolerant always and treat everyone with the respect they deserve - Chicago
Carolyn: smile at everyone i see and treat them with nothing but respect and always be accepting - Chicago
Travis: not participate in gossiping/judging or anything unkind towards other women - Chicago
Blair: follow up this pledge with real action; to stop using negative and hurtful language towards other women and myself, and by encouraging my friends to do the same. - Chicago
Alonna: take full responsibility for my actions and to make sure that everyone feels included and is treated with respect - Chicago
Olivia: judging girls based on their apperance - Chicago
Michelle: be kind, courteous, and respectful to all who I encounter, regardless of any rumors I\'ve heard or past negative experiences I\'ve had with that person - Chicago
Alyson M: Stop forming preconcieved notions before i get to know a person - Chicago
Jenni: not be so quick to judge others - Chicago
Ali R: stop wronging girls because I felt they have wronged me, its a horrible viscous cycle - Chicago
Hope: look for the beauty in everyone I see, instead of noticing their flaws, and to be generous with compliments - Chicago
Caitlin: be an honest, sincere, true person to all that I encounter, and encourage others to do the same. - Chicago
Tylar: be kind - City
Ana: stop judging others by appearance and see the true person inside. - Plano
Zoë: make everyone feel like they are worth it - Toledo
amanda: to complement a girl when about to say bad things about her - toronto
Mariam: I kindly pledge to treat other girls the way I want to be treated - Toronto
Shayla: to stop the way they treat each other, and to stop the way they treat me - Columbus
olga: always think about other people\'s feelings before i say something i might regret - toronto
amjliyvtscm: U39bvb - New York
Sarah: stop negative and mean thoughts about others before they start! - West Palm Beach, FL
Amy: treat everyone equally and with as much kindness as I can give. - Laguna Niguel
Tara R: Show compassion for all and refuse to pass snap judgement or opinions on others. - Seattle
Carla Braddy: think about my words - Canon City
morgan mcclaugherty: be compasionate and kind - canon city
Laneia Rae Lundquist: think about what i say to others, always apologize for my mistakes, take responibility for my wrong actions, and be compasionate. - Canon City
Ellie: be a bettter friend when i have not been - canon
Hayden Cushman: stick with the friends i have and not ever leave them for someone else - Canon city
Juliana Bufmack: I kindly pledge to be nice and not exclude people and make them feel like they belong in this world and not say mean things about other people. I want to make this a nice world for everyone! - Canon City
amanda: be more kind in what i say & do - cañon city
Rhiannon: I will be a better person!...... and not bite people!!! - Canon City
Brooklyn: I will not hold a gr, Brooklyn\'s World - Canon City
Katie Till: Not talk behind peoples\' backs and not judge them on how they look or act or how expensive their clothes are. - Canon City
Hayden Cushman: kepp everyone involved in everything - Canon City
Rhiannon Phegley: Not to be rood and to give thought about things that i say when they are not positive... also I will not be negitive!!! - Canon City
Michaela Yeoman: I kindly pledge to:people to be kind to different people like blind people and deaf people they need love - Canon City
Hayden cushman: not let things people say bother me in a way that they did a few weeks ago. - Canon city
Michaela Yeoman: I kindly pledge to:people to be kind to different people like blind people and deaf people they need love - Canon City
Kathryn Cummings: To forgive and forget so they wont ruin my life and make me think only bad things. - Swartz Creek
Angelica: Be kind to others, and forgive those who havent been kind to me.. - Riverside CA
Michaela Yeoman: katie till for being a good kind friend and makes me smile - Canon City
morgan: sammi and ellie for always being their for me andletting me know that im not alone. - canon city
Emily: Not be mean to anybo - Canon City
Lena: All my friends to be a nice person who accepts everybody in a special way in my heart - Canon City
Breezy: give help, support, hope, and a smile to all that need me. - Missoula
Your Name: To only speak kindly of the people I know - City
Katherine: recognise what other girls are going through and try to cheer them up. - Phoenix
Daphne: Never say anything about anyone that I would not want them to overhear - Rockwall
Daphne Lemonis: Never say anything about anyone that I would not want them to overhear - Dallas, TX
Kendra: Stand up for other women who are being bullied. - El Paso
Jennifer: Model Kindness, Positivity, Inclusive, and Confidence! - Kansas City
Lizzie: a friend for those who need one - Kans
Angela: be the best friend someone could have (be nice, inclusive, etc) ans stand up for those being bullied - Kansas City, MO
Emily: accept, support, and be the shoulder for all girls to lean on - Kansas City
Paige: try my best to be the kindest person that I can be. - Kansas City
Amanda: Include people who are new or feel left out. - Kansas City, MO
Claudia: not judge people, and not talk about people behind their back. - Kansas City, MO
Emily: not be exclusive, and be nice to everyone - Kansas City, MO
Alexandria: be kind, not gossip, not be jealous of prettier girls and to ultimately be myself - Kansas City, MO
Claire: stand up for others, be the one that includes people and be myself. - Kansas City, MO
anne marie andrews: i will stop judging people before i meet/know them. I will try to not leave anyone out of a group. i will listen and try to be nice to everyone, not talk about my friends and forgive people. - Kansas City, MO
Emily: be inclusive and not gossip about people - Kansas City
Janie Grimes: Be a friend to someone who needs one - IL
Julia: take the high road and always be my own person - Los Angeles
lexi: Stick up for my friends just like Brianna(below) I will always be there for you when u need me the most - chicago
Brianna: Also, always be there for my friends, especially Lexi! She has helped me threw it all and we will always be best friends threw thick and thin. I LOVE YOU LEXI! - Chicago
morgan holley: not to bullie - sac,ca
Lexi: Always be there. No matter what. - chicago
Kelsi: Not just be a bystander but to always make sure that I stand up for the person that being bullied. Also I will try not to gossip. - Seattle
Hailey: Never be jealous of any of my friends and alway include everyone - Portland
McCall Phillips: Not spread rumors or gossip about ANY of my friends or classmates. - Portland
Lauren: stop talking about people - Columbia
Joy: spread love not hate. - Los Angeles
Sarah: Do unto others as I would have them do unto me. - Georgia
Lauren Hagen: stand up for anyone being bullied, and be a KINDer person to/for other girls - Seattle
Carolyn: Not be a bystander and to stand up for the person being bullied. I pledge to become a Kinder person because now I realize that we are not alone in these trials. - Seattle
Karlie: only improve myself further, as a female, in this often cruel female society; to be more kind and compassionate. - Seattle
Caroline DeLoreto: Stand up for others when they are being bullied and to not participate in hurting others. - Santa Barbara
Ashley: Stand Up For Those Being Bullied. - Everett
Madison: always stick up for people i see being bullied & also talk to the people no one else talks too . - Everett
Camille: not spread rumors about others and to stand up for others being talked poorly about. - Seattle
Alexa: not gossip about people and to stand up for anybody (even if i dont know them) if i see them being bullied - Seattle
Daniela: To NOT judge someone by how they look or how they are. - Seattle
Stephanie: Stand up for and protect anyone who is being bullied and make sure they are not bullied again I also pledge to talk to someone and get to know them before I judge them.Nobody should have to be bullied - Seattle,WA Nathan Ha
Emma: keep an open mind when it comes to all people. i will remember what it felt like to be ostracized like that, and ill reach out a hand. ill say hello. ill try to hrlp in any way i possibly can. - Seattle
Kyra: be kind to all new people and do my best to maintain the friendships I already have - Everett, WA
Taylor R: think about what i\'m about to say or think even - Seattle
Your Name: Just keep pushing on. I want to make my and other\'s lives better. IFC - City
Tannis: never judge anyone for the things they say, instead to ask questions and find out why. - Kelowna. Canada
Haley R: Focus on other people in my life. Instead of focusing only on me. I want to make a difference in this world, and this could be one way. - Seattle
Cheslea: Help every girl and women see their beauty, and inspire others to do the same! - Wenatchee Wa
Kerry: learn about people before I judge - Edmonds, WA
Kiara: I promise to inspire others around me to be themselves,not caring what others think,and accept others for who they r.And to dream big,\'cuz,no matter what others think,if u can dream it,u can do it. - Portland
Megan: respecting others and know them for who they are. To show great appreciation for them and to be there through tough and lonely times. i kindly pledge to understand and know their pain. - City
Amanda: stand up for those that don\'t have the mental or emotional strength to stand up for themselves, and to not let some friendships I have get in the way of others - Everett
caitlin russo: never talk about my friends behind there back, and stick up for them when someone else does - laguna niguel
Your Name: be nice to every girl and always stick up for ANY one being bullied - City
Sarah: Defend Kindness in a KIND way - Chicago, IL
Heather: be kind to everyone! - Davenport, IA
Sonya: Look for the best in others, believe the best about others, and offer kindness to all - Lake City, FL
Kate: make all girls feel welcome and wanted - Chicago
Lauren: do whatever I can to help those being bullied and to stop others from gossiping. - Arlington Heights
Lauren: look past appearances - Arlington Heights, I
Lauren: do whatever I can to help those being bullied and to stop others from gossiping. - Arlington Heights
Lauren: do whatever I can to help those being bullied and to stop others from gossiping. - Arlington Heights
Natalie S: Stick up for and not cause hurt and sarrow - City
Megan Vrcic: SPEAK UP! - Pittsburgh
Abby B: be a good friend to all the girls in my school, and be a shoulder to lean on for eveyone - Highland Park, IL
Alli B: not judge others and them them the benefit of the doubt. I will try to stop gossip. - Milwaukee, WI
Liat W: be myself. I kindly pledge to be a creative and unique individual. I kindly pledge to search for beauty in my surroundings. - Chicago
Natalie C: make newcomers feel welcome and make one random act of kindness every day - St. Louis, MO
Hannah F: always be a friend to someone in need. I kindly pledge to never be a bystander when someone is being bullied. I will always react quickly and help out. - St. Louis, MO
Leah P: be a shoulder to cry on, a friend to talk to, and someone to lean on - Columbus, OH
Marnina G: welcome everyone for who they are - Kentucky
Beth L: help any girl when they\'re down - Skokie, IL
Elle K: be there for all girls and respect all and be respected - Jerusalem
Leah S: treat everyone the same and not judge by people\'s appearances - Kansas City
Sarah: do my best to be kind, not judge, be polite, and be respectful. I kindly pledge to apologize and then move on when I am not. I kindly pledge to stick up for myself and others. I will be kind to myself - Milwaukee
Noa O.: be supportive to all my friends from now on and I will make them feel good about themselves when they\'re down - Skokie, IL
Danielle K: respect everyone who respects me. I also pledge to help my friends when they need it. - Evanston
Your Name: be original even when others are telling me not to - City
Ellen: be original and unique - Madison
Rebecca G: help girls live to the fullest - Chicago
Eliana K: treat everyone as an equal - Chicago
Becca: not take anything for granted and to always respect others and myself - City
Talia B: love my body and myself and not judge others on their appearance - Louisville, KY
Lauren S: be confident in myself and to ensure the confidence of others with love and acceptance - Chicago
Zoe T: be myself, help others who are alone, don\'t judge people, and act with kindness to everyone - Minnesota
Abigail G: respect my friends and family. Also to share love with people that don\'t have love - Lousiville, KY
Sarah V: respect everyone. I kindly pledge to not judge people. I kindly pledge to be kind to everyone. - City
Dina P: care for all the people around me. I kindly pledge to respect everyone I know. - Chicago
Annonymous: stop people from gossiping about others. - Chicago
Maya L: be open minded and kind to everyone who is kind to me. I kindly pledge to respect everything and everyone. - Minnesota
Amira S: respect those who respect me, stay positive and open minded towards new situations. I kind pledge to put myself in others shoes before judging. I kindly pledge to remind people that I love them. - Minnesota
Arielle: keep every environment safe for every girl, every age - Chicago
qpdvdbev: itSvOe - New York
KMA: speak out if it happens to me or I see it happen.I also will encourage my friends to speak out when they are bullied - City
Alexa: speak out if it happens to me or I see it happen.I also will encourage my friends to speak out when they are bullied. - Torrance
Doris: Be nice to every women I meet, stranger or not..... - Shamokin
Joy A.: to speak out in favor of showing kindness to others, express kindness in my own life as an example and to encourage girls be kind to each other. - Winder, GA
Kyla C.N.: be a good example of how to treat other women, to recognize that everyone is dealing with something, and a simple smile is sometimes the first step, but a grimace can ruin even the brightest day! - Rockford, IL
pie: patricia branner - pumphrey, md
Kim L.: teach my children that kindness always wins. To support kindness at schools and on the playground. - St. Charles, IL
Heidi: Say something kind or do something kind for at least one woman or girl every day. - New Fairfield, CT
Mackenzie: to speak up for the women who can\'t speak up for themselves and to support the ones that can. - Winona, MN
Colleen: to be empathtic and kind to everyone. I also pledge to know when to stick up for myself if I am being treated poorly and to not be afraid to step in if someone else is being treated poorly - Le Sueur
Rebecca: keep malicious commentary to myself; give everyone a fair shake; not let my emotions get the better of me; stop being jealous, hateful and mean. I will still defend myself, but in a positive way - Keizer
Alison Forsyth: To make a change with the young girls I work with at school and help them be kind to others! - Falkirk, Scotland
Your Name: Your Pledge - City
Jennifer Lynch: to raise my 2 daughters to always be kind to others by setting a good example of kindness every day myself - Clarendon Hills, IL
Lisa: as a future teacher I want to inspire others to be kind and have them pass it on! - Arizona
Elizabeth: pledge to: raise my daughter to be strong and to be kind and hopefully to inspire others to do the same. - Murfreesboro, TN
Cassy : I have bullied girls before but mostly just for self protection and I am not sorry for most of the stuff I did back to them cause they deserved it all of it ! - City
Michelle : I say the meanest things about my friends and I don't know why I do it. Sometimes I say mean things to their face. I can't believe I’m admitting this right now but like a month ago I told one of my friends that she should get a nose job if she wants any guys to like her. I duno. It’s like I can't help it or something. - City
Mya: People think I’m the meanest girl in school. May be I am. But people judge me. They don't know what I go through on a daily basis. My life sucks. People don’t know that. so I’m sorry if I’ve learned to take my aggression out of other people. If you walked a day in my shoes maybe you would understand. Ill forgives you all for not understanding because you don't know any better. You just see this black dot at your school who likes to act really tough. Well, I’m not so tough and I’m told that on a daily basis. - City
Anonymous : The things she says to me make me not want to be alive. - City
Stephanie: Girls made fun of my nose my entire school life and even after. It ruined any confidence I may have ever had. It was torturous! - City
Madeline : A group of girls my freshman year decided that I looked like a duck. They used to quack at me in the hallways. I don’t think they realized how self conscious that made me. I hated walking to class. - City
Brooke : Every day when I go to school it's a reminder to myself that I don't fit in. I feel like no one likes me. I sit by myself sometimes at lunch because there's know one that I feel can be a friend to me. People don't take me seriously because they think I’m "to nice". I can't stand up for myself to mean girls or boys and I have a very hard time saying no to people when they ask me for things. I feel so alone. I just want to be liked. - City
Natalie : Sometimes I feel like I don’t want to wake up in the morning because my girls friends are always ganging up on me. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal--girls being like this to each other-- but it matters. It matters a lot and I feel the effects of girl-against-girl "crime" every day. - City
Taylor : Sometimes I don't even wanna go to school, cause of my so called friends they pick on me for the littlest things. - City
Joy Roswell : I was walking to the library. There was this girl. She's a little strange. She said I looked horrible. I thought 'wow. I love you too'. I went home and cried for 2 days - City
Patty Petelin: Hello. I am twenty-eight years old and while I no longer experience much of what is being written here, it is not foreign to me either. I am a teacher and I work with young women every day, and sometimes I still feel like I am fifteen again. I have not yet seen the film, but if I could just share something with the wonderful young women who created it and those who are writing their stories here: Girls are not born in conflict with each other, as men are not natural born comrades. When each one of you reflects on your experiences with other girls in your lives, I would ask you to consider these experiences and how they might relate to power. Consider that women are in conflict/competition with each other because they are taught that personal power must be bestowed upon them, that it is something outside of them. When you live in a world where ANY man -- handsome, ugly, old, young, smart, idiotic, etc... -- has the power to judge a woman's worth, it is not hard to see why girls compete for power: because they still believe it is something someone else gives to them. Fortunately, I came to understand this truth as I grew older and I can say that the best relationships in my life right now are my friendships with other women. This is because women, when they are not competing for some make-believe source of power, are the most amazing creatures on this planet. Yes, be kind to each other. This is simple. But most importantly, know that the ONLY TRUE SOURCE of confidence, respect, power and worth comes from within. This is scary because it means that we are responsible for how we feel about ourselves. But it is also freeing. It will free you as it has freed me. - City
Jill : I hate that it's so hard to find a female friend. A real one. I don't want to compete with you, I just want to be with you. - City
lauren: As I’m writing this I’m going through a rough day with my supposed best friend who I've been friends with my whole life. I honestly can't even remember the last time we were actually "good" friends none the less "best" friends... It’s possible that we were 5 and under because once school started our friendship was never the same. I’m almost 18 now. And I know how pathetic on my part it may look that I’m still friends with someone who treats me as badly as she does... My 'friend' uses people, especially me because I've been around the longest and I guess she thinks I'll always be there. When we make plans she conveniently ends up bringing other people into what we had planned and I get left out. She realizes the faults in other girls that have gotten between her and a guy she liked but when it comes to guys I like she talks to them non-stop and even talks badly about me to them just so she can ruin my relationships. She's a constant bragger and meanwhile has everyone either making fun of her or them talking gossip about her...these same people she'll be "best friends" with a week after the gossiping stops because she's dying to be accepted by these people. Only two people have ever really hurt me and that was my first boyfriend and her. He's not in my life anymore and I just wish it was as easy to kick her out of my life like I did him. In the end, I guess it is easy but I’m too afraid. I’ve been doing this same game with her my whole life. I don't know anything else. And although I've cried because of how she's treated me today, I'll be fine with her tomorrow....and I hate it. More than anything I hate the fact that I can easily stand up for myself to anyone and everyone else but her. - City
Why me : Why did you pick me to start those rumors about? You made sure I couldn’t make anything. I always looked up to you, I thought you were nice, smart and pretty. But it turns out your just mean. Tell me why me - City
Anonymous : I think what you two have created is incredible and seriously inspiring. Thank You. - City
Allison Mueller : I like to be kindness to my best friend Nicole Tanovitz and Nicole is always nice to me and I want to have a play date with her. - City
Heather : I have been having fights every day with my friends. I’ve been seeing the school counselor and my friends and I talked about what we could do to make it stop,but I’m afraid it is going to keep happening. Please help. - City
Bobbi : My school days were filled with pain and sadness. I hated them. I always felt fat and ugly and unimportant. And I had some girls who were incredibly mean to me. Now, in my 50s, I have reconnected with a friend from my teens. She told me that I was popular and everyone loved me - especially boys. What a shock that was! I can't help but wonder how it would have been if I hadn't spent so many years feeling bad about myself and listening to others' comments about me. The women in my life today bring me such comfort, joy, understanding. It took me a long time to learn the depth of connection women can have. I’m happily married, but could never live without my girlfriends. I want to tell the young girls out there that you can start developing these loving and trusting relationships now. Learn to love and respect yourself, and approach others with kindness. It comes natural when you feel good about yourself. And surround yourself with others like you. When you're a nice girl, it should come back to you. And if it doesn't, know that it's not about you; it's about the other girl. Mean girls are unhappy. They are insecure, jealous, and scared. Feel bad for them. But know that you don't deserve anything short of respect and kindness. Don't accept mean treatment, and don't do it to others. Be an example to others. Don't wait many more years before you learn to enjoy the friendship of girls. - City
Denise : In sixth grade, I was victimized by almost all the girls in my grade. They would all run away from me on the playground, in a big group. There were a handful of instigators but the rest followed along. It carried into 7th grade. It was a horrible time in my life and at 52 years old, I can still feel the pain of their betrayal and general meanness. Despite this, or because of it, I grew into a strong, independent woman with national acclaim. We will never know how much more I could have become if I had not been victimized. - City
Sarah : "Women see women as a problem. Women see men as an answer" -Lisa Bevere We need to stand together! - City
N: How could you do that? You knew how much he meant to me. I don't think we can be friends anymore, but I promise to be nice to you when I see you. Hate isn't cool, no matter what you might have taken from me. I’m heartbroken, but more so because of you than him. - City
Baby : I miss you… - City
Marilyn : Hi I’m from a small town with a small amount of people in it and this happens to be my senior year. I’ve realised something we girls in my school have never got along. There was one fight between two girls where one pulled out the others real hair, it was not pretty. Anyway I have been in a fight with girls myself but most of it was always my best friends. It sucks to fight with friends even more so when I’m stuck in the middle of two vary good friends fighting. It’s not right I know, but this happens every year. So far no fight and I’m hoping for no fighting this year. It would be nice to just live and be happy with fellow girls who know your struggles and hopefully my friends and I well make this year better then most. I love my friends and wouldn't trade them or any girl at my school for anybody really. For the reason of it being such a small school, but being a small school there is no room so we mostly pin against each other. It’s hard at times, but I have a good feeling about this year and I well try my best to keep my spirts up even if is hard to bear. - City
Alyssa: You both are so inspirational-- I am a senior in college now and noticed what you were doing last year, and have spread the word around my university on the east coast. We are all impressed by you. I think what’s most shocking to me is how externally beautiful you both are, and it is so rare/refreshing to find someone who matches that beauty internally as well! Keep up the inspiring work! - City
Desiree : In middle school I went through some really tough stuff. Friend after friend would betray me and spill my secrets. I even had one of them try to get me expelled from school. It got to the point where I tried to take my life three different times. Recently, I have noticed my cousin going through the same hardship, her best friend has started using degrading words, started telling her that she's a prude, when they're only 13, and my cousin is taking it really hard. I’m so grateful that there is something like this out there, to remind her that she's not alone, that the best thing to do is keep your confidence high and stay above the pettiness. Thank you, and keep spreading the word...this needs to stop. - City
Nicole : I would just like to say that I’m proud of all those who have the courage to admit and bring up events from their past which have hurt them in some way, shape, or form. You are my role-models, all of you - City
Rather not say.. : This may sound pathetic to some people but I can't tell anyone else. I feel like I’m trapped in a relationship that I don't truly want anymore. I’ve been with him for almost three years now and everything seems fine, but I can’t hide the feelings that I have for one of my friends. My boyfriend is practically perfect but idk just something about my friend is making me more and more interested. I feel lost and don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt loved until I started dating my boyfriend, and I’m scared to lose what I have now only to never get it back. I feel like I should leave but I don't want to as that same time. It’s horrible. - City
Alex: I stuck up for you when no one wanted to be your friend. When all the popular kids made fun of you for your weight and called you stupid. I invited you into my own circle because I didn't want you to feel any ounce of sadness. No one liked you, but I told them to give you time, and to be kind to you. When they started to come around you loved the attention, loved it so much that you lied and manipulated everyone to turn against me so you could be the "it" girl. I lost every single one of my friends my senior year of high school because of your cold heart. I hope you one day realize how much my desire for you to feel loved left me with nothing. - City
Kate: One girl in my grade claims she is my "best friend," but often puts me down. When I told her where I was going for fall break she rolled her eyes!!! (?????????) she told me last year that she really wants to be in the popular group, and now shes in. although she says shes still my "bff," im a little pissed that she betrayed me for them. - City
E: There is this girl that I went to pre-school with and we've been best friends for such a long time! Well since we started 5th grade she tries to keep our conversations short and simple. Sometimes she can be really nice and other times she is soooooo mean. she will talk to you one day and the next she doesn't want to be seen standing next to you. she thinks that she is "popular". - City
Emily: I just want everyone to know